I used to think that the nazi threads were satire

I used to think that the nazi threads were satire

Now I'm a nazi

Y u do this to me

I have to hide my beliefs, can't tell anybody

It sucks

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Other urls found in this thread:


Your picture looks like you’re reading biz.
For some hopium, buy chainlink. /ourcoin/

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I don't understand anything about bitcoins where should I start

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Congratulations, the Jow Forums psyop converts another user

are nazis without genocide and race superiority beliefs conservatives?

Portugal isn't white. There's your redpill.

No u not.

natsoc fren, not nazi

That basically sums it up.

Would you have rather remained blissfully ignorant, of course not, you knew something was wrong but were forbidden from learning about it, it sucks but it's better to know.

Lurk biz for a while. Read up on blockchain, smartcontracts, decentralized oracles, and chainlink. Learn how to safely move crypto around. Buy some dogecoin, bitcoin, Ethereum, and chainlink. Store it safely in a cold or hardware wallet.

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Ignore leafs, newfriend

Welcome, brother!

For a while I though I was the only real fascist here too and that everyone else was just joking.

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You will be surpised how many others hold similiar beleifs irl. They simply need a hint to get that your the same as them, and you will have a new irl fren

Because the Lost Tribes of Israel were taken into Assyrian Captivity around 800 BC and placed in Northern Assyria/Southern Caucasus , an area in between the Black and Caspian seas. When the Assyrian Empire fell to the Babylonians, the Israelites found their chance to escape and they went thru the Caucasus and entered Europe. They would later be known in secular history as Scythians and Cimmerians, and these would give rise to various European Tribes, the Lost Tribes of Israel would be pagan and lose their Israelite identity after the deportations, as is stated in the Holy Bible.
Also in secular history , the region where the "indo-europeans" pop up is the same exact region where the H.O.I was placed into by the Assyrians. .

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Me too fren, that's ok. Maybe you can try and redpill your closest frens and then you can talk to them about it?

SO if i post kys several times youll neck yourself soon?

Too much Philip DeFranko OP

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If your only around SJW type of people avoid being silent on politics, they will accuse you of being a nazi with no evidence.

instead just let the retards do what they want and agree to whatever. After doing that they, will trust you more use that to find the one among them that will turn easy. slowly gain more members till your beleifs are seen as the norm, this takes 2-5 years to do

I miss the non stop Nazi threads and I am not a Nazi. I agree with basically everything but the exterminating Jews part and I am afraid there will be too much socialist spending.

idk sorry senpai Im new here too. i thought here forever was a joke

You were always a National Socialist, it's instinct.
You've just been deprogrammed from the Marxist brainwashing that has been forced upon you since birth.

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czeched.happened to me as well
now you can cry to hitler's speeches like a little girl.

You laughed,
You losed.

Give it a few more years...

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I understand what you're saying but man, part of me wishes I never came here. I was a happy guy, now I literally think about suicide on a daily basis.

the leaf gets it
you will be spared on day of the rake

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Does anyone have that picture with the map showing jew expulsions with the guy saying "I've been kicked out of a lot of strip clubs in my day"

Nah, dude. Think of it this way: you're better than most people and people get jealous rather easily.

I think we all do once we start down down this path of truth-seeking, but I can't speak for everyone on this board. I have those thoughts everyday too user, I know its hard, just know that if we end it all now then the potential we could have to change things for the better in the future is taken away and makes it that much harder for the anons fighting back that live in the world that caused our suffering. Don't let evil win prematurely, live to spite those who want you dead.

if only you knew fren
just think about it for a second - if this turd-rate organic potting soil forum was a serious threat to the real power structure, it would be shut down immediately
most of what you find here is the narrative they want you to have
think about it

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Download Robinhood app. Link bank account. Deposit money. Buy Litecoin.

You're here forever.

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Dude, get off this board. There are people posting the same demoralization threads here every day, don't get caught up in it. This board is just one checkpoint to real fulfillment, you get redpilled and you shitpost but then you move on. Don't let the shills on here win. Now that you know what's going on you do something about it. Find a different community that doesn't have the same level of anonymity, redpill your irl friends, find a girl and start a family. That's how you make a difference, that's how you escape the blackpill.

Did Hitler really say that?

Y-yes go-guy

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stay off the hard liquor armando

Yeah, that makes sense right up until the point where I lose my job and find myself homeless.

