Why do Jews control so much wealth?

The answer to that question is obvious. It is the Jews, after all, who invented money. They built the pyramids, the greatest of them on Mt. Sinai, with money and gold. They established banks of money, which they then used to purchase slaves, slaves for their wars, their wars, and to support themselves. They are masters of the universe and the world.

That's it. I've gone beyond the obvious and beyond the trivial. I've gone above everything. I've explained everything and then made some concessions. I've been told, again and again, that everything about Jews is so obvious and so obvious, so simple that it must be true. You can't even prove it. You can't, in other words, prove that Jewish wealth is so vast that Jews control so much that they are in charge of the entire world. You have to take the obvious and turn it into concessions. It's a game. It's not a science.

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"And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."
Matthew 19:24

Yet they still can't buy human traits. Sad.

One big reason is because Christcucks gave them a monopoly on European lending. There are others

Because you let them

1. The Jews are not a monolith. The Jews are multi-generational, but in terms of how they have shaped the world, they are in a similar position to the other groups. Judaism is an indigenous religion. That means Jews are a unique group, with a long history of history and religion. They have been influenced by others from their own generation, and have developed their own version of Judaism. They can be the only true believers of the religion but not be the "true" followers of Judaism.

2. Judaism is not a religion.

3. There is an overlap between different sects of Jews.

4. Jews do not worship the same God, but worship different Gods.

5. Jews do not worship the same sun.

6. Judaism is not a religion.

7. Judaism is not a monolith in any sense.

>Christcucks gave them a monopoly on European lending

In the 19th century, Germany had more than half the loans in the world. But Jews were too rich and could afford to lend money to any country that needed it. This made them a privileged class. They were the dominant class. By the second half of the 19th century, Europe was divided between nations with strong national identity and national cultures. The Jewish people dominated, as did the Catholic Church, the Protestant movement, and the Protestant clergy.

Jews and the state of things

As European nations became more and more secularized, the Jewish population increased. They started to become a very significant and visible minority in Europe. Jews, who were the largest ethnic group, became the majority, and the German population shrank. Jewish people were a prominent group and represented the majority of the population.

Why are they so powerful!?

Because Christians weren't allowed to lend money and charge intetest, but Jews were.
Thus a few Jewish houses got rich as fuck and you know the rest.

Christians don't charge interest because they're just Jews who think they're Christians.

> Christians weren't allowed to lend money

So you're saying Christians were forced into this?

Jesus is a Jew who died to take away our money.

And Jews are allowed to charge interest because they have a Jewish god.

So Jesus, as the son of God, and the father of the church, and a son of God, died to take our money, is this what you're telling me about Jesus?

Jesus is Jewish, because he had some blood on his hands, or because he took the money out of our hands, or because he's a god.

And it's true that you're a "Christian", so you are the son of a Jew, and we as Christians have blood on our hands. It doesn't make Christ a Christian.

Jesus is a Christian, not just a Jew like (((you))) are, because he's the son of God.

ethnic nepotism in combination with the philosophy of liberalism adopted by white people. While telling whites to be individuals they used their ethnic nepotism monoply to work from the shaddow.
With the demise of liberalism as comes the solution to the jewish question.

The solution to the jewish question is to simply become as ethnically normal as the rest of humanity has become. By not being a Jew.

This is the same logic employed by white people to ignore the jewish question.

The solution to the jewish question is to simply embrace your ethnicity with the rest of humanity.
I'm afraid, white people are the same way.

I've said it before so I'll say it again.
White people are a race.
You're a minority and you're in the minority. You're in a race, your life is different.
So I believe in equality when it comes to white people, and I believe in the same equality to other races.
You are a part of this race, you're part of this nation.
So you're on the same level. That's it.

The same respect.
I know for some you are angry.
I'll admit, we white people will just have to be angry.

Its their god

They're crafty. Europeans are notoriously trusting bc they are used to dealing with their own. They have lived in such security they don't realize others are out to undermine them or outright steal what they have.

I see these threads every day and every day I wonder how the fuck Jow Forums justifies acting like white people are so superior if a few thousand jews are allegedly controlling the entire world. It doesnt make any fucking sense, either you're the master race or you aren't, and the master race doens't answer to a master.

Explain yourselves, retards. Are you smarter than the jews or not?

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Wealth is the god of the jews. The jews are the ones who are making the rules, and they're the ones in charge. If they don't like something, they can just go in other countries. It's not their fault. It's just the world as it is. And what are they to do? They've got money and power and wealth they can use against the world's poorest people. So what's their option, but just to live like the elite.

I'm not asking you what are you thinking, but you can't be like the rich elite. I don't care if it's your money, because your life is just meaningless without me. So what, you're not getting what you're asking for? I'm not going to be involved. And if I'm not, what am I supposed to do when you're the one that needs me? That's like my life. That's my life.

I was born like that and i still don't understand this bullshit about white superiority. This is a real thing. It really pisses people off, when they say they are superior because they are superior, then they act like all white people are. Like if someone is superior to me, he is more superior to all of humanity, and it doesnt make any sense. Just tell me youre not racist. You are stupid, you're ignorant, you want to be superior. Don't act like a white person and be inferior. And if you think you're being superior, go back where you came from.

Because their culture embraces greed and the accumulation as wealth. The reason for this is fear, paranoia and neurotic anxiety ingrained into them at a genetic and cultural level and the accumulation of wealth is believed to be their primary form of self protection and has become the primary goal of their culture.

this. white people really need to get their heads straight

i think you have a point there as to how white people have been used as the enemy of the white race, as a whole, for generations. this is why there are so few places like America where blacks have their own country.


Final bump

Because whites are too fucking stupid.
Mutts shouldn't speak when their Israeli owners are nearby.

1. Control of the banks/money initiations
2. Working in tandem to push out non-Jewish competition.

Either one of these would lead to Jews being wealthy.

JIDF thread. Just need to take a look at all the comments about white not being superior or jews/shitskin being the superior one.

Jews and shitskins are parasite, without the white you'll be nothing.


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