Caolan Robertson disavows Tommy Robinson

Says Lauren Southern now pro-refugee

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Other urls found in this thread:

isn't that that little hope not hate mole weasel faggot


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You're all Jewish cancer. Go back to (((Gab))).

This kid has mental problems.

Good now they will release his family unharmed.

Ok expect some journalists to write a series of long form articles about how they found someone who was 'radicalised' by internet content and has now embraced globo homo. This will be a big money maker for a small clique of journalists and will be forgotten about in a few months time.

This is why you never trust faggots.

E-celeb Garbo into the trash can it goes.

I'm old enough to remember Jow Forums sucking Caolan off for going against Ezra Levant

nice flag

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Is Caolan that faggot, whom Lauren had a wine interview with?
What's his endgame?

Remember when Jow Forums got played like a fiddle by a fucking female leaf?

Yep. He was secretly working with Hope not Hate and spying on the alt-right retards working with Lauren all along. He has dirt on everyone from Farage to the identitarian retards.
Who'd have thought all it'd take to bring down the alt right was a piece of leaf ass to trick them into giving all their data to the enemy?

you'll never be old enough to not be an npc

Considering how media and by extention people view them already, what would his "dirt" change?
Just snapping his fingers are the only benefits I see for now.

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Well, in Europe they could go to jail for talking like Jow Forums in real life to start with

> with Lauren

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They're probably paying Lauren too. Who do you think is paying for her sudden academic career?

Can we get a word from Dr. Murdoch?

He's literally the guy who filmed her documentaries

> for talking like on Jow Forums
Bollocks, they would just get a slap on their wrist & a medium storm with little effect anymore. Peeps want that Brexit sorted out already.

In Britain maybe, but in Germany, Austria and shit? They're fucked

Not questioning that, what I'm doubting is Lauren willingly and with conciousness working for HnH.


Jesus fuck, get a grip asshole.

Millennial Matt was right

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She knew caolan was working with them and didn't do shit to stop it, and now that it seems he's about to expose a fuckload of people she suddenly drops out?
Coincidence? I think not

>trusting women

Besides Sellin who's already under a radar, who would actually be affected by this?
And he would also get a slap on the wrists. You're not thrown into jail for hate speech in Germany unless you are calling for genocide and pushing others to do so

silly twink went public redpill and couldn't handle it. Probably wants back into journalism and wants an easy path without the banhammer hovering over him and screeching cucks in his face everyday. Either that or someone has dirt on him and is blackmailing him, he seemed to have a few issues with Rebel media, dunno if it was him being a snake or ((Ezra)).

Every single person who ever worked with Lauren.
The guys at the Hungarian border, the boat fags, etc

Why would she do that when no one would be willing to hire her in organisations like HnH?

fuck off matt. sinead, morpheus, and others were calling out these people long before you even came around.

That was from about 2 years ago you fat kike retard

I haven't watched the doc, but if you think Easter European would give jackshit about such speech, you've no idea about reality in Europe.

what are you even talking about?

This is why I'm very pessimistic about this new, racially-aware right being able to accomplish anything. Because they're all worthless people who are subverted on the deepest level by materialism. And they don't really believe in anything, or have any enduring values that they would sacrifice life and safety for.

I can't even remember how many of these prominent new right figures I've watched convert to leftism over the last four years. These are not the old school Christians and Patriots of yesteryear who valued martyrdom and sacrifice above all else.

They're worthless internet-kids who take one emotion-based position today, and a completely different one tomorrow. I really think the actual soul and spirit of the white man/woman (and of the West itself) is damn near dead. And you can't make chicken salad with chicken shit.

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You being a fat kike retard?

Forming militias to hunt down migrants is speech?

Who besides Lauren? Who went leftist?

>pro-israel puppets

who cares?


Maybe faggots will learn to stop trusting childless hags, probably not though.

Damn, you pathetic, user.

Evalion, Baked Alaska


Lol you mad online? HAHA

*Richard Spencer

BTW Why the FUCK did Milo of all people publish Caolans disavowing of the alt-right?

h tt
.co/ afXN

The whole goal of these "political commentators" was to turn you faggots into Nazbol cancer. Lauren Southern, Evalion, Eric Striker, Richard Spencer, etc. etc. Now that has failed and their plot exposed they have no other choice but to slither off into obscurity.

