You thought "Homosexuals reproduce by raping children" was a joke. It's now the leading scientific viewpoint

You thought "Homosexuals reproduce by raping children" was a joke. It's now the leading scientific viewpoint.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-08 17.29.40.png (1308x1084, 926K)

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This right here is why chomos need to be killed

I think it's both, you can't deny some people are just born to be faggots.

Keep track of how much time passes before its labeled defunct due to being hate speech or some stupid shit

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I think there's a higher propensity for one to grow up gay due to differing balances of hormones (ie less prenatal flooding of testosterone than usual for males), but only if they are propagandized or traumatized into doing so.

You're welcome to believe that but's not the prevailing scientific view :^)

does exposure to porn from a young age count as child sexual abuse

They dwell in the nature/nurture dualism.

#Case 1
>you're born like that. It's literally genetics
Can't jail someone for that, r-right, user? One does not choose his own genes!

#Case 2
>you become like that
It's society that made me this way. I am not responsible for being abused when I was 8... So guess what? You cannot blame me for my misfortune.

#Case 3
>it's a sheer choice
Anyone can take it up the arse, user. It is just that you decided not to. Since it is basically a matter of taste, you cannot blame me for my taste, can't you? In fact, you should come over and try a couple of things... Will you?

when i see guys kiss i'm like 'awwww ^^'

Absolutely, anyone who has interacted with gays knows the correlation between sexual violence and homosexuality. Unsurprisingly, the rate of pedophiles along gays is higher, too. Degeneracy begets degeneracy, and so the cycle continues..

>tfw trap
I blame my older sisters for practicing makeup on me and dressing me up like a girl during their slumber parties so they could laugh at me with their firends.


Propensity is very different than "determinism." I'm sure there's the occasional faggot that really can't help themselves, but that's why it was better when they lived in the closet. Now they recruit kids.

I'm one and I was never raped, actually I never even had sex yet, so fuck off

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Any sort of sexual deviancy counts, yes. Faggotry is on the rise and I don't think it's a coincidence that porn is also accessed by kids younger than ever.

None of this is new. We've done blind identical twin studies repeatedly that disproved that it had to be genetic.
They're still trying desperately to desensitize.

It doesn't make any biological sense to be gay what gay gene would be inherited in the first place?

link to the artcle or even better to study itself?

Explain, user. I am sort of bi and took it up the arse and had a merry childhood with no specific drama. And I don't mean in the delusional sense. I mean I cannot find a mistake in my upbringing in terms of abuse.

Have you considered suicide pervert?


You're gay because you want attention, as evident from your post.

literally me. It's fucking disgusting. A natural fear, because people with strong homophobia have better fitness to pass on their genes. We need to stop homophobia-shaming.


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Are you sure you're not just a confused 14-year-old?

Of course

Twin studies don't show it, and that's the best way to determine any deviancy or disorder from the norm

You're gay because your self-esteem is so low you think a decent woman would never want you. We all know fags have standards lower than the Red Sea.

this right here is why the alt right will die with the kissless virgins that make it

I think it's a combination of a) learned behavior and b) a biological disease vector that we don't fully understand

Yes, especially no-hetero.

Strong mothers and weak fathers will do it too.

Sexual abuse, naturally.

Propaganda has an influence, but it works more on kids in regards to sex. Though, "Bi" adults that were never gay are made by propaganda.

It's true. But why do I like seeing women kissing? Is there any revolutionary reason for that or am I just a degenerate gayreek?

>It's now the leading scientific viewpoint.
I really never believed that. I grew up in Miami Beach. If I'm being honest, I never really had bad experiences interacting day-to-day with gays. Had plenty of girlfriends over the years that had gay friends so interacted that way. The subculture is super degenerate. Disgusting. It is no exaggeration that orgies and shit are fucking commonplace. Slowly I learned how bad that was over the years. But, like, they did their gay shit on their own time. In business or even socially, it was kinda like dealing with women. When gays moved into a neighborhood, the property values would go up. Gays basically created gentrification. It just wasn't a bad thing to have them around.

I don't know what fucking happened to them in childhood. A lot seemed pretty well-adjusted to have been raped but plenty of women have survived rape and you wouldn't know unless they told you.

single mothers and propaganda
that's what causes it

The "alt-right" means about as much as the word "incel" these days.

Therapy exists for people like you, change is possible

No shit, homosexuality and transgenderism is socially contagious. Otherwise you wouldn't see a 2000% increase in under a decade.

There was some article where this basedboy's 8 year old was watching pornography and the only thing the author seemed disturbed by was that his 8 year old might think that's what sex was really like.

also most jews are natural faggots

article concludes there's no conclusive answer for faggotry but certain people are more prone to homosexual behavior, and that transgender treatments often have "negative outcomes."


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>You thought "Homosexuals reproduce by raping children" was a joke.
No we didn't.

>not-peer reviewed
>co-published by a conservatard think tank
>many dubious claims

Homos always have repopulated through persuasion and ideology, that’s why they’re wanting to get into schools to convince little Timmy that him really liking his best friend means that he’s gay, and when Travis tried on mommy’s pumps, he’s a tranny

Eh, who gives a shit really? I agree that molesting children is generally bad, but faggots usually only molest gay / trans kids, so it's not my problem. Don't have faggot kids and they won't get molested.

