Indian men

Is there any other race that is more beta than Indian males?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>literally cannot poo in loo

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Gladly this does not happen so often in India

Attached: WhiteWarrior.png (1665x1049, 2.92M)

99.9% indian guys look so fucking ugly
and the women look like trannies
someone should just nuke this shithole into irrelevancy

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>Is there any other race that is more beta than Indian males?
Hapas, but just slightly

Don't feel bad. Some of you have culture, history, and were bleached.

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>and were bleached.
This is not a good thing, it allows a lot of the dumb fucks to try and LARP as if they were white

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kek indian men are subhuman beta scums

Just like Americans

Attached: CE908F24-6D15-4CA3-8FD0-A379F8F35677.jpg (583x640, 165K)

indians are genuinely revolting

>from that same article

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nice VPN :)
daily reminder whites love to appropriate other people's culture and history

Attached: India_TimeLine.png (812x1672, 95K)

Muttland isn't White poo..
Pic related is a sample size
>25 Whites
>25 Blacks
>25 Spics
>25 Asian Americans

Study was done by Yale in 2014.

>other sources that prove Whites are bigger then Blacks.

This Penis Graph is one of many studies done, and has been proven by racial backgrounds.
Graph has been proven by Racial Background Studies.

>Congo 7.1" (can be discredited due to Niggers in the Congo measuring from the bottom of the nut sack to the tip of the penis.)
>Germany the true actual biggest Penis on average is 6/5 (Measures the actual Penis Shaft)
>America 6.3
>UK 6.2
This Graph shows the History behind White Penis Sizes (Largesti average Penis Size in history was Germans pre-WW2 9.2inches on average)
White Women are waking up, and Newlywed White Women 18-25 Breed White. Black Women (They know best BBC is just a meme) breed White, and Asians LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE BWC

Attached: muhbbcbtfod.png (381x297, 10K)

Nope. india was a shithole and it has become a more disgusting shithole. only a massive nuke that wipes out every single street shitting, smelly, ugly monkey will save it

>The first nation to have cultivated science is India...
>..The Indians have made great strides in the study of numbers...
>...After all they have surpassed all other peoples in their knowledge of medical sciences, and strengths of various drugs...
>The Kings of China call their king as the "King of Humans" because the people of China are more obedient to authority, and are stronger followers of government policies than other peoples of the world. They refer to the king of India as the "King of Wisdom" because of the Indians' careful treatment of sciences and advancements in all branches of knowledge.
>In spite of their colour of the skin which is in the first stage of blackness, which puts them in the same category as blacks...

>In spite of their colour of the skin which is in the first stage of blackness, which puts them in the same category as blacks...


Attached: Al_Andalusi_Indians.jpg (869x2287, 893K)

>posts cringe

Wants some more bobs? Mr Abbdu?

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Reminders Poo's sucked Nazi cock.

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Well they are weak and funny looking. Bad genes, no sports and eating rice curry all day. But still I don't think they are beta when it comes to their behavior.

>seething shit-skin

Attached: average_pooskin.png (353x323, 292K)

seethe more ugly, smelly, street shitting monkey

Stop stocking the fire meme flag. India has its problems like every nation. For all the banter they get on this board and still choose to be part of this community I salute them.

Say it with me.

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based. even the Greeks were impressed by Indian BVLLS.

>And they were by far the bravest races inhabiting Asia at that time
>There were blacker than the rest of men, except the Ethiopians

Attached: Alexander_On_Indians.jpg (1512x777, 210K)

Based Poo
You suck my cock okay? I'm your Jewish GOD you fucking monkey, when I demand you suck my cum out of my dick you will do as I command okay? Okay.

Suck the cum out of my cock.
Here is a pic of the average Poo-Dic

Attached: average_poo_pp.png (415x729, 577K)

brits should man up and kill off all shitholers

You're so fucking inferior, and emasculated you cope post this hard. Impressive that someone can have such frustrations built up in them, and not suicide.

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>implying allying with Hitler is a bad thing

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It wasn't, just he is having a violent temper tantrum that he has to live with White's accomplishments and he has none.

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I think niggers are pretty beta desu.

