My brother and his wife pay $2300 a month for a one bedroom here, and now they offer public housing

As the title says, my brother is paying a ton in rent to live in San Jose...The picture provided is the actually complex he lives's a beautiful building that was just finished in 2017....I had visited once last year, and everything was great, about 50% white tenants, and the rest were quiet asians....

I am visiting here now, and am notice nigs everywhere. Just this morning I went to the community pool, and an entire pack of dindus were blasting their music and being typical obnoxious nigs.....Asked my brother what the fuck happened and how they live there....turns out San Jose has a law that 15% of all new buildings HAVE to offer subsidized housing....So while my brother and his wife bust their asses to afford their $2300 rent, these nigs are only paying $1250 for the same apartments and amenities... The only silver lining is that my brother - who is liberal - is slowly getting redpilled even though he won't admit it....Imagine having this happen to you? And they still want reparations...

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I live in Finland and have never been to America. But even I know this is the fault of California.

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your brother is a pathetic faggot and so are your parents

Happens here in San Francisco too. Blacks are 5% of the population and half the jail pop even with the city doing everything they can keeping them out of jail no matter what they do. I pay 2,500 a month for a one bedroom in a 70 year old building and every public space is overrun with nogs, many of them homeless, opening doing drugs and other anti-social behavior. If I see any silver lining, most younger shirt people I talk to are aware of the racial component.

Based niggers brining property and rental prices down

That's what you get for living in Jewish endgame country #1 faggot

welcome to pol, summer along now and worry about your own shitty country...I'm actually trying to have a conversation here

k thanks

You're welcome pathetic mutt

This is just part of the governments way of shoving in non-whites any place there are whites but I say fuck these rich fucks. Let them have niggers rubbed in their faces just like poor whites always have

I agree somewhat, but my brother is not rich...Him and his wife both work full time jobs, literally ALL rent in major CA cities is this high...I just never knew that subsidized housing would occur in a nice area. I thought low-income niggers were only placed in ghetto public housing.

true story to follow. Joo co-worker rented a condo in SF under rent control 15 years ago. He lives in S Cal and has been subletting it illegally for 12 years. He makes so much money doing this his is secretly making capital improvements to the condo so he can increase illegal rent. CA is a joke, rent control is a liberal scam.

then they are cucks for the system, and (sorry) deserve the suffer.
anybody working their asses off and feeding evil, by handing over wealth to politicians to redistribute to nogs, is part of the problem.
they and anybody like them, with a lick of sense, needs to either go on welfare themselves or move away from places like CA. anything else is just fueling the problem.

wtf? I lived in suburban San Jose (Mountain View) for the first 14 years of my life and I almost never saw a dindu

Why is it so expensive?

it's easy for you to say that as you live in your parents house...Some people land good jobs and have to move for their work (like my brother)...but whatever they are "cucks" right

you said it yourself that he's bluepilled
lives in literally the faggiest metro area on earth with the largest amount of worldwide influence for globohomo (via silicon valley)
yes, it's easy for me to say because I'm not working for these companies who are selling out our future for virtue points.
a "good job" would be one that didn't require you to live in such a place, actively helping ruin the world.

I don't live with my parents, but supposing I did, what of it?

This. Op a faggot as usual. Take your gayass blog post and kys

You are being a whiny bitch and aren't even discussing the main point I am making about public housing....and yes, you do live with your parents. its quite obvious

This section 8 shit is truly the worst way they are currently fucking over white people. Everyone that rents is subject to this. It is worse than affirmative action because you can at least just avoid black doctors. But this... horrible.

However, your brother paying that much in rent is stupid as shit. If you’re going to spend that kind of money you should buy. He is throwing money in the trash. (Literally, apparently)

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and yet, here you are commenting in my thread, you dumb cunt

I live in San Jose. There has been an uptick of niggers and homeless recently.

Last election we passed yet another bond measure to pay for new housing units to literally just give to homeless.

My neighborhood with $1 million 3 bedroom houses has like 10+ homeless in the edge of land between the houses and freeway that start about 2 fires a year and commit break ins and home invasions yet the cops can't/won't do anything.