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>the alt right
What the fuck do you think that means, faggot?

Yeah i mean there is leafs after all.

Stop watching porn and see if you become straight again. It's a well documented phenomenon on nofap forums.

Your father was weak and mother was strong.

It's why matriarchal households produce far more homos and why Jewish males have a 1 in 3 incidence of being homo.

This article's three years old, why didn't this pan out?

Nigga you dumb af

I became gay at 12 years old after watching a bisexual threesome video. I had only watching straight porn before than and after that I only watched gay

But incel has an actual meaning, what are you talking about?

butthole = rj45 port
sodomy = first internet.
how did people who didn't live near each
other know the same things, easy, sodomy
first internet.

>2000% increase in under a decade.

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It may not be too far from determinism, sure, but this is literally how fetishes are born. There's a very real psychological concept called sexual imprinting. It just means whatever the initial sexual experiences you had in your puberty years effect your sexual preferences in adulthood. Look it up. I know Joe's a meme, but a while back I saw a stripper or streamer on Joe Rogan's podcast and she gave a good example where some of the guys she meets are straight, but can only get off sucking dick due to childhood abuse. Notice how no one uses that framing anymore. Nowadays you'd frame that as being born gay rather than having a depraved perversion that was forced on you or just happened to you due to circumstance. I think during a normal time in history, anyone born with these slight hormonal differences would just be considered weak or take to the arts. They'd most likely still look for a wife.

Oy vey! Johns Hopkins is homophobic!

you browse Jow Forums. something has been imprinted onto your psyche.

Lesbians are the gateway gays for acceptance. It's normal to not like watching other men fuck and seeing two women is like double the reward for your brains.

That’s actually true. My gay uncle turned fat after being molested at the YMCA. And I’m being serious.

means a group of insecure and angry faggots that fell for idpol propaganda and have become useful idiots. they'll never accomplish because they're too caught up with feeding their egos.

its a hyperbole, you ignorant mutt.

>homosexuals reproduce through pederasty
Pick one

ill believe those quints

I have heard the theory that the gay gene comes from the mom. Like it is a cock fiending gene, so whore women have a shit ton of kids, half daughters, who propagate the whore gene while it dies in their faggot sons.

I have zero evidence for this beyond the anecdotal.

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>this fag made himself gay
Good job retard

>intelligent discourse

Well yeah, we know faggotry is a mental virus (like a meme) that spreads through child abuse. Most fags were abused as children, and most abusers ARE fags.

This, and some families seem to produce more gays than others.

You think the (((APA))) would come out and share their findings? Hell no, research like this is buried and shunned and funding pulled. Kind of like climate change studies

Large scale twin studies where 1 is homo show at most, 20 percent chance both will be.

It should be 100 percent if it's biological.

Great, so it's a choice after all. Faggots are choosing to be the way they are.

one positive thing about getting asians in science is they pretty much do unbiased research. Whereas a white or jewish scientist will manipulate things for social brownie points. With asians it's just raw data

if that's the case then you can also rape the gay away

Sexualization of any kind is. Including making Burt and Ernie and/or Arthur’s teacher fags.

unironically true, but insemination is still required

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That is FACTUALLY INCORRECT... tons of studies proved this to be true...

And even if they we'rent born gay or trans... WHO THE FUCK GIVES A SHIT

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Jow Forums is always right. lefties hate science.

Why maggots?

That’s why the big push for gay marriage was such a sham. Now these faggots are adopting children to convert them.

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Shut up fag

hyperbole is based on a truth.

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I say we put them in gulags like the USSR did


c o p e

2000% increase in transgenderism referrals from 2009 to 2016


What would be the point? Without this I would just be a girly looking, scrawny manlet.

and increase in gays?

Twin studies already account for prenatal environment because theyre both in the same womb and those studies show no significant correlation between twins both being gay and regular siblings both being gay, who are exposed to different wombs. This eliminates amniotic hormone profiles as being a cause for being gay.

Like OP pic there is no evidence that someone can be born gay.

>stop casually murdering trans people for being trans
>number of people seeking treatment for being trans increases

Conspiracy! Lol

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Them digits tho

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Jow Forums is right again wtf

Identical Twins don't have the same DNA numb nuts. Its a close copy but its still reality viewed from a different perspective than the twin. Even if each twin was present for every event in each others life in the run up to the testing phase the twins will be 3ft apart and viewing that event from a different angle and minor things like lighting which could affect the testing. Watching a movie in the theater? Twin 1 sits behind a fit person and can view the entire thing. Twin 2 sits behind a lardass "Momma June" type and develops a hatred of fat fucks for the rest of their life because they had trouble watching the movie.

Its about a close as we can come to a control for psychology but keep in mind twins are not the same psychologically no matter how much effort is put into it.

Since homosexuality isn't classified as a mental disease there isn't really any data on that.

That doesn't explain why Scotland for example sees virtually none of this behaviour while the inner cities see exponential growth.

If your theory was true what you would see is a big initial wave of people coming for treatment ( because they were barred ) and then it levelling out. You wouldn't see exponential increase which is indicative of contagious spread.

I've been citing former Johns Hopkins chief Paul McHugh in discussions about trannies for years. It largely shuts people's fucking mouths. Guy was in charge for 40 years.