A Jow Forums colony in Australia

I believe we should all move to Australia. Let face it, things are not get better any time soon. Therefore, for the time being we should take refuge and build a new white ethnostate in Australia.

>>Why not america

America is not only simply too big, but the source of this shit. You wouldn't even be able to form a break away state.

>>Sorry but I'm British/French/German, not "white"

Sure, like how every paki in london is british, or every arab in paris is french, etc.

>>you asking us to abandon our nations? coward.

Every strong army needs it fort, you might think I asking you to back up on a wall, but we all ready against one, What I asking is for all of us to fight out of this corner together.

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Agreed user. May I suggest based Queensland? Melbourne needs to be nuked

Nah yeah, come on over mates. I'll get the barbie fired up for yas now.

Dome living in the outback mates. Vaporators and solar. It would be the ethno state equivalent of fucking tattooine

Too hot. It gets as hot as iraq over there. Why do you think the abbos arw so brown. The sun has roasted them for thousands of years

I was reading something the other day about taking a chunk of land out of the place from the Greta Southern Bite to the middle of the country. Some drongo reckoned it'd cause reforestation in the middle of Australia to be possible. Could have been full of shit, I don't know enough about environment and climate to say either way. If we could green the rest of the country up we wouldn't have to live like sandniggers. Could be worth looking into I spose.

>The idea of a white ethnostate terrifies the Jew.

If all you fuckers poured in here and we staged massive rallies for guys like Fraser Anning, saying he's literally the only politician in the country who believes that women should have the right to carry less than lethal weapons like OC spray and tasers to defend against rape, that there's a reason Australian woman are three times more likely to be raped than women in the US, and only one politician supports their rights to self defence, then we could make headway.
Shift to Queensland and redpil them on why the liberal ("conservative", yes, I know, we all fucking know) party are shit and they need to vote for top blokes like Anning instead, we'd make progress.

You can reclaim the desert. Chinks are doing it to the gobi

I've got plenty of Jewish (Israeli) friends down here who hang out in the whitest, lowest crime rate city in the country because they think they're safest in a white ethnocity now.

All you need to do is dump shitloads of stuff like orange peels (from orange juice factories) into an absolute shithole and it'll all regrow in good time.
We just need to make more fucking orange juice.

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As much as it's starting to look like the last bastion of sanity, they have an Asian and semi-Pajeet and Mossad problem.
Thanks for the input fellow slav.

On the one hand the Jewish degeneracy is pretty low (apart from Melbourne)
On the other hand we are being flooded by poo, Muslims and Asians.

So come over if you want to enjoy a couple of decades before we are unironically taken over by the Chinese.

(side note, pic related is out of date, a lot of the south should now say India)

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Can i come too. I really need dis.

Fuck off we are full.

ARE THERE ANY PLACES IN AUSTRALIA THAT ARE NOT TOO HOT? I hate blazing year-round heat and I hear australia has a lot of that

>On the one hand the Jewish degeneracy is pretty low

Are you fucking cooked cunt? Look around you

My family is in America :(


Been to Bondi mate? Ever

Not a bad idea, but we'd need to terraform the outback and find a way to get lots of fresh water in there.

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The Australian Alps, the South East and Tasmania would be your best bet.

im so ugly

Compare to Britain or America, not even close.

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Yeah Tasmania, its also still 95% white.
But we are all just poor farmers


If we could get rid of all the non-white cunt, especially in Sydney and Melbourne, we could have paradise back.

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I was going to suggest this. After a while you have enough biomass to be self-sustaining, but it would probably take 10 years or more to get to that point. Do you cunts have gun rights these days?

You realize why they're doing that, right? They can pass as "white" which means they can easily infiltrate and subvert white enclaves.

You would need to form a voting majority to enshrine the 2A and 1A in law. ZOG controls the immigration so... it ain't happening IMO.

Why not try to wrest USA from ZOG? Nukes, oceanic defences, 1A, 2A... it's breddy gud

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We have had the biggest push in recent times for guns since they were removed from us.

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Dig a trench to carry Ocean water to a hunk of uranium
Steam forever is rain forever

Go to google maps and have a look around Lake Argyle.

