
What is Jow Forums's opinion on the death penalty? If yes, should only terrorists and mass shooters have it or murderers in general?

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Like here for example, what does Jow Forums think should be done?

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It should be used both more and less. More in clear cut cases like this and, "Tyrone, we caught you on camera for the third time socking old ladies in the mouth and stealing their purses." They should be unceremoniously shot in the head behind the courthouse. Less in cases where people claim innocence and the state is relying on witnesses, motive, opportunity, and other unreliably circumstantial evidence. those people can still be found guilty, but don't require execution.

Even "finding the weapon or other incriminating evidence" isn't airtight and can be planted etc. When some nigger tosses a kid off a mall balcony or some psycho shoots up a ball game on camera, there shouldn't be anything to talk about.


He should be locked in cage in for life. Say what you want about the death penalty, but life sentences without human contact expect the guard shoving a food tray to you is torture in my opinion.

This. I say we have escalating penalties up till death for any crime.

they should all get life in prison and get put into the general population and let them deal with them.

lifetime torture for all involved

Too expensive.
>But muh death penalty cases cost more than life sentences.
They shouldn't.

Bullet to the back of the head and the body buried in a shallow, unmarked grave-never remembered.

A man should not replace God.
Death penalty is a sin.
The Lord will judge, not you.

Whatever the problem is you must concentrate on it.

I'm pro, rehabilitation is achievable but rarely viable.

But of course the million odd appeal processes fuck it up.

>killing whites
>driving a FOLKS VAGON

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The real problem with the death penalty question is not whether it should be implemented, it's whether a government should be trusted to abide by its constraints. The point of the death penalty or even imprisonment isn't punishment or potential rehabilitation, it's to remove dangerous elements from society so they aren't a danger. The problem lies in both how we ourselves determine what "dangerous" is and how the government will interpret it. In today's modern (((judicial))) system it would be foolish to support anything the government does, even if it appears to align with your views on a surface level. In a real government led by its people then the question is a no brainer: suitable penalty for particular crimes. But if your nation has a central bank, just forget it, there's no telling how many heroes were murdered for doing what is right.

Should be bullet to the head within 15 minutes of the verdict. Give them a lavish meal before verdict, if not guilty they get to walk with a full belly.

I will give you that, life in prison is too expensive on tax payers wallet and not worth it. I still think getting put to death is still less worse than being trapped in box for life.

Destroying evil is the word of Jesus. You first, kikeflag heretic.

>based bolshevic troika

>They should be unceremoniously shot in the head behind the courthouse
I like that, for repeating petty crimes.
But public executions in the city square is my wet dream.
Also pic related for lesser crimes and/or for regular jews.

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>death penalty?
to any nigger spic or chink in my fucking country

The goal isn't to make it worse for them. It's to make it better for us. People forget the point of justice all the time. It's not to punish evildoers or help people get their rocks off on revenge. It's to improve quality of life for everyone else. Bullets are cheap.

>Destroying evil is the word of Jesus
No, he never said that.
He said to not tolerate evil, not to slaughter people for the sake of your own judgement.

It should only be reserved for the most serious crimes and the most clear cases.
If there is any doubt, it shall not be done.
Also modern death penalty got way to complex, I'd prefer the simple and painless way of using an inert gas (nitrogen or noble gasses like helium, neon, argon etc.) because it is painless, effective, cheap and you can't fuck it up.
The criminal just passes out and doesn't wake up anymore, you don't need a syringe and the dead body isn't going to get damaged.
Also your suppliers can't boycott you as inert gasses are available in every fucking hardware store.

I'm against the death penalty in the vast majority of cases. I believe it should be up to the victim to decide the punishment of the criminal. Imagination is the limit.

this is my opinion
its wrong for the state to take anyones life

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Give them to the spics

Such Christian sentiments! And pretending your opinion will matter! Holy!


that poor girl was bound to have a shitty life no matter what.

There is a scientific approach to this problem! Simply abort your political enemies before they are even born! Their lives would have been miserable anyway.

I see the death penalty as a way to remove perpetual offenders and those who should never be allowed on the streets again. These "people" would include drunkards/stoners/druggies, thieves, sexual criminals, those too unstable to not continuously assault others, and the dangerously mentally ill.

you took a life on purpose so you lose yours. Easy.

what about the holy inquisition?

btw, the holy inquisition was a good thing, historical revisionists can go to fuck a goat.

Are you going to execute the entire US armed forces?

Why would I do that?

You couldn't.

Why would I even try, though?

I believe it is immoral NOT to kill people.

Nope, death penalty is easy.

Certain people need a lifetime of forced labor, a 1.5mt x 1..5mt cell with a 10x10 cm window, 1 bowl of plain rice a day and the occasional vitamin to make them work efficiently.

No downtime, no rest, no pause, 18 hours a day. Prisons should be built next to rock quarries or coal mines and similar structures to use inmates to produce something.

Brain in jar for rest of time stimulating the pain center of the brain.

Because you are unable to bed a woman.

Acid baths

Libertarians are gay
Iceland is gay

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Maybe your thick eurotard skull is keeping you from understanding what I am saying, but you are making absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Death penalty for Pedos.