I like the berserk reference.

Very true.

user trust me once you have found the truth as a thing in itself and not simply a practicality as the masses do you must look into what this truth defines. And I must say once you do so Jow Forums seems idiotic yet a lovable idiot as it was after all your first lover and a kind hearted one at that. Start browsing /lit/ and Jow Forums then /his/. /lit/ especially is pretentious and it's about half NatSoc unlike Jow Forums being a complete National Socialist board. Given this it is also well educated. The core tenants of Jow Forums and Hitlers ideology remain infallibly true yet you shall see after you know the truth as a thing in itself that Jow Forums has many fools who fall for the most basic of things as it is a movement and a movement is bound to grab the intelligent as well as the dumb.

Start reading and become cultured user, listen to classical music and actually understand it from an abstract sense therefore given forth to the higher reciprocative emotional rather then let the true beauty of the music to the unconscious and only understanding the emotional expression from a basic conscious perspective. Read, start with the Greeks like Homer, Pythagoras, Plato etc then continue to read through history chronologically. Read the classic those works that transcend the chronological reading order such as the Bible or the Prince by Machiavelli. Along with the classics and chronological reading order also read certain key books to your own ideology such as Mein Kampf, The Aryans (1926), the Bell curve etc. In order that is to understand your place within this world. Stop playing vidya or if you do only play it once or twice a day absolute max. Workout everyday and that connects to Jow Forums and if you believe that yes you enjoy this you shall do it.

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Treat knowledge and specifically its possessors namely books as an end in themselves rather than a means - something in which is encouragable while reading in chronological order. I make note of this because of the rashness of youth to reach the likes of Schopenhauer before reading Plato.

Become a man, Become an Aryan.

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Well this was a fucking waste Op is gone.

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What a larp. You just need money, housing and your people. Nerds get ropped too.

Same here man, same here.

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It still is satire.
Nu/pol/ is all about nazi and trump tho, great resource to datamine.
Oldfag out

Your natural white instincts are coming to fruition.

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You fell for the meme. Your will is pathetic. Spineless worm.

Thanks Svenbro

OP may be gone but I appreciate your effortposts user, have a (you).

We are all a big anonymous family that does not know eachother.

Funny that your ancestors during ww2 were all anti-german. They hated the krauts for subjugating them and now you're crying at the idea of a great german reich like a little cuckboi. Czechoslovakia ftw, krauts btfo, Beneš was a Chad when he expelled the krautniggers from Sudety.

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I am reading The Thirty Years War by C. V. Wedgwood

100 % this man
Everyone has moments of hopelessness.
Just keep fighting.

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I told you guys recently about this, but I can't drink in public anymore because I show my power level and drop redpills when do so. The other day I named the jews to some leftists I barely knew(friends of a friend), when I realized what I done I doubled it down by talking about flat earth and reptilians so they think I was fucking with them, it kinda worked and the subject died down.
Family reunions are always a blast, last Christmas I triggered some cousins drunkly singing Erika at the dinning table, my grandma supported me lol. At this point my family just tolerate my behavior, because they know damn well I'll drink and preach them about jews and the bell curve.

>What a larp.
Trying to help a newfag (who in hindsight was baiting) from getting stuck on Jow Forums for years without getting any further than "Hitler did nothing wrong".

>You just need money, housing and your people. Nerds get ropped too.
Are you a fucking retard you stupid bong (am Aussie but got fucked up ip, long story). Yes user money, housing and your people are all necessary values to society (at least in this age) however there is another - Ideology, with that Religion as no great collective group has ever nor could ever function without Religion and a grand ideal whether part or apart from the Religion it does not matter for both are necessary.

However user you are thinking along the mindset of the masses too much, they were destined to simply live their life as it is and there is nothing wrong with that. But you must as an Aryan look to the stars rather than accept your life on the ground. That is to be the true Aryan you must become culture physically, mentally, spiritually and as many times as they overlap. In regards to killing all nerds (how old are you?) I do believe they must become stronger and stop being so pathetic even if they do contain inferior genetics murder shall always be wrong.

T. Chad

i just want to know where to order a nazi flag since faggot amazon took them off. reddick militaria has them but i don't know if they're legit.

This tbqh

Thanks user, I do appreciate that. Also not bong just got a fucked up ip which is a long story.

