Well this is where we are

Reminder that the boomers decided it would be good idea to replace all our young women with negrress and spics and poos and chinks, unfortunately I'm not all that attracted to different races (not enough white puss to go around) subsequently I'm forced to be alone or cuck some other poor sap out of his girl and I won't do that either, kind of want to blow my brains out, TLDR I wont date nigs or spics or chinks, sorry Eisenhower.

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Other urls found in this thread:


don't joke about suicide, user. dont do it.

Then go punch a boomer in the mouth for me and maybe I'll find some hope.

Hope comes from within. You have to create the happiness in your life.


Turn that rage into your motivation and git Jow Forums and good at shooting user

To be Frank, I dont see the reason to continue this shit, none of you fuckers care what happens to this nation and our women REALLY dont care, I'm tired of being mr shekelsteins slave, or boomer niggerfucker trade cunt, I'm done.


I know it would be easy a pretty much painless with the 223, but the void is really what gets me when I think about it.

Don’t kys. Make yourself dangerous.

Get some journos.

dont give up. suicide is never an option.
my advice: stop externalizing your problems. Take responsibility for who you are and know who you could be. if your problem is confidence, which it most likely is, you need to work on your self image. Stop shitting on yourself because if you keep mentally regulating yourself to the dump that’s where you’ll stay. If you’re insecure about your looks just keep reminding yourself that its not nearly as bad as youve conditioned yourself to see. Nothing unchangeable about you is going to make you look that bad barring severe disformities like being a flipper baby. Keep your head up and look at the sky, it will keep your mind closer to heaven while focusing on the ground will pull you closer to hell. When you talk to women dont think of them as potential mates, treat them like you would treat a man you want to be friends with. To be in a romantic relationship with a woman you need to be close to her.
if your problem is your personality then you need to EMPATHIZE. Actually listen to what people say and put yourself in their shoes, for everyone, not just people like you.

remember to stream it

Fucken work to improve your life faggot. put effort into yourself. read a book.

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If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear it - it doesn't make a sound.

But if a tree crushes a bunch of people as it falls well.....it might still not be heard but at least-

we won't get fooled again.

>the boomers decided

You're a faggot. This bullshit was shoved down everyone's throat. You think all the boomers had a meeting a decided among themselves to fuck over future generations?
Blame the jews you cunt.
And pic related.

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Yeah they did decide RETARD! They decided to let this happen.

user, don't kill yourself!
Think about all those boomers who's 401(k)s will be negatively impacted if you aren't there to make money for them.

Hey fren. What good would an AR do you though? I feel your pain I really do, I just don't see any way one of us could literally shoot our way out of the situation though.. I used to advocate every Jow Forumslock to stockpile weapons, but since spergs started taking the offense I'm very reluctant

forget about all that shit, im not saying it doesnt matter but put your personal life ahead of that. those are abstract ideological concepts, not something that should really effect your day to day life. Your life WILL get better but you have to take the effort to make it better. Its not hard to make a decent living if you plan ahead and know what you want to do.
Turn to Christ. He is there and he is listening and he loves you. He wants to help you you just need to accept his guidance and his forgiveness. Life is the most precious gift you have, its so good to be alive, dont throw it away over meaningless bullshit like ideas that you should have a woman and that you’re worse off without one. A parter is your other half, she will come when she comes, focus on yourself right now and get out of this hole that youve dug for yourself to be your grave.
sorry for the schizoposting but fucking fight damn it.

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>waaahhhh i have nothing to live for (because my only hobby is getting upset on the internet) please give me attention so i can vomit out babby's first teenage angst nihilistic theory!
Make sure the barrel's angled back towards the back of the brain so it's a clean kill and you aren't just rendered an invalid.

>trying to give relationship advice
>there aren't any women who are capable of being in a relationship

Great thanks man I'll try that on tinder.

noone decided anything. humans are not individuals. we are cells of a living society. it crawls where its mass decides. no one person or group can have the blame for anything.

Eh. Whites look at women with revultion these days since starting a family is uninteresting to them. Whites have become unmotivated by worldly ambitions.

For example, I will be with a lovely girl for one month, and then, why carry on if I don't want to bring a child into the world? I could spend my time in buddhist meditation.

>kind of want to blow my brains out
Why don't you go kill some fucking spics and suicide by cop, then?

nice poverty pony

S&W M&P isn't even bad you brand jockey faggot. Go hump your plasti-dipped AK, fucking Fudd.