They never fight 1-on-1, always in packs. They have no loyalty, are really stupid, beat women etc. I think sometimes their impulsivity is mistaken for alphaness, but really they're just like overgrown teenagers throwing tantrums and hitting girls. A very pathetic group of "men."

America never should've give them the rope instead of freedom.

But yeah Indians are very beta too OP.

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I will never be white. What's up with that? We were always a BLACK nation from the beginning.

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>America never should've give them the rope instead of freedom.

Uh I mean, the other way around or something

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Stfu VPN amerimutt

>mfw shitposting from the bath

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based indiabro ITT btfoing vpniggers and paki shills.

protip: Pakis group up on discord to do shilling like this lmao

summed it up perfectly
all shitholers should be nuked

>UK shitposting
>stereotypical western convert to islam

Ummm.... no? I live in this shithole and I hate every single one of these smelly, street shitting, ugly monkeys

lmao paki

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cope harder vpnboi.

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Who got shelled this time

You call shitting in any street you wish beta? Thats the opposite of beta dude.

Mommy so smoll

Nope. White people were POOED when Aryans(who were non-white raped you). European historians have been trying to cover this up for a century now but any archaeological study like Yamnaya culture will tell you otherwise.

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Silence Gonzalez
>you on the right
Post timestamped pic of plug socket

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Anything note worthy from that land area came out of the Indus. A small sector in Pakistan that's the basis of your entire Australasian colony for some reason. Also side note, but Buddhism really wasn't all that influential out side of South East Asia and Mongoloid territory.



Indians are Australoids with some Sand nig influence from arabia, persia, and the east. Australoids btw are people similar to the Andamanese, originating in one of the first OOA migrations. Dumb and ugly and are the main major component in both Central and South poos. The Dravidians ,who were brown mostly-Australoid (the same aforementioned people) with some sandnig-Caucasoid from Georgia, Kuwait and Southern Iran. Were the people in question, who invaded the great Elamite Indus Valley civilization of Pakistan, that had running water and autonomous toilets(continuous flow, not like modern water toilets that flush on command). Ugly and crafty as fuck. Dravidians still dominate Southern and central India and are the genetic core of all the poos between that area. Then there's the Indo-Persians - Sandniggy theifs. The Indo-Persians are Gypsies, Central Indians, Brahmins. Ugly and sinister. These are descendants of the australoids that got raped by the Elamites, Arabs, Moghuls, Persians, Turks. Not to mention the Blonde Scythians, who exterminated many poos and in the process, they absorbed and assimilated lots of the extant Dravidians, thus browning their own race.

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Believe otherwise as much as you want, street shitting monkey

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Can’t wait for India to nuke Pakistan via Indian intergalactic death rays

First you fix your country

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First you fix your people

Attached: GermanPakis.png (777x939, 282K)

Dravidians were pretty separated and built a great civilisation(on par with Aryans or other Indo-European tribes). My subgroup is mix of Aryans and other indo-european tribes. Historical records show we migrated downwards from Indus to Kashmir then to finally Goa.

And you absolutely were the bitch in this case study, considering how your ancestors immediately alternated towards the language of these r1a Slavs. And after wards adopted their system of assertion, other wise called Hinduism.

Imagining worshiping literal shit.

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Wouldn't England be affected? I.e you?

I live in NI, 98% white.
Show flag amerimutt

You see that yellow tinged stone, that's keim repairs. It's this mineral powder that sets almost as hard as sand stone and you can apply as a paste then then it sets you can shape it with chisels and rubbing stones, pretty good stuff.
Interesting how they haven't colour matched it with the existing. Makes it easier to distinguish between the original and the repairs.
>T stone mason

cope tard pakis created this thread itself .... honestly we Indians don't even think about you anymore.

cope harder, ugly ass monkey

No there absolutely was some back and forth migration between said groups. And a ancient land area probably called Sunda land is why most likely. Considering the M maternal grouping consistent among both Indians and the Australasian people's in OZ,else where.

I think it's time my Hindu brothers of Jow Forums that rather than saying #notallIndians and doing apologetic cuck shit like that, we must start to go offensive.

Yes, we are street shitters and don't give a fuck about it. Yes, we rape women. Yes, we beat women. Yes, we rape white women. Yes, we hate Christians and Muslims. Yes, we will come to your countries, leverage your political system and media against you and take back what is ours.