Well the story is definitely a classic user, continue to educate and so heighten yourself. New research in genes seems to suggest that man has trillions in a "sleeping" stage yet to be activated but also trading old ones. It seems likely that certain inherent genes may be activated or at least activated to a greater degree through some process - I believe certain actions such as individuation or education within the philosophy's if truly understood could be one of the many activating agents of such genes.

>tfw I spent my youth on Jow Forums since I hated other normal kids and became a jaded cynical fuck that wished that Germany would have won WW2
Don't think I can attain happiness anymore

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Kek, be careful out there user, your grandma sounds based.

yeah then they went communist. real based.

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that's everyone here man

I forgot which one it was but some board of physiologists actually admitted that is what it was when researching the Nazis.

>Now I'm a nazi

I don't know, I was nihilistic as fuck but since I became NatSoc I feel I now have something to die for.

Just need a wife so I can have something to live for...

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I'll keep the foul play to family, I just can't control myself on being a nazi when I drink, its like the damm of holding back every day just bursts.

I rapidly alternate between nazism and boomer-tier capitalist democracy. Democracy has failed, so nazism. Nazism means no freedom, so democracy.

True, NatSoc is a start but the familypill is the final whitepill.

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user Fascism is an intermediary stage which yes shall last for ages but is not the end result - that is an autocracy. Also National Socialism doesn't ensure less freedom, something which cultural Marxist could never understand is that degeneracy yes may be physical freedom but is a mental and moral prison.

I forgot to mention is that though an autocracy has many political and economic benefits which the normal Fascist state likely cannot maintain nor ensure, the autocracy's primary benefit is that of the preservation of the divine, of the ideal, the divine and the ideal to that of the founding principles and men of the state. For no men shall ever compare to such Lions.

>I triggered some cousins drunkly singing Erika at the dinning table, my grandma supported me lol.
Kek, you Brazilian Nazi clones are the best.

My head of department at work is Green/Lib Dem-leaning pro-EU, I'm also anti-Brexit so when we shoot the shit together we complain about Brexit and he probably thinks I'm Green/LD like him. I don't tell him I'd actually like the EU to be taken over by the sorts of Kurz, Salvini, and Orban and a huge immigrant deportation policy to be implemented, he'd be pretty horrified if the topic of immigration ever came up but we only ever discuss the EU from the point of view of economics and geopolitical strategy.

wholesome post fren

Weren’t like 30-40% of czec pro German?

You are literally speaking to a npc why bother
Waste of effort, people born this stupid can’t be helped

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>You are literally speaking to a npc why bother
>Waste of effort, people born this stupid can’t be helped
Yea true user, and I thought what I wrote was badly written.

Also thanks Netherlands user.

czechs are probably the real life whearboo rp, the germanized non german slavs still nevertheless i love their fucking alcohol

czechoslovakia was a freemason controlled state , not to mention possibility of kike ancestry of Masaryk

>Dr Edvard Beneš (1884 - 1948). One of the founding fathers of Czechoslovakia. Close ally of President Masaryk. In the period 1918-1935 minister of foreign affairs, President. 1935-1938, 1941-1945 in London exile, 1945-1948. Initiated in 1927 in lodge Komenský and since 1928 member of lodge Pravda Vítězí.

>It sucks
Lol why? I love being aware that the world I was raised to believe was a lie. It's easy to school NPC's on their kindergarten-tier world views.



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I told my jewish nieghbour I'm a nazi recently. My neigbour laughed, I laughed, the oven laughed.

Stop following men who want power to take vengeance on those who have wronged them. Don't follow a Hitler because no man can handle that much vengeance without misusing it. Look at Germany today, Hitler misused his power and Germany still hasnt recovered. They were once a proud nation now they are pozzed pro migrant fags. Any act of vengeance against your enemy will be used against us and the cause you were avenging. That's why I'm not a NatSoc. Instead I will be armed, build a home, find a wife, make children, and find like minded people to build a family oriented community. That is how we beat the enemies of our civilization.

Why'd he have to go bro's. The only conclusion I could... NO! I must come to was one.

Although the sadness of Hitlers death is great it has almost strengthened his cause just as Jesus
sacrificed himself on the cross do you think the Christian myth would be as it is today, without
that central basis which is sacrifice, if anything Hitler sacrifice enforces himself as a modern
myth in which modern man shall come to see.


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You lie in wait until we all strike at once.

Hail victory.