More water than you'd know what to do with, it's still so remote because there is no drive to settle out there. It's a 9 hour drive to the nearest 'city', and that only has around 100,000 people in it.

>A Jow Forums colony in Australia
how exactly do you plan to do that

Fuck I guess that answers my question, I really wanted to pick up an austrailian accent and say cunt all the time too.


No. You want a hot place so no one plays any attention. Then we can use our ingenuity to make it work.

Honestly we should do it in Michigan because then when the (((fresh water crisis))) is manufactured we can take over the largest supply of fresh water on earth.

Modern Australia's a multicultural paradise.
Need to colonise somewhere that isn't already ruined.

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Moon is too hard. Cmon

Rural qld is the go boyos because we can form a majority to select /our/ guys to parliament.

I live in Canberra, I can’t wait to get out of this shithole and move to a rural area like Wamboin, Burra or Jeir

I say we do what our great great great grandpappies did and just find some third world shithole with no rule of law to speak of.
We'd be running the place in no time. Let's just pretend that the UN won't find out and that's about as realistic as one these LARP threads can get.

I always thought that this was the perfect idea, we could even take over the country democratically easily.
The country is 85%+ white, it's the most racist bunch of whites on Earth other than maybe South Africans, and there's only ~21 million people to convince.
The power of politicians is limited but perhaps it can be consolidated with a power grab, causing a dictatorship, after a referendum that separates us from the UK completely maybe.
If that doesn't work out, revolution is very viable.
The police and military are extremely understaffed (the navy couldn't even deploy a new ship or something because of a lack of available people), all that is needed is the smuggling in of guns.
In some cases weapon caches aren't even close to army barracks, and are only guarded by civilians with pistols.
I'm not sure if it will happen anytime soon, but if there's ever a white ethno-state to be built, not in Eastern Europe, it's probably going to be done here.

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Lived in Newcastle, Australia when I was a kid for a few years.
really loved living there.
I'd say its the best shot we have of taking a place over and making it ours.

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Canberra is pozzed as fuck, I still fucking live here and I want out, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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OP... there is much more hope for america than australia.

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preciate y'all, I have been enlightened

Speak for yourself you fucking pozzed melb-cunt


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The problem with biomass is that anywhere you dump it, you'd need to dump it long and hard for it not all to just dry up and turn to shit within a day. You'd need to dump it multiple feet thick
As for gun rights, so long as you're not a criminal you can get yourself a bolt action precision rifle and handgun, so long as you promise to go to the range and shoot it at least 6 times a year.
Yes, we have legally enforced range time. Such horrible opression.

I'll tell you one thing, they never dropped the accent. They still sound 100% Israeli, and they never hide it.
Once, when talking about military history, one said "He did his time in the IDF, then again, then again, then they asked him too, he said he'd done his part for his country, and moved to Australia to relax"
He also tells stories of picking fruit as a teenager, from 8am till 12am, then everyone went home as the Israeli sun was too hot to work any longer.
He's not hiding, he's not subverting, he knows he's safe around us.
There's a difference between an Israeli and a Jew. At least, the Jew's Jow Forums has taught you about.
When the rest of the world has failed them, they can always come home to the white man, knowing that so long as they discard their deceptive ways, and act as good citizens, they shall be protected from the hoards.
Keep in mind the city I'm talking about is the hotspot for all intel agents is Australia. Everyone you talk to is either a spook or retired spook. We take care of our own.

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How does this not make people start up RWDS, its probably because merinofags will start to infiltrate it and the kikes will crackdown on normal citizens

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Bullshit nigga, where the fuck you at?
There are a handful of blacks, but they all have fucking jobs.
Every black guy I see walking around in a shopping centre is there with his wife and three kids.
I rarely see blacks, but when I do they're always doing good shit.
First nigga I ever spoke to was working in Hungry Jacks.
Probably the only nog I've ever spoken to so far, she a QT.
Now THOSE are niggers. See how there's a difference?

