Give me the rundown on Russian mail orders. I want an innocent virgin like this or nothing.
Russian women
Noah Miller
Justin Harris
they are all cold and ruthless and will use you
Carter Hall
>thread about Russians
>posts a Baltic-Uralic hybrid
What is Russian anymore?
Jack Myers
Based at an early age, if you're not alpha they'll ruin your life in your 20s
Adam Garcia
So many Spanish comments
Blake Baker
>innocent virgin
>aids infested pornslut
Levi Thompson
Russian girls are hot as fuck.
They do age rather poorly though and quite frankly come from a culture where lying and taking advantage of people is looked at as a virtue... so... your better off just whacking off.
Jordan Hughes
Jaxson Bennett
Ah, user, I hate to break this to you, but she isn't a virgin.
Ayden Reyes
>I want an innocent virgin like this
>tfw you recognize the model as a degenerate anal porn star
Based and abbypilled.