Do Americans really have this

Do Americans really have this

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mcdonalds police? yes

Did your leaf get raked?

Yeah, it helps pay for the force. McDonald's is pretty much everywhere.

>said the 17th amerimutt thinking himself so wise and original

>1 post by this id

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yes, there is a McDeathsquad in every town in America, every McDonald's is equipped with one

Someone post the AnCap ball/McDonald's arrests meme

Those people asked for a water cup
>and then got soda

Based retard doesn't even understand what he's talking about lmao

Yes, they come if you don't pay for your burger license.

I also forgot that each McDeathSquad has a subunit of McKillTeam to ensure customer satisfaction

Low iq nigger lmao

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Do people from peru have brains?

Anyone who hates Mcdonalds has never eaten it. Fact.

Yes. Burger IS the law. I've been ebin penis burger since I can't even remember so fuck you if you don't eat hamburgers.

You mad, Chang?

>he underestimates (((corporate power)))

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>havent ordered 3 mcmenus for over 2 hours

Hamburglars house

Don't let it happen again.


That is one determined McDonald's delivery guy.


Rare chink

How come it is taking so many strikes to defeat the lock? That lock must have some long screws holding it in place.

>yo but i aint did mcnuffin

Doesn’t surprise me

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>McDonalds private mercenary police force
when did US become libertarian utopia?

Imagine getting shot by a cop that earned his mcdonalds merit badge

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Corporations pay politicians to write laws in the US, so this isn't too farfetched.

yeah mcdonalds has a PMC group now, you didnt know?


how many proxies are you behind?

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Are u this stupid?


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You never heard of Officer Big Mac?

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what a chad

guy forgot his cheeseburger when ordered from mcdonalds, so these fine policemen want to make sure he gets it while it still warm.

Leave the newfags alone, user

holy fuck this triggers me as a former 0351

the funny scenarios from this are endless
unfortunately its happening in other countries too

You don't have mcdonalds police? lol fucking europoors.

>order a sausage McMuffin
>but tell them to hold the cheese
>McDonald's Police instantly tazes me
>spend 10 hours in McSolitary being grilled by a man in a clown suit
The absolute state of this country

>euros don't have Mcdonalds police
lol what a joke

The only crime here is that Wolfman got prison time for this

American Police can be a separate Military branch alongside the National Guard.

what type of third world shithole doesn't have it's own McDonald's police?

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The McDeathsquad was looking for the wanted terrorist known only as the Hamburglar.

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>not having a mcpolice
ur country sucks

What the mcfuck is this?

They should be out chasing the hamburglar.

Please don't bully Americans this is Australia 30 minutes in


OP, what happened to Your leaf?

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The McDonald's Police does not engage in McProfiling, sir.

Have what? Deadbolts that actually work? Of course.

They burst in, tackle the douche bag down, pump his stomach.

based sunday sport

>Hamburglars house
I feel bad for the people that won't get this joke.

a peruvian subhuman calling someone else a retard

Greetings fellow Peruvian user

no one noticed the McDonald logo?

Taco bell police are way worse, theyll straight up shoot you through the door.

Its mentioned in the first post...

his mom's

Their delivering the guy’s order

this post broke my brain

I'm not complaining

Based Coca-Cola helping take out the trash.

90% of posts itt are making fun of the mcd's logo. are you retarded?

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why is he wearing a mcdonalds logo?

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If you don't eat any big macs for a week they break down your door and ram one down your throat

>when you sneak an extra sauce packet

corporates will donate shit to precincts because they have small budgets

lol is that how Live pd does advertising?

>How come it is taking so many strikes to defeat the lock?

Drug dealers like to barricade their their houses in unpredictable ways. Often there is only one door in the house that can actually be opened because the rest are permanently barred.

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Special response officers often do their job in street clothes. Sometimes they are just non-uniformed or they are called in and just throw on the vest and other gear without uniform so that they can get there faster.

>why is he wearing a mcdonalds logo?

He could have been called in while off-duty and just threw on his vest and important gear, rather than going home to put on a uniform.

>McDonald's is pretty much everywhere.

30 minutes, guaranteed.

Yes, corporations do sponsor the police.

>Two unlucky criminals got bummed to within an inch of their lives

There's no way that this is real.

Because Sergey is god and every man, woman and child on this earth will bend the knee

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He's back

this is what happens when you don't tip the cashier
long live chairman Ronald

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Ok, this is pretty based.

He needs a bigger battering ram. That one is suited for owning nothing more than screen doors.

This is socialist propaganda, the McPolice™ are actually very friendly.

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Hey Chan, so do you want this dead dog or what?

He's putting his back into it, but they needed Grond.

Don't rob McD's and you don't need to worry Perubro.

Taco Cabana recruits Zetas and those fuckers were trained by the CIA as terrorists

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“Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro.[3] American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.”
—The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Vol. 10 “Civilisation in Transition”

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Niggers are a blight on this earth

Jung is absolutely correct about all of that

talk shit about the big mac one more time faggot, I'll dispatch the squad to your home rn.

is this what happens when you drop the tendies