So your brother and his wife spend $23,000 + a year to rent. They are fucking dumb fucks and deserve what they get.

Typical liberalism-spend other peoples money on spend thrift projects. I fucking hate liberals desu.

thats how it is in the bay area champ, move outta the sticks...

San Jose is a dump. In Cali they're called, Section 8's. Or welfare housing.

Who gives a shit? Your brother is a California Liberal, as you said. If a pack of spics rape his wife, it would only be half justice.

>attempting to use social shaming tactics on an anonymous forum, filled with people who don't care about such things
hmm, starting to think this liberal faggot "brother" of yours is actually you. it would explain why you're so touchy about people calling out his self-defeating behavior.
have you considered returning to reddit whence you came?

>Thinking this is acceptable anywhere
Typical rentcuck cope. Live with your parents until you're old enough to make a deposit. Paying rent for a permanent residence is ridiculous and bluepilled

god you summerfags are annoying..Sure, go nuts, call me a cuck, call my brother a faggot, whatever...trying to discuss Section 8 Housing here, and you basement dwellers cant stay on topic.

That's completely dumb. I make 2000$ a month working remotely. My parents pay for my food and utilies(doesn't cost much, in exchange I manage their business accounts and file their taxes). I invest 20k USD every year into stocks/bonds and go on atleast 2 foreign vacations every year. I hope to retire before I'm 30 with a nice corpus making me 15% every year

Wageslaving and living in big cities is dumb. Just pick you niche and do freelance in it. Internet provides huge opportunities

is that what you tell yourself? "I'm living with my parents to save money"....yet here you are, with no savings, and posting on Jow Forums

Sure you do shitskin

>Fell hook line and sinker for the "independent living" canard
>Pays half his wage to a slumlord instead of saving up for a deposit
>"H-haha well at least I d-don't live with m-my parents!"
Once your landlord has fixed your window do us all a favour and jump out of it, k?

Dont you have chores to do for your parents, Britfag? One day you will grow up and realize the hardships of rent and a career..

Lol stay mad, rentcuck

>Unitonically living in a welfare state
>Not buying crypto and shorting the welfare state

hahaha, if I'm a "rent cuck" what does that make you? A faggot who lives with his mom and dad? Wow you totally got me beat there.

>defensive in every post
surprised you haven't resorted to "incel" yet.

they should have known from the nigger name

hahaha wasnt even thinking of that, but sure if you want to call yourself that, go nuts

prounced "mar-keys" not "marcus" dumbfuck

report him

>Just pick you niche and do freelance in it.
i've seen several remote-poos saying similar things recently. are you the music tutorial indian? he said he was making $70kUS a year
i know people rarely reveal their niche which is fair, but what did you do before being remote?
where are your clients mainly from?

WTF buying a house is more expensive long term than renting because shit breaks constantly. Stop being an edgy 15 year old on this shit site and go be raised somewhere more level headed like reddit

>marquis noun
>mar·quis | \ ˈmär-kwəs , mär-ˈkē\
>variant spelling of MARQUESS
>1 : a nobleman of hereditary rank in Europe and Japan
>2 : a member of the British peerage ranking below a duke and above an earl

>20 "Blackest" Boy Names
it is legit a nigger name
are "mar-key" is Marquee

My niche is network and infra automation. I work like 4 days a week and it works out

