Was Hitler right?

Mein Kampf chapter 11:

"It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master."

Attached: 1559181059048.jpg (600x600, 62K)

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Attached: Jews bring islam to Europe.jpg (1032x1200, 226K)

sounds pretty spot on to me

Guess I finally need to buy a copy on Amazon


Full book here. It's a very dry read, but lots of good parts where Hitler almost seems ahead of his time.

French people don't need any help from Jews bringing in niggers. They practically worship them.

>It must be remembered that this is an English translation of "Mein Kampf". Berlin approved only a British translation to English of his book. This is not the version that was approved.
So it's not the Stalag version. Which translation is it? Ford?

Hitler was a good Catholic man

Where can I find these shoes?

He shouldn't have gassed them... That was the only mistake he made. Other then that he was right about pretty much everything. Based on my experience with jews, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Zionist Terrorism is responsible for the gassing of jews. They have a way of manipulating people that is unexpected and always ends badly for the population. They must have been at this for a long time.

would you really have the guts to walk around with them.
link related, based black man (unironically)


There is a lot of evidence to suggest the gas chambers were only delousing chambers. Jews made up all kinds of shit.

Countries like Brazil and USA are the Jews endgame, a easily manipulated brown mass of evangelicals or progressists fighting each other and not seeing the real enemy.

This just made my day.

Attached: Mein.png (1083x343, 156K)

where to cop shoes?

Please tell me that those shoes are real.. I'm looking for new running shoes and those would be freakin' sweet!

>nein key
>you'll run so fast people will think you're fueled by gas
>high quality Aryan rubber so your feet don't burn
>"damn these shoes are hotter than an oven"
>*while ahead of the competition* "EAT MY ASH, BITCHES"


You are telling me you don't have a good translation? Wtf it is German guys, not ancient Greek. How many millions speak German in the USA?

I haven't learned any German since I went to high school, but I know enough to understand what's written in Mein Kampf. Even so I still prefer to read the Ford translation in English.

Yes, deetz on shoes?

Interesting. Some American really should take 1k$ in his hands and pay a translator for a modern translation. Even if it would be only for history sake.

We have Ford, Stalag (the sanctioned one) which are both good.

I've considered that. I even contacted a couple of translators on Fiverr, but they declined due to the controversial nature of the book. I even said they could remain anonymous, but they still refused.

Before Hitler came to power jews in Germany were openly discussing how they can dilute the German people and mix them out of existance so they no longer pose a threat for jews.
It's funny how every time people talk shit about Hitler, they leave out everything that jews did that caused Hitler to do what he did. Hitler wasn't ''right'' or ''wrong,'' Hitler responded to jewish actions and words. If you throw a punch, expect a punch back.


..and by the way - a translator charges ~$1000 per 5000 words on average if he/she is any good.

Haha. True. The only bilingual Americans are Hispanics. There is no large number of Americans learning a language just to learn one. The CIA can't even hire enough Arab speakers. Tbf though, the whole world speaks English so it's not like there is any need to learn another language. Learning Spanish is useful though

>learning a language just so the Mexicans serving your shitty tacos don't spit in your tacos

I'm learning Urdu just to figure out what niggers are talking about when I am in the city.. lol

I have to work with them so it makes my job as a foreman easier. Better than working with niggers though.

I took a year of German in highschool though. It seems fairly easy. I would like to learn it but I would never be able to use it.


what's your evidence of this? can't you give any sources showing jews talking about this stuff?