The Left doesn't have empathy

The Left doesn't have empathy

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God is real. Evil is real. Spirits are real. Demons are real. We have free will. Christ saves.

Do you subhumans even know what empathy is?

We already know that. That's not a black pill, more like a sugar pill.

Very empathetic of you user

Your life doesn't truly begin until you stop masturbating and taking drugs

I don’t get it

>says the right as they ban rape victims from getting abortions

Im no lefty, but prove it

Blessed and amen.

>Killing a baby is my sovereign right

He's right, you know. Empathy is a defining human trait; therefore, if you lack it you are not fully human.


Leftists don't have empathy

Bot thread

Yeah, like the left.

>night is day KEK

Glad you understand the key points, welcome to the right side of history.

>suffering a traumatic event at the hands of a criminal gives you free reign to murder an innocent child

Fuck off dipshit.


Your statement should just be "The left doesn't have." Period. They have nothing, empty values, empty thinking skills, empty stomachs etc.

Leftists have empathy
Leftists are a burden on society
Leftists want right wing money to pay for Degenerates
Leftists cant plan for the future
Leftists can't understand economics

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it's not killing because it's not alive. and a fertilized and fetus are not a "baby"

>but look around you user? How else could all this exist if muh god didn't do it?

Or some such stupid shit.


See this cringe lefty meme? Look closely

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>dehumanize the unborn
>it's now morally acceptable to kill my own baby

Aquarius appeared before us and showed his presence to signal that the seas are still safe.

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yes, they in early stages of human development, they are not yet an independent "life"

White pills stamped with 54543 are percocet

I enjoy driving to the inner city every night and paying random super predators to breed my aids infested arse. The very thought of them getting infected gives me such a rush.

They do. They simply don't prioritize it properly.
>Valuing strangers and foreignness over family and familiarity
Loyalty isn't one of the 5 moral foundations a Leftists can understand. To them, it is a antithesis to care and fairness(and sometimes authority), and they don't even consider the sanctity foundation.

It is alive, and it is a baby. But be honest, you wouldn't care either way. We could go back and forth till the end of time, but the truth is that you don't care whether it's alive or not. Even if top scientists came out tomorrow and said that they were alive you wouldn't care. You just want to fuck with no consequences. You're a hedonist.

Do I need to fuck a bitt to understand the point you're tryong to get at?

We could debate the definition of alive, but even if the world scientists say it's "alive" stopping development wouldn't be painful, it wouldn't lose consciousness because it's never experienced it, and it wouldn't affect anyone negatively


>You just want to fuck with no consequences. You're a hedonist.

If things went the way I wanted them to, women would be able to have abortions. If things went the way you wanted them to, she wouldn't have had unprotected sex. In the end, what's the difference?

A baby doesn't die you fucking retard. That's the difference. We aren't arguing on the same level. I'm arguing against the death of an innocent, you're arguing that they should die for the sake of convenience, and because it's morally inconvenient that they're alive you just call them a clump of cells. You. Are. A. Hedonist.

Oh, so you would be ok with killing a living baby. I fucking knew it. So much for empathy.

Nobody has empathy for the enemy. The left dehumanized everyone who doesn't follow their ideology , hence consider by yourself 'what' are you for them.

I'm a virgin, but ok. I just don't consider it killing, it's a procedure to correct a mistake / stop from bringing another child into this world that the mother can't take of / isn't ready for / doesn't want. No different than if she hadn't gotten pregnant in the first place, and I think there are many cases were abortion makes a lot more sense than "well we fertilized an egg, gotta go through with it now"

>We have free will.
no we dont
especially if you believe God is real

>I don't consider it killing
Oh, really? I hadn't gathered that. It doesn't matter what you consider killing. It's still killing. That's the problem with you faggots, when reality gets too uncomfortable you just change it so you don't have to face it. Why call it a kid when you can call it a fetus? Why raise the kid when you can just kill it? Why admit that you're wrong when you can just offer up wishy washy subjective moral justifications through hypothetical situations? The availability of abortions is what makes women unprepared for motherhood. Why invest in the future of your possible child when you know that if you get knocked up you can just have some jew smash it's head and scoop it out?

>Why call it a kid when you can call it a fetus?
because it obviously isn't, and there is a point in development when it should be prohibited to do an abortion. Definitely once the woman has given birth it is too late, the baby is an independent life

>The availability of abortions is what makes women unprepared for motherhood

Or that she's not financially stable, in a good relationship, all in all has her life together and is ready by her own assesment for having a(nother) child

Wrong. The (western) left has too much empathy. Because empathy is ultimately a lie. You never feel for another person, you always feel for yourself. Highly emphatic people are just highly egoistic and masked their own agenda as selfless.

>God is real. Evil is real
God confirmed to be evil, just look at his world.

Why would she have sex with no protection if she wasn't ready for another fucking kid? And I already said that debating whether the baby is alive or not is worthless with you because you wouldn't care either way. Do you pay attention at all?