The word is french, niggers name their children "marcus" dumbfuck

Oh wise one can you guide me on the path to learn your skills

>my brother - who is liberal - is slowly getting redpilled even though he won't admit it.
He won't admit it, he could get robbed and his wife and daughter raped by those niggers and he still would not realize what the problem is.
He has the typical liberal mental illness mindset. The brain is actually wired incorrectly.
In order to be liberal people need to have their brains wired to overcome logic pathways. What happened is early on he was likely taught not to be racist (for example), to live around niggers and blacks it takes a lot of work to not be racist, overcoming many of the brains logic circuits.
As it took him lots of work, double think and essentially lying to himself to bypass the logic pathways it to a going to take triple the work to gain those logical pathways back.
The portion of his brain that handles logic will also be underdeveloped ensuring that even more work is needed to get it working, exercise is needed.
As a Canadian I see people like your brother all the time. Their strength of cognitive dissonance is astonishing.
Out here I sometimes slip up and call homeless people "street people" and people who behave like retards "retards" in public. I see a trany and say to my friends "will you have a look at that fucking guy?, At least he won't reproduce".
I stand 6"9" 280+lbs fit, I stand above the crowd you could say, everyone hears me.
The gasps I hear in return, people will walk right up to me and say things like "we don't use those words anymore".
Can't hold a logical conversation with most of them. Facts and truth are hate speech to them a literal thought crime in their eyes.
Point is there is very little chance in waking him up if he willfully pays double what the niggers do to live around them.
For that money he could own his own place outside the area but he doesn't. His logic pathways are broken.
Image somewhat related, it's a grave sin to lie to yourself in the real (KJV) Bible.

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$1250 lo-fucking-l. I guarentee they're paying way less. If those guys are on section 8, which is most subsided housing, they only need to pay 30% of their income, so no way they're paying that.

I worked in homeless services for a bit in Los Angeles and have seen homeless people who's only income was General Relief (welfare) get subsidised housing with section 8. GR nets you $221 a month and guess what, they only pay 30% of that for their rent.

Socialists' wet dream of redistribution while they distribute their own class in segregated areas because they don't really believe in their idea except some token whites who will be exploited for media stunts. These whites are either dead inside or their mind is severely corrupted by indoctrination

Shit only breaks constantly if it's not fixed correctly.
As like my mum's house, leaky roof.
Roofers wanted $3,700 for new one and it's only good for 5-7 years. I said fuck that, threw my mum another $4,000 and we put a metal roof on it that will be good for 30 to 40 years. Value of my mum's house went up $40,000 overnight because of it.
If a pipe breaks don't just patch in a new piece because the others will also go soon. Spend the money and replace them properly.
The reason people say things as stupid as "it costs more in long run" is because their being stupid and not fixing things properly the first time.
Fix it right the first time and get more than triple the return.

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Work in a traditional company and then move over after you have contacts and skills

One Section 8 rental can destroy quality of life for an entire block.
Section 8 is cancer

And that's not even counting under the table shit, which is 90% of the average nignog's income.

Based WASP

>The year is 2019
>And people are still living in California

t. Calicuck rent Faggot who would rather share a pool with niggers than own a home and commute to wage cage

Thank you wise one I will take your advise

What I find odd is you calling others summer fags but not already knowing everyone here would think you are a fag for whining about your nigger problem

> California makes "progressive" decision
> Naturally, this has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

It's not like Section 8 has a proven track record of tenants destroying properties and causing surrounding property values to plummet.

Either the rent for "renters" will go drastically down or they'll increase the amount of public housing recipients — inevitably turning the apartment complex into a new housing project.

>everyone that uses a free speech basket weaving forum is poor?

I hope the next fire gets you.

I live in a town of 10,000 people that is 97% white. My studio apartment is $225 a month and the landlord pays all utilities. Suck it.

This is all by design. A developer has no choice, but to include "subsidized units." It can be condos, or houses, or new apartment construction. I have seen entire cities fall to the ground under this program. (Stockton California.) These laws are designed to destroy, and they work.

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>and his wife both work full time jobs, literally ALL rent in major CA cities is this high
They consistently vote for this though.

>it's easy for you to say that as you live in your parents house
Well, I live in a state where $2300 would get you a literal mansion. And we don't have subsidized housing. All niggers live in nigger areas. But, yeah, your strawman about basement dwellers isn't going to change your faggy state's degeneration into a Venezualan teir economy

Sounds like Sydney rental prices, things are beyond fucked and nobody seems to be able to do anything about it

>whatever...trying to discuss Section 8 Housing here,
>s-s-stop bringing up the liberal policies that we willingly voted for
you're honestly hopeless. Your apparently hoping for us to find a way to blame middle America or le evil white corporations. You (your "brother") can work whatever you want. You chose this.

Why the fuck do you even live on that hell hole.

b-b-but the Jews on TV told me that's it's boring in middle America. They don't even have greasy taco trucks and niggers performing interracial porn on public roads? Fucking boooooring.

These are Federal laws user, made up by HUD. Nobody voted for this.