Anyway, what's so bad about this place? Like, in a way that actually affects your life?
Canberra is made up of two halves, the first half is politicians and public servants, the second half is people supporting those first half, so retail, education, etc, the third half is military, and the fourth half is intelligence.
Which two halves are you hanging around with?
(Canberra is the best fucking place in Australia and I only say that to other Canberrans, because I don't want fucking anyone else showing up ever.)

The different between the us and Australia is that all your non whites only make up 4 million people, while there 10 times that of just dindus here.

Canberra Electorate on the border of Fenner Electorate, getting fucked over by two pozzed forces

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And how in any way has this affected your life whatsoever?

Social Cohesion especially in places like Belco Mall and civic are no where, it’s always either just some eshays talking amongst each other, nigger/arab couple or traitor mulatto cunts

>some third world shithole with no rule of law to speak of
Sydney 2025
Yeah, wouldn't want them to write a strongly worded resolution at us.

everyone forgets canberra is a place you can live
im coming down and im gonna bring my cunty sydney attitude and punch you in the dick

I have Depression, does that count?

>>Why not america

>America is not only simply too big,

Australia is bigger than America you fucking braindead. Why are burgers so stupid?

>only bolt action
>forced to go to a range
I know your being sarcastic but that actually is pretty opressive. Being forced to do an activity in order to keep your property is opression 101 you cunt.

Honestly? It sounds crazy but thats what it's going towards. But how would we govern, what would it be like? How do we ensure that anarchy doesn't start up? The entirety of Jow Forums in one nation, especially one that small, would become nothing short of a full warzone.

qld'ers might be pretty based but the heat tends to drive them a bit mental it should be left as alabama really, not good for brainy work, you can count it out

Things are not what they used to be and society around me has radically changed, despite me being from a Catholic Albanian family, I share I lot connections with this place

Desalination plants i suppose, but what do you mean by "terraforming" the outback? We could try to pour metric shit tonnes of water into the dirt and try to see if its f e r t i l e but idk man

no one wants to live there

You won't get in with your guns and won't be able to get guns here, so whatever little Hutt River Principality type situation you set up you'll get shat on. You're better off just flat out invading and nuking Melbourne.

t. melbournian :(

No wtf stay where you are and do as much damage to (((them))) as possible. You are in the most important white country politically. Hold on to america. We need it. Subvert the subversions. I want to see WHITE GENOCIDE NOW signs and transgender filth in every leftist march. It undermines liberalism. We need to use absurdist extreme liberalism to subvert liberalism. You have the most grip over israel from US, stay there. Once america disappears then leave.

Fuck off were full

i have the same experiences with chinks and muslims, strange huh?

For the sake of us as a collective we need to be distributed across the world as much as possible. We need to look like great people to people we dont give a shit about at the same time as breeding and gaining political power. Move to a country with lots of women compared to men. Moving to India and marrying 3 wives is a sick one.

>made up of two halves
>third half
>fourth half
put the bong down Darren

Fuck you and fuck Syndey
I had to drive in there to pick something up for work a few fridays ago, it's fucking horrible there.
Two hours to get within 10km of my destination, another 40 minutes to get the last 10k's.
At one point I was sitting at a red light with traffic zooming past in front of me, and the cunt suck behind me was honking me telling me to "READ THE FUCKING SIGN YOU DUMB CUNT", when i was sitting at a red fucking light.
Now, if I had to live in a shithole where it takes longer to drive from 10km out of the city to the centre of the city than from the furthest part of the state to the dead fucking centre of the city, then drive back out with time to spare, a good 50+km in all, then I'm sure I'd be a grumpy fucking cunt as well, but if you don't chill the fuck out the second you get to Canberra, which, if you don't, you've got something wrong with you I mean come on it's like they pump weed into the atmosphere here, then you're gonna wake up one morning, naked, tied to a pole in Fyshwick so the derros can have their way with you.
You can't blame labor for your depression m8.
Canberra's fucking fine, just go sit up the cafe at black mountain for a few hours and chill.
Fuck, there used to be a really nice tea house called Adore Tea which was the single most relaxing place on the planet, it smelled like you'd expect a restaurant in heaven to smell like, it was my number one chill spot
These days it's mostly inhabited by old people so it smells like cleaning products, that kinda makes me wanna kill myself, but whatever.

what the fuck is an eshay?

user, I think this would be a good time t advise you against such folly. A horde of Jow Forumsaks, able to withstand the vagaries of qld, let alone fnq, is the equivalent of raising three generations of sardukar in one jump. I’m not sure the planet could cope

Usually people from high school that smoke weed, drink, and rob people all day

Australian version of a chav. Dress exactly the same, polo shirts with the collar up, white caps, bumb bags, track pants, runner.