Yeah a cell of niggers now, i dont want to live or have my kids have to live around them, TELL ME WHY I SHOULD KEEP GOING?

Again: Stop externalizing your problems. there are over a hundred million women in America. There is no shortage and there never will be. YOU ARE CREATING YOUR OWN PROBLEMS.
Ignore shit like tinder, You don’t want casual sex and you know that. Your heart is crying out for a companion, you want your other half. She is out there and you will find her some day. Meaningless sex will not make your life ANY better. Look at everyone, most people now indulge in that in excess and do any of them seem really happy to you? Sex for sex itself is self harm, its like cutting. It can grow into a habit if you allow it to happen and it hurts more than it helps. Focus on YOU. find what makes you happy. Let yourself be happy. Throw out all these bullshit expectations youve made for yourself and caught from popular culture.


Learn to code?

Don't blame your unfuckability on boomers. Man up, improve yourself.
If that don't work, pay for it. The only one to blame here is you, for not putting in the effort.

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He never said he couldn't get laid. Mutt reading comprehension.

I'm unironically too stupid to code, i get lost and lose focus when looking at the data.

Literally just move to a white area.
Flip your house, buy a cheaper one in wherever and enjoy the sunshine.

lies to me and to yourself. no more true than a feminist claiming all men want to rape women. Meditation would help you I think, spending time in prayer would bring you some more clarity and allow you to actually look at your problems.
Some day you will meet your other half, you will connect with her on a spiritual level and you will love her. When that happens then you will have children, but trying to enter dating relationships with the idea to have a child and losing interest after a month is totally nonsensical. Its about connecting with a woman and building a relationship with her.

>I'm forced to be alone or cuck some other poor sap out of his girl and I won't do that either

I know it's a stretch, but what did you learn?
Hopefully to shut your cock-holster and read before commenting.
But who am I kidding, right?

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Stop with this ideological bullshit! Get off Jow Forums if its having this kind of effect on you. None of that should have any impact on your life personally. If you want to get married and have a kid it is about love, not ideology.


Checked. Do it.

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What kind of experiences is my white son or daughter going to have at a high school in the current year? They are gonna get racially harrassed and picked on, that's not the nation I'd want to bring kids up in, a nation where you cant put your kids in school cause it's so bad you have to homeschool them, that's just absurd.

Son let me speak with you a bit. First of all theres nothing wrong in feeling down. We all go there sometime in our life. What matters if you come out of it string and with renewed conviction for success in life. Back when I was in my early twenties the 70s were as chaotic or more than today in some respects. I knew I needed to stand out above the rest by going the extra mile. I would walk to business door to door and demand to see the owner. I wouldnt leave until I got a satisfactory answer or a job offer. This is how I met Linda my wife. She was so impressed with my dedication and meeting her grouchy to boss eye to eye that she fell in love with me right there and there. Til this day we remain married with 12 grand children who we have iver every christmas in our woods snow covered ranch. You too can have the girl and the live you seek. Dont give up son. We had our moment in glory but now we pass the torch to your generation and you need to succeed because thus country depends on it. Thats my .02 cents.

What area, I live in Ohio right now.

>Considering ending his own life
>still expecting someone else to take up the fight
this is why America has failed



Fuck you OP, what the fuck does this post have to do with politics?
If you're actually white, move back to fucking Europe like I am, and go to the closest area for your phenotype and HOPE, you can get a woman before the war starts.

I've been in love and it's amazing. Still doesn't motivate me to have kids. So I stay single. Some of us choose the renunciate life. I'm interested in Enlightenment. Nothing else has meaning for me. Certainly not children.

Oh, and if you decide to actually give up, how about you go murder a banker or CEO instead of shooting yourself you fucking coward.

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none of that is certain. It’s a possibility but there are billions of other equally likely scenarios. nothing you can ever do will let you predict what problems they will face. They will have their own personal problems including new ones that we cant even imagine today, and that will be theirs to deal with then. Be a good person and a good father and prepare them to deal with their problems and they will be fine.

This guy is a fat faggot who watches anime.

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Take back your women, take back your country

book. a trip to europe and see what real white culture looks like so you can experience that for yoursef. then figure out the means to move out. usa is finito

S&W ARs are the only sub-$1000 ARs that I would consider buying.