Oh yes, and California is well-known for following federal laws

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literally there's nothing wrong with this. people need places to live. sounds like ur brother is getting fleeced by a greedy landlord.

>is slowly getting redpilled even though he won't admit it...

Such many cases

>haha quiet asians ha!

Oh for fuck sakes. Yes worry about the niggers more than those same slient asians buying up all the poor properties to turn them into those same very apartment complexes your cuck brother bought just so you can complain about niggers buying Chinese sub units. Nevermind the fact that they're paying so much for a 1 bedroom apartment oh nooooo lets just start pouring rage at niggers like always.

Because asians are quiet and fine.

Your post doesn't make sense does it.

I built a new house two years ago and it’s increased in value $50,000 already.

>w-w-we have to follow these laws, t-t-they are federal
>ignores federal immigration laws
>ignores federal drug laws
Looks like you need to vote in politicians who disregard federal HUD laws.

Renting is retarded. Imagine working you ass of to pay for some kike's mortgage.

Why the FUCK do niggers get free rent? white people get poor they go buy a fucking van to live in. Why do ALL gibs just turn into nigger subsidization? I have NEVER seen the system help a hardworking young white person down on their luck, it only goes to dysgenic welfare whores and gangbanging niggers.

HUD like the EPA were created for a single purpose. These HUD laws were created in the 1980's. Any lawmaker who apposed them was sued by the Feds out of existence. And don't think many smaller cities in CA didn't try. There were many cases in the 1990's of towns trying to get out from under these rules. The Fed came down on them, and judges ordered compliance. Things are not always so simple as "fuck the law."

I pay £360 per month for a 2 bedroom house between a river and a castle surrounded by beautiful scenery, no shitskins, almost zero crime, high gun ownership, great pubs, farmers' markets etc.

pic is my home town. Fuck living in a city.

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sounds nice user, shit hole round Wakefield

North Yorkshire is best Yorkshire.

I like Richmond a lot, I live between Wakefield and Leeds and it's just getting so built up now.

WHY do you live there? My brother in law pays $4000/mo for a condo in LA. I don’t understand it.

I live in the Southeast US. $295k got me a nearly new house, 3200sqft, 3 car garage, 5 acres, a pond, and beautiful landscaping.

My mortgage, with taxes and insurance is $1300. Why do people subject themselves to living in deep blue states? I moved from one because I had enough of the politically-charged extortion and lite socialism.

>Things are not always so simple as "fuck the law."
Then why does California continually do this with federal laws that they've arbitrarily deemed as racist? And like I said earlier, I live in a state that doesn't have this problem. So apparently it's not a federal law at all.

I don’t know what’s happening. I live on the East Bay and there’s been a marked increase here, too.

>My mortgage, with taxes and insurance is $1300. Why do people subject themselves to living in deep blue states?
Its literally because jewish media convinced them that it's fun.

SF and LA should just do what NYC and flyover land did to get rid of their homeless. Give them all one way bus tickets out of state. Preferably to Ohio, or Iowa or Nebraska.

$1300 per month all in on 295k. Sure, bud. Did you put 50% down?

>I have not seen it. Therefore it does not exist.

It's been happening for years where i live. Upper to middle income houses. Some communities try to fight it but they always lose because of dats racist shit.

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just think, their rent could be lower if they didn't have to subsidize. equality of outcome is truly beautiful thing.

I’m a homeowner in SJ and noticed a huge uptick six months ago.

I put down $45k which was equity in our last house, and my interest rate is 3.1%. Annual taxes are $1100. Insurance isnt bad either.

Unfortunately, I don't have a more recent paper statement of my bank account so the end of October last will will have to do. I'm sure you can gather that it's higher now. My investments certainly aren't doing well, but they will start going up. I also have ~$15k in 401ks. I just turned 28 with 0 debt and I bought a 2019 car at the start of the year. I currently am paying rent (the -600 that you see), but I will be getting my own house by the end of the year and will be renting out to a friend. I lived with my mom until right as I turned 27.

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Goddamn! What a nice apartment building! Better than what I am paying $1020/ mo for my 1 bedroom Walmart dorm.

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