Mexicans aka victorians

Yeah mate ask me how I know your a chink or a brown skin. Every white man knows what a eshay is you daft cunt

I’m not saying that just labor is responsible for it, it’s always (((them))), I’m late Gen Z and Half of the cunts I see are non whites

No niggers does help a lot, user. Combine that with >120iq and non meme degrees, ideological screening

I know it's shit, but I still joke about "mandatory range time" when really all it forces is for all our boomers with nuggets to git gud with their rifles.
My local range is 300m and 800m only (330-900 yards), 300 is ironsights only, while 800 is scope.
Basically it means that if the SHTF then we'd have shitloads of people who are really fucking good at sniping politicians from buildings.
This is in Australia's capital city BTW.
It's oppressive and shit, and honestly I just go to the US to buy and play with my guns, God bless the Visa Waiver Program, then when I'm done clean the fuck out of them, seal them up, and leave them in a deposit box till I wanna come back, but it'd be nice to have a little more variety in Aus other than just my Sako A7, Browning Hi-Power, and Glock.
What I'd fucking do to have my 416 over here...

I'd say the first step in the right direction will be pushing "less-lethal" weapons for use in self defence, yada yada woman 3x more likely to be raped in Aus than the US etc, then concealed carry handguns for self defence (I want muh .380 pew pew), then finally self-loading rifles for home defence.

It's gonna happen, this side of the insurrection I'm not sure, but when kids are running around mebourne with full auto AK's, it's gonna happen.

Do something about your nigger problem first you unbelievably cucked faggot

Society's fine, you still have the liberties that every Aussie had 20 years ago.
Trannies wanting to use the taxes you're already forced to pay to do shit you don't politically agree with?
Welcome to all tax spending. You never gave consent. Don't bitch now.
As for the rest of society? Look at all the images posted about shit it Melbourne. I'm from Melbourne, left for Canberra years ago. Always loved Canberra, had friends up here when I was younger. For most of the Pozzing, it's totally unaffected, while every other fucking city has fallen to fucking shit.
Canberra is safe.
We couldn't even manage a single fucking pride parade for fuck sake.

Also, forget the religious "Conservatism", it's full of shit. Libertarianism is the only true way forwards, once you've learned that, you can be at peace.
Liberty: The state of not having your freedoms restricted by anyone else, while also not restricting the freedoms of others.
Understand this as the base of all law and society, and you'll realise lots of the things that might be pissing you off shouldn't matter so much.

>how does the decisions of the local government affect me

kindly fuck off you dumb glow nigger

but not 40 years ago.

That's only because you're a few generations ahead of us. You move here and it will be like going in the past in terms of globohomo levels. In some ways we are worse because the majority are for "gun control" as you are for gun rights, we also never had as big of a communism scare in our past because our upper and lower class always defended each other to the extent that its taken for granted and currently our people are blinded by communist infiltration as if nothing bad is going to happen. When SHTF in Australia our best strength is that we have so much land to hide in, but if you can't escape due to any dependencies then you must submit to whatever regime comes.
Pic related is part of how our initial multicultural project went down, so they've delayed the dysgenics project by a generation by only shipping in the shittier-skins recently. They also realised they can't go too far with promoting dysgenics because Aboriginals are too docile and not smart enough to cause impacting chimp outs.

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Norfolk island would be pretty good, nice temperate climate, completely white inhabitants and also covered in native pines which don't explode or harbor vicious Koala's like eucalyptus, these types of tree's would also make the non Australians feel more at home. It's also beyond the operating range of the new diverse navy.

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