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fake and gay

I met baked Alaska and he was so fucking obvious, no idea why anyone liked him. Even if he werent fake as shit hes honestly fucking obnoxious as a person. Hes like that kid who tried to be a class clown but wasnt funny at all. Evallion I forgot about, she faded off a long time ago. Her bate video is still on pornhub I think.

Milo actually does a really good job covering right shit

Nazbolism is the gayest shit ever

Which side is he on?

And Milo. Sorry I forgot about that kike faggot. Also agreed.

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>based faggot proves to be regular faggot

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>jews attacking Lauren again
its amazing how much a pretty blonde Canadian girl scares you kikes. Too bad only reddit and discord trannies believe and repeat your lies.
Your time will come soon enough kike.

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She betrayed you, beta orbiter, she's out, she took your money and handed her friends to HNH

IMAGINE trusting women or homosexuals in radical political movements

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He still seems to be on the right from what I can tell, hes an eceleb though so that could change but he seems to stay consistent.

>hey bro islam encourages terrorism and white people have a right to exist and non-whites need to go back to their own countries

Open borders for Israel

I find it hard to believe anyone is surprised by this.
S to spit on faggot potato niggers.
S to spit on (((Simonsen)))

oh the nostalgia

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If you watched the "movie" you could tell they got kiked somewhere. MUH POOR REFUGEES

I wasn't here for GamerGate, but didn't someone find a secret private message board where all those games journalists posted? I swear to God there must be something similar out there where this is being coordinated.

The question I have with these kind of "deradicalization" stories is that what happens to the knowledge they supposedly learned while being radicalized? Is the demographic situation facing white people no longer real? Is the polling on Islamic attitudes towards terrorism / shariah no longer real? Do they now deny the evidence of racial IQ differences?

It seems to me that there can be several explanations:
1. they somehow think it no longer matters because they have jumped into a new all-consuming ideology
2. they're dishonest or feckless and just choose to ignore it or not care
3. they were never convinced by evidence or reason in the first place; they simply enjoyed the atmosphere of a radical political movement

Whichever the answer is, they're not really cut out for staying the course. Fuck 'em.

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The (((Alt-Right))) defense force? You guys are still employed?

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What does grinds mean zoomer?

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That's why no one buys this bullshit, everyone including the left knows you can't go back, it's like the tree of knowledge.



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Tommy is the best
Normal God believing Right Wing Jews are great people .. Liberal jews are there like any other religion and liberals jews do not mean all jews are bad

Jow Forums was right again. The consensus here was that this thot Lauren was just a clout-seeking, easily-manipulated thot.

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Deradicalize now, because Left Wing Death Squads are going to round you fuckers up pretty soon. Repent and beg for forgiveness now, it's going to be too late soon.

Believe me or don't, your decision.

>party girl who fucks browns becomes pro-refugee
it's almost like she was already pro-refugee and LARP'ing for the neet-bux
it's almost like young white men are losers and who are blinded by anything with tits.

Hey its the guy from the beard thread earlier today

All of them have one thing in common.. They are against Muslims

Google it. It’s actually a boomer term.


zionism is cancer


>Yet another Morphaeus slide thread.

and what would be the point of that, most of /pol already hates her for being a coal burner anyway.

True. The left knows this 100%. They just use these cowards as a tool to hurt the right, but never actually forgive them or repair their reputation. Nobody respects a traitor.

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This. Thank you for saying it before I did. To these teenage morons, the jooooooooooooozzzz are their magical bogey man.

There's a learned helplessness and infantile mentality to it.

In the book Basic Economics, Thomas Sowell explains where this stupidity originated. Same thing happened with the Chettiars of India, too.

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Fuck off kike.

You can tell who the really high IQ people are that actually take the time to look at this stuff. They then post some reasonable shit and we all read it, decide it's common sense, then weight it against literally everything. What filters out is normally a close facsimile of the truth. It's a technique used in think tanks, just on an uncontrolled and very large scale.

That's the best thing about this, these faggots have nowhere now. They betrayed the right for people who have view them as white supremacists.

>Traitor weasel actual faggot being a faggot

I'm convinced sodomy has severy psychogenetical consequences that trash integrity, honesty and goodness

All days are malicious, spiteful and backstabbing