Attached: FAGGOT.png (666x590, 285K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I then he said "You're as beautiful as you are intelligent" to a 10 year old

Attached: gettyimages-632200060-1524489352[1].jpg (480x314, 25K)

The Pizza is just about food, don't read to much into it.

Attached: Wolff.png (612x550, 468K)

be happy they didnt use those creepy beads..

Even that gay nigger must have cringed when he saw this

joe? wasnt his name hussein?

Fake news

Pizza refers to the Italian dish consisting of oven baked dough with toppings

Go to sleep

>Nigger still doesn't support his run

Attached: 60b.gif (487x278, 991K)

Fuck i actually feel bad for Obama having to associate himself with this old pedo

>based korea
same, but then I think of the nobel peace prize

>notice me senpai


Attached: Dw7StIjUUAUm2c4.jpg (864x598, 78K)

Attached: Biden-2020.gif (336x276, 3.53M)

Please clap.

This cant be real.

>1 post by this id

Oh it is. I don' think this retard is going to beat trump, this is so bad and demonstrates a bad understanding of social media dynamics imo

Jow Forums, the place where everything that seems like it can't be real is proven to be real, the place where everything that seems like it is real is proven fake.

Will you say the emoji is a pedo symbol too?

Attached: 1559977278734.png (1188x1240, 770K)

I’m assuming this is a message of some sort



pls respond


Attached: 1550441586328.jpg (565x486, 49K)

Attached: 1533078028767.png (307x363, 164K)

DrPizza just proved that it is. Oops. So much for all that debunking.

Attached: 1557014132091.jpg (718x699, 81K)

they're all a buncha fucking faggots and pedos

Attached: CreepyJoe.png (634x590, 216K)


Attached: 9a1.jpg (552x800, 107K)


Attached: 1538747444566.png (765x772, 167K)

At this point they are mocking us

Attached: 1476664113323.jpg (492x449, 48K)

If you listen to the comet ping pong fatherhood video it's obvious and apparent that elite pedophilia is rampant

someone please fuck this guys shit up

Attached: 1557195623975.jpg (410x452, 168K)

joe biden and barack obama go together like peanut butter and jelly

Attached: 585789657589.png (445x465, 281K)

He Tweeted that image AGAIN?! Holy shit, yeah, tell me that's not a fucking threat.

checked and correct

Attached: 1540947462591.jpg (600x551, 71K)

What did he mean by this

Attached: bracelet.jpg (945x1350, 48K)

he meant that he's a disgusting child rapist and his buddy Barack is, too. they like to tag team little girls and then laugh about it in public.


Attached: biden2020.png (481x646, 231K)

Pretty sure Obama hates Biden ever since word got out that he’s running. Just gonna be another hit to his legacy.

>this is my worried face

Attached: 1522724003722.jpg (522x546, 205K)

well you know what they say, stupidity is bliss


You must be in a great mood, then. Joe Biden is the worst possible candidate, were you trying to win. The Democrats aren't trying to win, of course. They already know 2020 is a losing contest for them and they're putting up their sacrificial lamb. It's the exact same playbook as 1984 when they ran Carter's VP. He got BTFO and he wasn't even a super brazenly corrupt pedophile.

So Biden tweeted that again? He’s blackmailing Obama.

Attached: 018936AE-2A2B-419F-A1F0-A753119C468A.gif (480x270, 1.97M)

Hrs sending a message. And not just to Obama. Interesting events unfolding...


>please endorse me, B


Attached: 1554855934639.jpg (640x427, 34K)


Get them both a necklace, Mandela style.

"flower" is also a pedo slang for female (more specifically, the vagina), as we learned from the Dr Pizza texts that were released to public.
the pizza slice everyone already knew.

>Hey look at this poll!
Reading this is like humoring a retard trying to perform a magic trick

they fuck kids!

Attached: Man_explode.gif (240x184, 485K)

kek you can't make this shit up

Attached: fruityBumBum.png (228x497, 112K)

And the point before.
And the point before that.
I wonder what'll occur at the point after this point and then after the next point?
The psychoanalyst analysing this phenomenom had two heart attacks in the back of the head at point blanche range.

"i have a black friend"


Dude, you should make some friends so you can figure out how friendship bracelets work.
Unless this is bait in which case... ha you got me.

Attached: the-look-of-despair-jez-c-self.jpg (300x300, 16K)

Biden is a meme puppet politician trump will destroy him in the debates

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