How are things going in South Africa?

Are they confiscating any farms yet?
Is there gonna a SHTF scenario yet?

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Is there gonna be a war?

Lol. They want to print their way out of debt as a way of "injecting money directly into the economy". You can't fake this kind of incompetence. By this time next year they'll need a wheelbarrow full of billion rand notes to buy a loaf of bread.

It really is zimbabwe 2.0 down to the last detail.

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soon (tm).
when this pair hits 17.5 then its going down.
first signs are a a tanking to 15 in the space of only 3 days.

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Do you want to team up in the coming apocalypse?

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Do you guys have a way of getting out or are you staying to fight? The question isn't "if" there's going to be a civil war, it's "when". ANC is hell bent on breaking everything that is still run competently by nationalizing the private hospitals and schools.

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I've family overseas but I can`t afford to leave. I suppose when the time comes and the Rand has tanked, I will have even less.

I guess I will make myself know with bullets.

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If a war broke out I would host white SA families desu.

got evac plans for women & children + multiple backups depending on how how well the nosemasters coordinate their subhumans when the chimpening begins.

I was born here. I plan to die here. Id prefer it was as some old grumpy cunt who cant understand what the fuck his grandkids are talking about but I can at least remove a few of these stains from humanity on the way down as public service. Though as a collective we dont plan to lose either.

Sorry, too many lurking kaffs to trust strangers and only start organising now. Already got my team with our roles. If you really are the bike guy then it's likely we'll cross paths once things are in full swing and lines have been drawn.

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Holy shit the ammount of LARP in this thread.

Its just South Africa being South Africa. Its been worse than this
>when there was almost a white civil war
>during a black civil war
>during a war between blacks and whites

This is a solid 4 on the scale of 10.

see what i mean about lurking kaffs? Like fucking beetlejuice you mention them and they appear.

>Its been worse than this
Please direct your attention to the red line.
Are you sure you aren't just trying to cope?

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I could be 'merican, watch this;
Oof. Now I'm quasi famous on Jow Forums too. Honestly I wish I had the camera in the olden days too, I would have many more WebMs for memes.

>2019+1990=29 Years
Now just think how bad all the infrastructure has become since then. With Eskom doing a death rattle investors are running. If Moodies fucks us with will be too poor to import food, when Eskom goes there will be now way to irrigate commercial farms.

Zimbabwe gets by because their land is way more easy to farm and the people are way more rural.

I would say with have less than 5-10 years, Eskom and the Investment grade will be the signs of the end.

I was just memeing lad, my plan is for the CPF to become the new Police in my area.

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>5-10 years
Don't you already have your power shut off half the time because of load shedding? I give it 1 year tops.

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I haven`t had load shedding since just before the elections when Eskom started buying diesel to appease Moodies.

What I do have is, about once a month a Transformer pops. Usually it is because the stuff is over 30 years old, sometimes it is because a kaffa gets roasted stealing cables.

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We do but we're not as grid-reliant as developed countries . Personally I'd say its more like 2-3 years until the match hits the petrol but eskom will likely have gone near completely offline before shtf

You will most likely be sitting on /Pol again in 3yrs time asking “When are things kicking off in South Africa?” just like the others did in 2016 and in 1996 in American newspaper comments section before the internet.

The power situation is getting worse every year though, right? or are steps being taken to repair it?

I guess if inflation, loss of clean drinking water and a power grid failure aren't enough to cause war you're right.

The problem is the high electricity requirements for irrigation. Without electricity the country will fall to pieces with in a year. I think the ANC wants to keep the whites paying taxes so they try to keep the country together for as long as possible.

Ask yourself, at of the dates you mentioned have things been worse than now? Things get worse everyday.

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At the rate its going boys when the US economic recession hits we are all gunna be in the same boat. Gunna be Mad Max world everywhere

They are killing farmers here and there. Torturing them. In May an elderly couple was attacked in their house by their employees (who they knew very well and took care of). They tied them to chairs. They poured boiling water on the wife until her skin was nearly falling off. The drilled into the husband's knees and eyes and eventually killed him by drilling into his head. The wife managed to escape. The only thing mentioned in the news was that there was an attack and somebody died.

Then there are the foreign leftist bastards who claim that all these stories are lies from white supremacists.

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Why do niggers have to be worse than orcs from The Lord of the Rings? How the fuck did we get to the point of "equality" with these things? You'd think Haiti would've been lesson enough.

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Wide scale corruption and incompetence are wrecking Eskom. Kaffir municipalities don`t pay the taxes and levies.

People are trying to fix what the can but when they don`t have enough spare parts or the engineers are BBBEEE+++ qualified the situation is growing dire. The coal stock piles are gone, right now the country is running on peak-demand generators(Open Cycle Diesel Turbines).

So the fact that winter will be cold and we don`t have the power capacity to supply everyone will guarantee more load shedding.

We will give R400k to a Kaff that gave some women R100 but gave nothing to the two kids that got killed on the highway.

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It’s been months since the last power failure and even then it was suspected that it was down to sabotage from former President Jacob Zuma s allies.And the Rand hitting 15-17 to The US dollar is nothing new. Admittedly things did go downhill after 8yrs of Zuma and his cronies looting the country but he is no longer in charge.

What happened in Pretoria last week then?

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I live in Cape Town not Pretoria.

>mfw that pic
>We will give R400k to a Kaff
Cape town cucks hang first.

The Rand used to be competitive with the US dollar, fucking shill. This level of cope is just sad.

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So? You live in the richest, most liberal, most touristy place in the country. Shouldn`t you be dying of shit contaminated sea water yet?

I suspect they will be the first to sell their multi-million rand sea side homes and run away.

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The Rand was only competitive to the US dollar if you’re an import/export businessman or someone thinking of overseas travel.As previously stated 8yrs of systematic looting of the treasury without a real desire to implement policy to grow to the economy by the previous administration led to the Rand’s current situation.Even when the Rand was performing well it was subject to manipulation from overseas foreign currency speculators.

when whites become minorities in their own countries, white enclaves will be attacked as (((apartheid))) by the kike media!

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>sell their multi-million rand sea side homes
They won't be able to escape, not after the ANC seizes control of the reserve bank and starts printing billion rand notes.

Are you implying Ramaphosa and his cronies are going to do anything different from Zuma?

>Are you implying Ramaphosa and his cronies are going to do anything different from Zuma.
Well,he was elected on a mandate of ‘hope and change’ and is under serious pressure to arrest those responsible for the looting of state assets.The damage that were done appears to be far greater than most people thought.Youre looking at a 10yr rebuilding effort just to get back to 2008 levels.

> He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.

lol, no. Tax money coming from whites will continue to be funneled into the pockets of corrupt politicians and their friends while SA declines into a 3rd world shit hole.

>So the fact that winter will be cold and we don`t have the power capacity to supply everyone will guarantee more load shedding.

The fact that you have winter may be a good thing. It'll perpetuate natural selection.