Why is our government so fucking retarded when it comes to opium...

Why is our government so fucking retarded when it comes to opium? Do they somehow not realize that by restricting prescriptions more and more they're forcing more people to turn to heroin and shitty fake chinese street fentanyl, who then OD on it because they have no idea what they're even taking? Is this intentional?
Example: my mom has extremely bad arthritis. She's been responsibly taking oxycodone for going on 15 years, and the amount of hoops she has to jump through to keep her prescription nowadays is bullshit. In my state the govt can force you to submit to a random blood test at any point in time. If you miss work because of it you don't get reimbursed. If you have even a marginally higher amount in your blood than you're supposed to, your prescription is ended cold turkey and you're permanently blacklisted from ever being prescribed an opioid again. How many people do you think this policy has killed?

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t. denied percocet user

China does it right.


I was prescribed tramadol after a rear end accident a few years ago for debilitating back pain. Wedged vertebrae, bulging disc, flattened spinal cord, extensive nerve damage to back/arms/legs. It took years but the pain finally subsided to the point I didn't need the tramadol anymore. Without it I would've shot myself. These prescriptions are the only thing keeping some people alive and allowing them to live somewhat normal lives.

>Why is our government so fucking retarded when it comes to
This sentence could be followed with literally anything. Government intervention always makes things a thousand times worse than they already are. They need to fuck off and worry about rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure and failing economy instead of telling us what we can and can't do with our own bodies.

It's by design user, look into the opium wars that almost brought china to its knees. Jews have always ran the opium trade and they use it as a form of slavery, control the opiates and control the money supply and you have a nation of slaves.

>land of the free
>can be strapped down and have your dick mutilated as a baby without your consent
>can't ingest x substance as a grown adult who is perfectly capable of making his own decisions

I stopped believing in america long ago.

Pretty much. This coupled with the fact there's a shortage right now and production would need to be raised to 5x what it currently is to satisfy global need, it's more valuable than ever.

If everyone with chronic pain could just go outside and have a simple poppy garden there would never be a shortage, Thomas Jefferson grew poppies, now zogbots will imprison people who produce their own medicine, only Israel can sell goyim their medicine, only Israel can be defended by our military. If I don't know better I would think we were slaves at this point.

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It's just more of the same feelgood sensationalism.
>people are overdosing, ban the opioids!
>people are getting shot, ban the guns!
>violent video games are turning teens into school shooters, ban the video games!
etc etc
Never think the government will actually make something better, not even for a second.

Not to say I completely disagree with you, but the amount of opioids you guys prescribe is insane and needs to go down. Even chronic arthritis is nothing that would earn you a oxycodon prescription in germany. Opioids are strictly for the dying here. For sudden onsets of pain from a severe condition you might get tramal but usually only for a short period of time. Having half your population addicted to heavy drugs doesnt't solve anything.

Watched exactly that happen. Friend couldn’t get the medication he needed for pain (dude couldn’t even move), ends up getting pain pills on the streets, 2 months later he’s smoking heroin.

Dude was one of the worlds top 10 pilots on BF4, luckily he’s good now

Where the heck do you even get poppie seeds? Are they legal?

Nobody prescribes them anymore because doctors are afraid of losing their license. Instead they resign to making you pop 1000s of NSAIDs that don't work and will inetivably start punching holes in your fucking innards.

I know the type of which you speak.

I bet if they weren't all subversive psychopaths then they might actually help people and not eat them... I dunno… maybe?

Americans work more than two weeks a year.


I understand. I broke my leg once and without my percs for the first month and the tramadol for the next 2 Id have been pretty hurtin'

Don't have any inclination to have anymore. Depressants just aint for me I guess.

This! Couldn’t have said it better user. Would have rather had a handful of painkillers to last me a week than having them shove 500mg NSAID and muscle relaxers down my throat that didn’t do shit. The only reason the muscle relaxers worked was because they put me to sleep.

>entire history revolves around alchohol
>almost took over the world during the ww2 stimulant binge
>the greatest German to ever live did every drug imaginable

Are you actually retarded?