Do you also believe men can be women and there's no such thing is race? Lol, go back to worshiping the starbucks mascot, or whatever nonsense it is you believe.

A world created because of Satan's fall and 1/3rd following along with him. It pained God to make man flesh but how else would our souls which were eternal ever understand the concept of death, having children that rebel and an appreciation for the ephemeral.

God is going to destroy a part of his creation due to the rebellion, this world is just a 2nd chance.

getting drunk, drug use, rape, just not thinking it though?

>Do you pay attention at all?
you called it a "kid". Of course a kid and a fetus are two different things, and I explained when it would be too late in my opinion to have an abortion

I don't see how that's related, but I do think there is a difference between biological gender and psychological gender. And different races did evolve differently and there are lots of distinctions between different races, genetically we are closer than any subspecies of other animals

>starbucks mascot
people worship that?

>psychological gender.
How embarrassing. I, Napoleon Bonaparte, am deeply offended by your ignorance. Btw, just out of morbid curiosity, what other kinds of crazy shit do you believe?

>but how else would our souls which were eternal ever understand the concept of death
Couldn't an omnipotent being simply will that we knew it without having to come to such a ridiculous shit-hole?

Woops, that second part was meant for you.

Our brain is responsible for our way of thinking, our beliefs, our political ideology, our personality, our sexuality, and yes our gender. Not our junk

Kid or baby it doesn't matter they're both children you're arguing semantics, it's always too late to have an abortion, being raped doesn't give you the authority to kill an innocent child, doing drugs and drinking in excess is part of the whore culture that easy access to abortion causes. Anything else?

Boomers are evil


White man bad BZZZZZZ

God bless and Amen!

to be clear, gender *identity* e.i. psychological gender

The brain of some insane people tells them that shit is food and they eat shit.

Your ex isn't with you because you don't make enough money, she would put up with your flaws if you could provide for her.

Sexual organs determine gender, user. If a retard thinks he is an airplane, that doesn't make him an actual airplane. Do you understand the difference between thoughts and reality?

I was talking about the brain in general, what does an extreme case like that have to do with what I said?

Ew oxy 5s? LOL

daily reminder that you're the biggest faggot on Jow Forums

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Maybe He is. Are you asking why doesn't he just download everything into our minds that he wants us to know instead of growing and learning on our own. Decided for ourselves? Is that your question?


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Biological gender, yes. But gender identity is beyond that, men tend to have psychological traits that they do not share with most women, and that makes them distinct from women not just based on their genitals/chromosomes alone. Obviously someone can not identify as an airplane, because an airplane is a physical object and we can prove that they are not an airplane

Idk user, all I'm saying is that, if God is responsible for this world, he seems like an evil being to me.

Everything you just posted is fraught with fallacies I don't know where to begin.
>men tend to have psychological traits that they do not share with most women, and that makes them distinct from women not just based on their genitals/chromosomes alone
Why do you believe there is such a perfect distinction between genetics and psychology? Why is it so implausible that genetics, and therefor "biological gender" might have an impact (if not being the sole determination) on psychology?
>Obviously someone can not identify as an airplane, because an airplane is a physical object and we can prove that they are not an airplane
You must be trolling, this same logic is perfectly applicable to trannies. They are provably male. In both cases, a man claims to be a physical object which he clearly isn't.

>Why is it so implausible that genetics, and therefor "biological gender" might have an impact (if not being the sole determination) on psychology?

People overwhelmingly identify with their biological gender, yes. That's because their brain chemistry went as intended, men have testosterone and women have estrogen, boys want to play with trucks and girls want to play with dolls. But once in a while people identity more with the opposite gender, not that they *physically* are that gender. They are well aware how they think doesn't *match* their body

Dont bother arguing with hedonistic nhilists man, they are always retarded.
Also dont say people that think theyre airplanes becuase no one thinks that. Talk about furries. Loads of people genuinely believe they are animal spirits or whatever the fuck their delusions at the moment say. Furries and trannies are the same thing. Delusional fetishists. Both groups are usually at least one ; faggot, Ashkenazi, communist, abdl, schizophrenic. Vegas odds are more than than one though

>But once in a while people identity more with the opposite gender, not that they *physically* are that gender
user, this is just another way of restating, "a man who thinks he is something he isn't." No amount of wordplay or mental gymnastics can change how ridiculous it sounds. No amount of shaming, guilt-trips, or threatening people's livelihoods is going to change that.

It can hardly be called an argument, after all I have no expectation of changing anyone's mind. I must be getting trolled.


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>shaming, guilt-trips, or threatening people's livelihoods

of course I would never condone that.

but can I just ask one last thing? If aliens came down and were able to transfer your brain into a females body, would you identify as a female? Assuming everything about your personality were to stay intact

Aliens didn't switch your brain tranny. You just were molested as a kid and get boners from being weird

>I would never condone that.
Regardless of what you do, this is how fags act in real life.

