World War Gay

DC Pride Parade, the queers ran for their lives. Turns out there was no gunshot or shooter. They managed to trample over themselves, much like they do on a daily basis. Reports of minor to moderate injuries. Video below for your viewing pleasure.

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I got a good chuckle out of seeing those sissies run

This is Trump's fault, somehow


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This is how they will react to the truth. Fear. Lads, arm up. This is going to get ugly soon, we got a CAT5 Happening incoming. Make sure you got ammo and make sure your guns are cleaned. Good luck and get ready.

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>nooooooooo my dildos!

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This post is gayer than their parade.

My SO was a few yards away and saw some gay gladiators wearing black thongs running and I was 3 blocks away and saw a bunch of lamdwhales acting like they or other “poc” were this close to being shot and had to run for cover. Like a bullet can pass through lard please

This is all straight people's fault somehow, of course

what would be the two sides
Fire Crackers Vs Gay Stampede?

No, we just have to worry about the lives and safety of our children, not being butt raped by force because we look "cute" to your kind and not having our reputations, lives and careers destroyed by about 40,000 of you on a toxic little piece of shit called Twitter we are soon going to get permanently shut down

so it was fake and gay?

top kek

Fuck gays

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>these are the faggots talking tough on twitter and leftypol about a civil war

>so it was fake and gay?
You win the Laconic award.

He looks part jew

>these people shitpost on twitter about going head to head with RWDS

it can habben no user

Soon your post will be meaningless

One day, I predict sooner than 2050, no one will know anymore what gay means

Good fuck these faggots.

Those werent gun shots those were the sound of buttplugs falling out.

>these people shitpost on twitter about going head to head with RWDS
Here's how degenerated minds work:
>fantasize about 'taking on RWDS'
>fantasize about kidding captured by 'RWDS'
>fantasize about being raped by 'RWDS'
>fantasize about how you were finally proven right, cause they were fags who wanted to fuck you all along.

Of course it is. If Trump didn't exist, the media couldn't fear monger about Trump until faggots are jumping at their own white male shadows.

>mince, mince for your lives!

Firecrackers would be a great thing for these fag crowds.

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>they or other “poc”
Please use the plural form "pox"

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It's funny, because deep down they all know they've pushed too far, too fast. How else to explain such mass hysteria over nothing?

run, sissy, run

An American would say
>Fuck us and our second amendment.

NSM showed up today in Detroit and it caused quite a stir between them and the fags. Such a stir that the cops were so pre-occupied that a thug nigger manged to gun down 3 fags.

>Fuck you and your First Amendment.
What are you going to do now, gay guy?

I wish it really happened.

So literally all someone in minecraft has to do is light off a firecracker and LGBT loses. lol

Only a jew would use firecrackers. (((They))) were hoping for a bigger reaction.

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>false alarm or not
so it's just about the second amendment, since the terms got cancelled

Apparently, two people got into a fight and one person showed a gun, which prompted the stampede.
>Wait. A gay started all of this, so it's Drumpf's fault?

Just shows they are aware of how unliked they are.


>This is Trump's fault, somehow

And straight white males too.

>Throw a firecracker
>Everyone melts down
Apparently. Which is it's own level of genius.

Holy shit
You can still tell which ones are guys, even from that distance

problem solved

>so it was fake and gay?
buy that leaf a puppy

because all the gays were killed two generations before?

people of crime

so a lisping queers bussy queefs and they stampede in absolute fear? rwds must be shaking in their boots.

Guilty consciences and the madness of crowds.

Hmmm let me guess, someone will find out that she is very proud of her Jewish heritage and also tells us fellow white people that we need to do more for our black and brown allies

anyone have a video of the actual event yet?

>We gud fagz, we din du nuttin

mere rumor of guy with gun and a thousand people run in fear
really makes me think fear is the true danger.
that's why media keeps scared all the time...
like prioson with noguards, but the inmates stay there cause they think there are.
fear keeps them al in place

I’m in DC right now saw this shit, pretty entertaining ngl

lol die fags

Trump is a fag enabler

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Unironically have been considering buying something just in case shit actually hits the fan and I need to defend myself.

Nearest friend with guns is 40 miles away in an anti-gun state so there's no guarantee he'll make it out if things go south. Especially since I have all the ammo for his FAL here (he can't own hollow points in his state).

>if only all the guns were banned we would finally be able to celebrate assfucking in public

The tranny agenda is extremely dangerous to our children and the environment. There's already enough hormones in our water supply. Add more and it will lead to mass extinction event.

Look at these savages stampeeding, pushing over barriers with no regard for human life. Disgusting.

Bring firecrackers muh crackers

They're worse than sheep. lol

I hope an user started this. That would make my day to know that someone here literally just started running and all the sheeple started running with him not knowing what was going on

literally both FAKE and GAY
they literally created their own false hysteria and say "GIVE US YOUR GUNS NOW BIGOTS!"
GTFO you child raping false flagging faggot demon pieces of shit

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Absolutely classy timing. Never thought I'd be proud of a leaf.

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>no shooting
>no gun
>teks funs nao!!!!!
I knew syphilis rotted the brain, but holy shit.

Protestants gtfo. Jow Forums is a Catholic/Orthodox board.

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I've considered getting a gun, but I'm really poor and can't aford anything.

Straighter than you, Mohammad


>who would win, some noisy crackers or fagathon current year

Glorious, May you not only be spared the rake, but given one to rake with.

>attach speaker to drone
>fly drone on top of nearby roof
>play sounds of gunfire

This will become a regular thing. Eventually someone will actually kill hundreds of faggots and trannies, taking advantage of their sheep like cowardice and herding them into certain death.

Sounds like you're both retarded faggots who will end up dead. WTF are you niggers waiting for?

>we have nothing to fear but fear itself
>fear is the greatest fear
>fear is the greatest weapon
I think we might be on to something, lads.

have to add the "Subscribe to Pewdiepie" to make it resonate with the crowds

Faggots are over dramatic sissies. Hear something, then act like cowardly whamen. Faggots should not be allowed in important jobs, because they lack the mental fortitude.

>play sounds of gunfire at one end of the street
>gays run away
>be setup at the other end with MG
>mow them all down as they run towards you


how do they even know they're running in the right direction?

fucking NPC lemmings


You should have been more pro 2A. Too late when shtf, cupcake.

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Bullshit, you can get a used 9mm or 30-30 for 200.00 at pawn shop.

just realized how important a tool rumors and fake stuff can be while the real stuff rages take note warriors

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Mike doesn't live near blacks.

Feel proud, you've done the impossible and received praise despite being a leaf.

Not the issue at all. Just (currently) a poorfag and can't drop $1k+ on a decent rifle. Plus ammo is fucking expensive

Fear is the mind killer. Dune is correct here.

The man that has control of his fear, or has no fear, are the dangerous men.

>Give us your guns!