>Melonited barrel
>Decent stock trigger

Don't see what people have to complain about. And I own two $2000+ AR builds made with BCM, Geissle and JP enterprises parts. Mine are built for competitive shooting, but an M&P will serve you reliably during the boogaloo just the same.

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that perception influences reality.

Thats good for you, its your own life and your own path. OP sounds like he does want kids, he just needs to keep going. He’ll know what he wants when its time.

I just wanted to complain about boomer and fantasize about killing myself, the usual, what's the big deal anyways, all that's posted on here anymore is spam so why do you give a fuck?

We need a war for that Jim.

But once white people decide to do something, lots of people die. They are devastating when they are finally pushed far enough


Yeah. I go to Oregon a lot and there are so many pretty and quality white woman why are incels there. No white dudes approach them. Smaller towns are best.

It's stupid Fudds who have no idea what an actually reliable weapon is like, and would purchase a milled AK over S&W M&P cuz "its commie block bro, it'll never break"
Shit pisses me off to no end.

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Nah faggot if you were truthfully willing to throw your life away you’d be posting livestream links on 8ch, not coming here looking sympathy.

Depression sucks man and I feel you 100%. I'm actually a good looking guy, but my success with women has been shit and most women these days are not worth investigating in. Don't let that be the thing that does you in.

Society sucks and I'm not going to feed you a bunch of bullshit about how "it gets better" or how you need to keep on trying. Just find a hobby that you enjoy and lose yourself in it. If it's something that you can make a career out of, like wood working or some shit, do it. You'll feel more fulfilled that way and maybe, just maybe you will get lucky and find someone who shares that interest.

Listen to some Moonman and get to pulling off some stunts in Minecraft ;)

I give a fuck because you'd rather be a sad sack of shit, than do anything to make his own life better.
You're lower than a nigger, UNTERHAHNREI.
You claim to adhere to a higher purpose but can't even go a month without masturbating, you don't hide threads with porn bait images, you don't update your filters, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

Can we all just...leave the cities. Seems like it will be violent trying to make them leave. If we just say 'fine, take it' and go start over in some flyover state, build a wall, and not let them in, I'm sure we will be better off.

We do have that going for us.

I fucking hate faggots like you, you don't work out, you don't read books, you don't try.
You give half ass attempts and then wonder where you went wrong and why its not working.

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They'll just continue to multiply like roaches, and slowly choke us off.
No, the only way to cure an infestation, is to scorch the earth.
You wouldn't just live with rats and roaches in your home...............would you?

Whatever you do, don't share that on Jow Forums.

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Dude im a total headcase now, always looking around the room and grinding my teeth and I cant help it, I'm fucking crazy my guy, I feel lethal.

Poverty pony gang represent

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You have a point. If a guy is chad like men in the 1950s, then he has no problem with women.

Guns are for using on other people.


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thats the fucking point.

secure the bag and dab on boomers

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try getting more sleep!!!

I remember this. It was that Judy Bloom book my 5th grade teacher read to us about getting periods.

checked and nogunz I want to show, sir. thank you for the invitation.

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livestream it

Can you go on another day? I’d recommend it.


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Who cares - fuck this guy/thread. Obviously a faggott and a weakling which we're all better off without.

Do SOMETHING, faggot.

You won't.

Why do I still come here. Why do I feel the need to shepherd you stupid faggots into manhood.

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He wont

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yeah. I mean they are already in the house.. don't burn it down, just leave, build another one?. They might multiply for a little, but they can't survive long without leaching off white people.

I always wondered what it would be like getting arrested for posting jokes on Facebook while having white skin, maybe I should go experience this culture as well.

Hello satan


satan has no chill, have sex

IKR? I cant leave because other places are just as bad usually worse.

Same boat as you OP. Never understood the Tan skin meme.

People are waking up just a little..

Become your best self. Stop eating trash, cleanse your body over at globalhealingcenter.com get a vegtable juicer or blender and start drinking veggie juice every day. Get to working out start with the book Body By Science. Start reading alt right books like uncle adolf, henry ford, ect, learn from Mark Passio over at whatonearthishappening.com

And just be becon of truth and light in this age of decibt and darkness.

Not enough people know what we know user.

Do what you have to do to make what I just said above happen.


Save yourself for the coming war, dumbass

t. incel

ppl still need puss these days ? go monk mode and enjoy the silence

The same thing is happening in America, and in Brazil you would get killed by dindus.