>If aliens...
I'd be supremely annoyed, and would try to convince the aliens to give me my old body back. I don't think my soul/consciousness has a gender. If they took my physical brain out of my body and put it into a woman's body, I'd probably commit suicide. These hypothetical aliens of yours would be very cruel for putting me through that. I would have expected better from ayyys.

the situation isn't meant to be realistic, the point is if you answer "no", why?

besides the trauma and wanting to commit suicide, would you say that you instantly "became" a woman?

Alright, now for your implausible hypothetical scenario. If aliens came down and were able to transfer your consciousness into the circuitry of a highly advanced aircraft, such that your consciousness acted as the onboard ai (alerting the pilots to enemies, low fuel, and other detrimental conditions for flight), would you then identify as military hardware?

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No, I'd say aliens put my brain in a woman's body, quite against my will.

Grow up kid.
Your fucking bullshit Star Trek tier stories are a fucking disgrace.


How is that healthcare treating you.

but would you say you were still a man, because your old body was a man? but you are not in that body anymore. maybe there is more to it

I would not identify as hardware because I am more than the container where my consciousness lies

Thanks for the convo, user. I'm sure we will always disagree, but I hope that even though I may be wrong I have made the case that I have given it some thought, as you have. peace

I haven't. Get well, user, and peace be with your troubled soul. I don't hate trannies, I feel bad for them and wish I could help restore their mental health.

>The Left doesn't have empathy
Does the right?
Anons, In the span of 45 minutes I've eaten an entire bag of corn chips, 3/4 a jar of ghost pepper salsa, and downed a six pack of guinness extra. I've been shitting liquid fire every ten minutes.
Please, sen dhelp

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are you saying killling someone when "they wouldn't feel pain" is morally correct, and the people who oppose it are the ones who don't have empathy?
are you seriously that retarded? there are some valid pro abortion points, but that's not one

Ding dong retarded. They have far more empathy. They want to let in poor africans. They give their money to poor africans. They're world citizens. They wear pussy hats to suffer together. They have empathy but no way to determine reasonable actions stemming from emotions. They're without inhibitions. This is also why they're openly degenerate.

The right is secretly degenerate. They hide their emotions, disregard the suffering of others. They determine your worthiness, not your suffering. If you aren't worthy of healthcare, you don't deserve it, and so sufffer. The abortion debate is not from a standpoint of empathy for a baby, but adherence to the bible. Not adhering to the bible is sinful, unworthy. Economics is again, those who prosper deserve it, those who fail are unworthy.

It's two ways of thinking that are fundamentally flawed and cuckpilled. The only reasonable position is not an enlightened centrist pozzition but one with measured empathy. Abortion should be allowed, immigration should be strict. Healthcare should be universal, economics should create wealth for the masses. We should protect the wellbeing of the people, not the wealthy. The enemy of the ideal society is both empathy and ruthlessness. Only when one can clearly benefit the people can society prosper, only when one can prioritize the society without bending over for others will one stand firm.

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pleb post

The right loves their people and wants to protect them. The left wants to discard them like a banana peel in an attempt to look virtuous. That was some long-winded bullshit you just typed.


And nor do I.

Well, not anymore.

I'm not even fat user. The beer just masked the amount I ate



The right does not love their people, they love people they find worthy. If you're white, you're worthy, but if you're white and gay, you're unworthy. All kinds of ways to become unworthy, even simply being poor makes you unworthy. Everyone who isn't "their people" is less than dirt. Billions of dollars per month spent on killing millions of muslims. You never hear anyone on the right outraged over their deaths, only over their own soldiers.

The left wants to include everyone. Lefty white people see white people as the enemy, and need to prostrate themselves to signal their empathetic.

I have to clarify, i am on the left, but when i've been characterizing left, i've meant the far left that wears pussy hats, wears chains to experience slavery, wants to open borders.

>God is real. Evil is real. Spirits are real. Demons are real. We have free will. Christ saves.

The Lost Tribes of Israel were taken into Assyrian Captivity around 800 BC and placed in Northern Assyria/Southern Caucasus , an area in between the Black and Caspian seas. When the Assyrian Empire fell to the Babylonians, the Israelites found their chance to escape and they went thru the Caucasus and entered Europe. They would later be known in secular history as Scythians and Cimmerians, and these would give rise to various European Tribes, the Lost Tribes of Israel would be pagan and lose their Israelite identity after the deportations, as is stated in the Holy Bible.
Also in secular history , the region where the "indo-europeans" pop up is the same exact region where the H.O.I was placed into by the Assyrians.

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>Everyone who isn't "their people" is less than dirt. Billions of dollars per month spent on killing millions of muslims.
The left is just as culpable for that, also the majority of anti-interventionists these days do so for libertarian reasons.

Culpable, sure. Just as? That slaps me on the knee.

The only anti-interventionists that are politically relevant in america are progressives. Bernie sanders, tulsi, warren. The neoliberal center and neoconservative right is all for war.

based and christpilled
amen brother