This thread isnt for everybody. 52yo here. To all other redpilled old geezers here, how did you get your son out of doomer mode? How did you get them to accept the reality that he must work and try to succeed. This is a redpill as well. Theres nothing worse than being so young and giving up so easily. Im really at my witts here.
Boomer thread
neck yourself Trump dick sucking boomer you are not red pilled at all
he's that way forever. You lost him
You need to show him Varg videos
>Country is flooded with people who don't even look like we do
>Housing prices are inflated by wealthy Money laundering Chinese beyond the means of even middle class incomes of host countries, leaving younger people to be locked into 40 year mortgages at best, and completely priced out of the market and perpetually renting at worst.
>Living in a climate of fear based off of false assumption of free speech = what (((they))) agree with
If your parents had the foresight to see what would happen, they would have sided with Hitler.
If you kill yourself and/or other boomers, he'd have more hope for humanity and western civilization
Have you tried telling your son he needs to work every time you talk to him; brag about how bad you had it and how hard you worked; and humiliate him in front of the family for being sad? If all else fails get rid of his internet and confiscate his phone. Also assign him more chores to teach him the meaning of hard work.
I'm being ironic here if you couldn't tell, Boomer.
It's all your fault boomercuck.
he can work all he wants but he won't ever succeed
embrace the void
god i hate boomers.
fuck of faggot
Your parents should have joined Hitler and helped rid the world of jewish degeneracy. It is your parents that fucked over your son. But you didnt help much either. You let him get to the way he is because you are a weak piece of shit human and allowed society to shape him. Also it is your son's fault for being a dim witted brainlet that cant see past his own shadow. He allows society to manipulate hs thought process. All-in-all I would say that you and your family have some pretty shitty genes. Do us a favor and kys. Thanks.
>fuck of faggot
t. 15 year old MAGApede
how old is your son?
kick him out if you can
>Your parents should have joined Hitler
I'm not a boomer but kys
Directed at OP.
He’ll either snap out of it in his 30’s or not. He needs a goal, lure him to one even if you think it’s repulsive or spend the rest of your days laughing inside at your inherent genetic weakness.
t. Former Esoteric/Unholy loving doomer.
Oh that was funny, and true.
you dont know how he could make it in the modern world any more than he does. the world you grew up with is dead. Capitalism has decayed to the point where all work will get him is scraps and abuse. He needs to learn to be smart and take money from idiots online.
Hello fellow boomers
There's no getting out of it. You don't come back you dusty old cooter.
You either die of it, or you don't. That's what the redpill is; it's a deathpill.