Remember what the BLACK God (Krishna) said:
>हतो वा प्राप्स्यसि स्वर्गं जित्वा वा भोक्ष्यसे महीम् |
>तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चय: || 37||
If you fight, you will either be slain on the battlefield and go to the celestial abodes, or you will gain victory and enjoy the kingdom on earth. Therefore arise with determination, O son of Kunti, and be prepared to fight.

-- Gita (2:37)

Jai Sri Krishna,
Jai Sri Ram brothers.

You know shes dreaming up some narcissistic tale about how her ancestors were responsible for the treasures of Egypt. Absolute baboon.
Your ancestors are still around and theyre responsible for mud huts, mosquito burgers, malaria, sickle cell and eating cow shit

Atleast use the right flag pooki

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Sanjay. Keksimus maximus.

Please stop shitting into the river Poojeet and Pooja.

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industrialization full throttle

Cherry picked outliers, who probably have a degree of foreign ancestry. You brain dead Australoid ape, we both you're a shade or ten darker than those reprensentives usually. Also generally more nig looking.

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They had built one of the greatest civilisations known to man so I doubt they had a lot to do with abbos(who can barely rub together sticks).

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Those groups were more so influencers, than conquerors. After assimilation.

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Giga POO

Go worship cow faggot

Shitty coherent structures don't correspond to civilisational prowess, Patel. And nothing intellectual or note worthy ever came out of the pooey abyss known as Australoid India natively, self evidently. Unless a foreign people's instigated it by alien tier grace in the case for these mostly Australoid Subhumans. Pic related.

Attached: Australoid - Caucascoid .jpg (320x240, 40K)

His face looks like a teddy bear's face.

Which car do you drive?

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Thanks for reminding me how women in this shithole look like trannies.
Seethe more and more, ugly monkey

>Scrunched up beany head
>Wide Ape esk nostrils
>Medium shit tone

And you retards larp as a Caucascoid group, Lmao.

Based. indians are disgusting, cow-piss drinking beta scums

Attached: IndianAmericanIncomePerYear.jpg (576x802, 162K)

Cow gives you milk and ploughs fields. This is why it holds high value in Indo-European cultures(Indian culture, ancient Roman/German/Greek culture as well). It all went downhill after Europeans started to worship this kike

You have no clue what you are talking about. Modern Indians are a mix of Aryans, Indus valley civilisation people and Dravidians(mostly to the south). All three civilisations were unique and great in their own rights.

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What's so special about caucasoid whites?
See my first pics ... Whites are gay and cucked
Indians are not cucked

literally ZERO, I repeat ZERO major empires had capitals in the modern region of Pakistan.

NOT one major philosopher, author, or ancient scholar came from Pakistan.

Mauryas, Guptas, Marathas, Vijaynagara, Cholas ALL of them were in the vicinity of modern India.

Aryabhatta, Brahmagupta, Adi Sankara, Valmiki, Vyasa, Varamahira, Madhava (Kerala), all these prominent ancient mathematicians were born in the territory of India.

Pakistan was constantly being enslaved and raped by foreign conquerers, NOT India. The foriegners would rape Pakis and then move to attack India, where the actual war would happen.

This is why MODERN Pakis follow a Arabic Semitic religion and try to deny their Indic ancestry as hard as possible, because they CANNOT deal with the fact that they are a conquered people, and project their insecurities onto Indians, who preserved their culture.

This guy just raped your DoG son.

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indians are ugly, poor, and weak ass niggers who listen to their parents

citation needed

paki rape baby looks like a chimera

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We are one of the last hopes of humanity on earth
FYI .. Chinese also do same .. same guys who own pakis

Modern Indians mostly are Australoid in make up. Especially in the more Southern States, and have very sparse Arayanic input on the paternal side.

>Indus Valley Peoples

Show case the most affinity with the inhabitants of Pak land, down from there it dilutes towards the Australasian bell curve prevalent again among your people. We also have most of the Aryan btw, and why can't you acknowledge your Australoid heritage?

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Only those with Rhesus Negative blood are Aryans. If you have RH positive, you are of the Monkeys.

While average pajeetos look like Necromorphs

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Not like a chimera rape offspring