It’s all so tiresome

>Don’t you see? I’m gay, so I can’t possibly be racist
>By the way I only ever have racists on my show and I’m constantly defending their opinions

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I suspect Dave Rubin is a white supremacist/white supremacist fellow traveler

He has lots of white nationalist friends like Crowder, Spencer, Shapiro, etc. And he has never criticized them. He also never has lefties on his show.

He's a collectivist piece of shit.

Have sex

have sex user, its not that hard

>being this desperate for attention

>hey guys there is no such thing as race

He was on the most recent Crowder show and literally said
>I grew up around holocaust survivors, so I can’t be a bigot
He’s trotting out the old “I’ll have you know I happen to have a black friend”

op is a giant faggot

why ANY of you faggots waste any time concerning yourself wit these flakes is beyond me. This is real lowIQ content; why are you so threatened by its existence or its removal? It's like being upset when a retard makes fun of you

>He has lots of white nationalist friends like Crowder, Spencer, Shapiro,
You owe me a roll of paper towels to clean my screen, user.

Exactly. Rubin is the gateway drug to racial collectivism. He acts like his Jewishness and his connections to survivors means he can't be racist.

>demonize inoffensive centrists as nazis
>surprised when the number of nazis in America is on the uptick
This is why I can’t take the left seriously ever

Both are cucks. I literally just found out with this dumb fiasco that Crowder is a "comedian". I thought he was just another Republican hack like Rubin and that short Jew who pretends he's intelligent by speaking fast.

He's about as cringy and unfunny as Colbert.

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A neocon and a neoliberal
>Far left hates these guys because they are far right
>Jow Forums hates them because they are not right enough
It's all so tiresome
Also OP is a fag

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I'm reminded again that current year antifascists still have no idea what the root cause of white racial collectivism is and inadvertently make the situation worse in their efforts to fight hatred.

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This was a pathetic raid.

Are left wing faggot operations on Jow Forums for 2020 starting now???

This image is cursed. You ruined my life.

Are you saying it was suspicious when the guy only had ~100k YouTube subs and could afford to build a brand new studio with "viewer support"? Sounds paranoid, user. Get some sleep.

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There has been lefties on his show but the majority of them refuse to accept his invitation. The ones that have has been college professors that fervently said they were left leaning and one that was defending post modernism.