Do you support antifa burning the American flag

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>Burning the American flag.

don't care.
I think it's pointless but it's their life.

its weird

It's free speech.

I support doing to them what they have already done and have threatened to do with whites who don't sufficiently hate themselves

Attached: MyAncestor.jpg (1024x844, 83K)

I support America burning Antifa.

free speech requires that you communicate usually with speech ideas burning a flag is not really communicating much is it

Burning a flag communicates a great deal, you fucking windowlicker. It’s degenerate shit, though.

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If it's not communicating anything then theres no controversy and it shouldn't be a problem for anyone

I support them getting as radical, violent and crazy as possible while the press fawns and orgasms all over them 24/7.


Only bootlicking boomer retards think it's degenerate

Yes, Death to America !

I support them burning the rainbow flag.

whats burning a flag say for example what if i right now decide to bur the communist china flag what would you get from that

i get it double standards

>muh piece of rag burning
just americans get triggered by that shit

so can i burn chias flag or russias flag


all of you stop hiding behind your memeflags

antifa are cowards

remove your own memeflag as well