>What is Jow Forums's opinion on the death penalty? If yes, should only terrorists and mass shooters have it or murderers in general?
I think the death penalty should only be used against people who despise the jews. If a murderer loves the jews he should be set free

Forcible homosexual intercourse in a garrison state is important to you. Please go on.

Daily experimental psychologic breaking.

user, are you using google translate? I'm speaking from experience when I say it doesn't work.

Meanwhile in Iceland

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"Rape camps don't work". Interesting.

Just kill them all and bury them in the woods. I hate this

He came to fullfil the law. There are some passages about eye for an eye and all that. Besides, fuck you, your shitpost is all over the place. Go pray or whatever.

Medal of honor.

Weakass bait faggot

They venerated their kings, not the King of Kings.
He IS the Law.

set them free because america

These are anti-american sentiments, therefore you are insane and must be raped by a pack of niggers.

Multiple bodies=death.

The canadians have invaded, and they're raping your dogs? That sounds terrible!

>holy inquisition
>venerated their kings

What a larper, the holy inquisition was under the control of the one true Church, and they killed heretics (not as many as the kikes want you to believe). From this, killing IS approved by God.

The government shouldn't have the right to execute a citizen


I'm surprised his local Jewish Center didn't give him a Goy Of The Year award.

Howwww Very dare you, sir

The death penalty should be for people who don't just kill people, but who flout justice and social norms. It should be for people who commit outrageous crimes like this one.

Baby abusers should be hung on the nightly news. Preferably after 6 so I can make dinner before I watch them hang.

Of course, but seeing as how important homosexual rape is to the entire system of American justice, I think we should dwell on the subject for a while.

The spanish inquisition was under the direct order of the King of Spain.
The vatican one was useless and never accomplished anything.
If anything you are the larper.


These are not men, they are animals

He might just be a schizo though

The Greek way is a form a contraception

>for every kike or muslim in my country

I’m for death penalty for any violent crime against children or the elderly, and any crime committed by minorities.

Out of curiosity: it's true that northern lights will make you crazy or you are just drunk?

Death penalty should come back.

Like the old days in Greece, in 60s where your criminal ass was shot right outside the court.

Oh, you raped a kid? *gunshot*
Oh, you're a terrorist? *gunshot*
Oh, you killed a child? *Dropped to a deserted Aegean island to starve to death or kill himself*

degenerates deserve death. in a way it's just eugenics

Reinstitute death penalty. Hand over death row inmates to productive yet homicidal members of society to feed their urges.
I see this as a win win situation.

Kill all murders, rapists, pedos, etc all public hangings. Rehabilitating criminals like that often doesn’t work and honestly they don’t deserve they only deserve death

Death penalty for any crime against White people, regardless of what it is.
You stole bread from a White baker to feed your family? Death penalty.
You retaliated against a White person who hit you first? Death penalty.
You spoke up against something a White person said? Death penalty.

The only exception to this rule is White against White, in which case it's solved through ordinary means. If it can't be settled in court, you get to choose a nigger champion each to fight for your honor on your behalf in trial by combat. Niggers can't decline the call to arms by their White masters, or they will die regardless.

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That's retarded. Instituting the death penalty for any crime other than killing provides incentive for the killing of witnesses.

>And then, for no reason at all, people voted AOC into power

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Murder, any kind of burglary or armed robbery, actual rape, and serious financial crimes should all be punishable by death. This would include attempting all of the above, even if you don't succeed. None of this "aggravating factor" bullshit. It should be given to the jury and they can decide whether they deserve punishment for their actions or not. If we had 1,000x the current executions we do now it probably would fall well short of who we ought to have executed, at least during the initial years.

This is not just an issue of the crime itself, though the crimes I list are sufficiently abhorrent. It's also because most serious criminals work their way up. It's pretty rare you find a serial killer who doesn't have a criminal history. We just give them progressively firmer slaps on the wrist as they climb the ladder until they succeed. It's time to stop them at the first rung.

Conversely, we of course have to get rid of bullshit like no statute of limitations for the accusation of rape from 30 years ago or "I changed my mind during sex" and stupidity like that. Also, any prosecutor who knowingly presents false evidence or withholds exculpatory evidence will be punished with the same sentence he achieved. Minimum disbarment and 10 years in prison.

That will sort things out fast.


If your sentence is going to be the vast majority of your life, it should be the convicted's choice.
"Do you want to spend your life in jail, and come out and basically just retire?"
"Or do you want to end it now and not deal with the punishment laid before you?"

Based AI poster

Making crimes other than murder punishable by death just turns those crimes into murder, too. Why the fuck wouldn’t a burglar slaughter the victims of the home he enters if he sees them, it’s not like the punishment gets any worse if he does.

This picture makes me feel too hard.

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Why are Americans such druggies?
It's like normal for them to use drugs.
Fucking degenerates.

it's how we cope with being a slave to the jews

death penalty for all crimes, no exceptions

not a bad idea

Punishment should fit the crime. Rape murder and then dismember all three of them one by one. Then pay a prostitute to fuck the executioner 20 minutes later.

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You should be president

Death penalty = free ticket away from pain and suffering.

Why the fuck would anyone be PRO death penalty????

Tax dollars. Reform prison systems to build pyramids and they live