How the fuck do whites work for big government

Why? Why are they working tirelessly for their own destruction? What the fuck?

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Strange behavior usually boils down to radical differences in perspective. You see a picture others don't, while others see and live by a collection of viewpoints that are not only immutable and righteous, but to even imply you can and should question them is an affront. You need to appreciate differences in perspectives and abstract those viewpoints to figure out how to deal with an idea or position you disagree with.

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I work for a small startup company right now, but I really want to be a cop at some point. I think being a cop is a definitive way I can make a difference for good in this hellhole, even in spite of the shills.

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based. libertarianism is the future. you can't stop this!

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The love of money is the root of all evil.

until someone comes up with a better idea, we will continue to use the capitalist system. deal with it.

they probably think they will be safe in their gated communities

bunch of traitors

kill yourself kike

I work for an urban university system that serves tens of thousands of blacks. I do it to destroy it from the inside.

I didn't say anything about capitalism, morrie.

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The only people who say this unironically are broke as fuck.

"The Government" isn't a homogeneous entity. Its made up of people whom are parts of varying factions, from local districts, cities, states, and federal and more. It goes through cycles of power and internal struggles just like culture goes through fads

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>hurr durr i can't figure out how much of the $523 billion we paid in interest on the public debt in 2018 could've gone to infrastructure
>hurr durr i can't figure out that all the free money given to the primary lenders to stimulate the economy is being used to buy US and corporate bonds instead, creating a 'doom loop'
>hurr durr i can't figure out we have paid $220 billion in interest on the public debt alone in 2019 so far
>hurr durr i don't realize the big banks (primary lenders) ARE the Federal Reserve
>hurr durr i don't know what QE is or what MBS are or central banks or the BIS is
>hurr durr i can't figure out that the Fed shouldn't be buying MBS from anyone
>hurr durr i can't figure out that the US should never sell bonds to foreign companies or countries
>hurr durr i don't realize the US doesn't issue its own currency

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Because we're payriots you fucking commie ruskovitch.

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Not true. Anyone today can retire by 30-35 if they played their cards right

Kikes have to go, agreed.

>Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. -Alan Greenspan

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Because they were raised by public education. They don't know any better

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they are just there to cash that check

Feminism is the problem.

I'd work for the government but they only hire brown people.

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There is literally nothing wrong with working for the government and government played an essential role in making America the greatest nation on Earth.

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