Fuck borders, fuck nations and fuck niggers

Does anybody else feel like only nuclear hellfire is sufficient enough to cleanse the world of all the sick and twisted shit that's going on by now.
Just think of it.
Degeneracy is now normalized, superpowers are increasingly destabilizing less developed nations for their own gain, people around the world are being exploited for their labour, mass immigration is flooding our countries, our free speech is being eradicated step by step and it all points towards the future being even worse.
Yet some of you still think that we can get out of this twisted game with a bunch of online memes and won elections.
It won't happen.
The only solution is to start over from scratch.
To bring down the apocalypse on our own world, in order to let a beautiful phoenix of freedom, equality and morality rise out of the ashes of what once was.
If you believe that there is any other possibility to salvage this twisted world we have created, I'd really like to hear of your thought process behind it.

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Degeneracy is brought by (social) chaos; national identity is part of what's preventing it to go deeper

>If you believe that there is any other possibility to salvage this twisted world we have created

sure, get rid of the people twisting it so.

>Implying the kike (((state))) isn't the source of all the degeneracy that's becoming normalized
The damage has been already done

>The damage has been already done

the damage is continual, you imbecile.

Well user..

Niggers are the reason nations and borders exist. So sounds like you got some work to do

Even if we get rid of (((them))), there's more than enough brainwashed fucks already to achieve the jews goals, we can't outvote them and we can't ever reach the level of influence over society they have
libs have
>huge companies
what do we have?
If nations didn't exist I'd have the right to shoot every nog on sight

>Degeneracy is now normalized
> Using Jow Forums

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>brainwashed fucks

the point is, if you stop the brainwashing signal, you stop the brainwashed army in it's tracks.

try to think more, instead of being an obviously transparent defeatist shill.

You know that one does not neccesarily have to post on /b/ and /trash/ to be on Jow Forums, right?

threadly reminder that you're the biggest faggot on Jow Forums

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The brainwashing signal does not come out of a central point, the brainwashing is commited by many people, most of them not jews. Even if we get rid of the kikes, we won't be able to stop the self sustaining machine that is radicalized leftism and degeneracy.

>Does not understand the difference between the (((state))) and genuine nations
I hope I didn't bully your subgerman ass too much and you become Hitler 2

>fuck borders, fuck nations, fuck private property.

fuck belka too

>The brainwashing signal does not come out of a central point

that's where you're wrong.

There are very few places/organizations that have the knowledge of the human psyche to achieve this level of sophistication in their propaganda...

The secrets of their craft are not widely distributed, but tightly controlled to keep them occluded from public scrutiny.

This is known in some circles as "Information Security"

Now, had you actually done any real work on researching logistics, you would know this.

Sure, they have thousands of NPC' Megaphones they use to blast their message, but the messages are crafted in a more or less centralized "system" for mass distribution through proxy agents.

As long as a nation exists, kikes WILL find a way to subvert it. If you can't have a state without the danger of kike corruption, why have a state at all?

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Kikes can't subvert your nation if there are no kikes


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Based and antifa-nihilism-pilled.

2nd threadly reminder that you're the biggest faggot on Jow Forums

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coming from a leaf, that means absolutely nothing.

seek help

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> fuck borders they said

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Oh, did you want to go through all of my posts one by one?

I'm pretty sure I quote most everyone in my replies.

If I'm not mistaken, I have over 40,000 posts since 2015 on this tripcode, and I discuss all topics.

Do a search for "Al-Quaeda" or "s o y" or anyting else like that, you know, just to give it some context.

on a related note, does the US intel community know that canada is violating it's 5 eyes commitments in using psychological warfare on US citizens?


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not a bad shoop.

If we destroy the jewish system behind the left, sure it will damage them, but ONLY damage them, it won't kill leftism. Infact it will only make their resolve to destroy us stronger and thereby accelerate the procces of degenerization.
The Jews have already managed to create something called a GoyJewBot, basically an NPC that thinks exactly like the kikes, spews degeneracy, promotes leftism, brainwashes your kids, etc.

>f-fake!! false flag!!!1
If you don't want anons going through your post history you should stop using a tripcode

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they are NPC's you fool, they do what they are told.

The default state of these NPC's is 'Brainwash others', they will keep on brainwashing those that don't know better, even if we wipe out the heebs you fucking heeb.

Even nuclear disaster can't help. What we need is a biological warfare. Only eradicating of stupid genes can change the situation.

>Fuck borders, fuck nations and fuck niggers (to achieve a brown subhuman 80 iq neo european pleb class)
Literally what the judeo-masonic nwo wants.
Congratulations you are a fucking idiot.

>Nations and lwas get abolished
>You can shoot niggers without punishment now
Wow so bad.

>strong borders
no niggers

>strong borders
>kikes subvert the state
>niggers flood over
>"what are you a fucking psycho? You can't just shoot people of african descent!"

>if nations didn't exist
>if people just stopped collectivizing and organizing on such a large scale i could do whatever
Good luck. There will always be some group that will do that, and effectively become a state. It's you or them. Either you collectivize and become a stronger and better state and kick their ass, or they will do that to you. As the Jews have done to the west. Remember, Jews will always come together to further Jewish interests. A Jewish future does not include you.

Except that during anarchy kikes have no say and could just be wiped out, same goes for leftists, none of them have any survival skills whatsoever and would be shot within the first 3 days of anarchy for trying to steal bubbas canned food supply, those that do survive would be quickly disillusioned by the roaming packs of feral niggers and sandniggers.


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>kikes subvert the state
On a weak nation.

>15 minutes to reply
>still a terrible shoop
anybody can use the archives, kike.

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>on a weak nation
post ww2 Francoist Spain disagrees

the post numbers in my images actually match up to those in the archives.

You have been debunked, and your shops are horrible.

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>flat out denial
Doesnt get anymore jewish than that.

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you are by far, the worst shill I think I have ever seen.

Does your manager know this is what his money is getting him?

>always thinking about the money
and you wonder how we know you're a jew

Go check top 10 economies 1975. We were the first stage of ww2, didn't get a share of the marshall plan and still got into the top 10 during franco's regime.
Also, we secretly had nukes, not sure if he was still alive when we had them, Aznar got rid of them.
Franco supported opposition to israel till his deathbed, antisemitism was not only not a hate crime, but a patriotic duty.
Strong nation, no kikery.

you want people to believe your shitty photoshops instead of actually checking the posts for themselves?

I've never heard such ambitious pilpul in all my 3 years on /Pol

and it all fell apart the moment only a slight tinge of weakness was shown

does this conversation have anything to do with the word vox?

with what? Your ashkenazi schizophrenia seems to be onsetting, it was only a matter of time.

>with what?

thought so.....

this you?

It gradually collapsed into what retarded homosexuals call democracy.
So your point is, since having strong borders and strong nations isn't something that can magically happen right now with no effort, let's just hope for a nuclear war that brings total anarchy, so we can hunt niggers for a while. (That is until some world army comes out from the ashes as a savior and reinstates order, a world order, brand new)
Too much call of duty/hollywood. Anarchy would benefit the most anyone that isn't white, europeans are old, scattered and divided.

forgot pic

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You're really losing it. I know you're upset but consider proofreading your posts to make sure you aren't exposing yourself as a shill.

Or does your cousin Eli in New York do the editing?

you're getting fired as we speak, aren't you?

>world order
>out of anarchy
won't happen people are too divided

Why do you assume everybody posts for money? are you projecting, shill? It's awfully hard for you to recover from admitting to being jewish and then acting like you belong here.

>Too divided
>To even fight back
It almost sounds like it was the plan all along, feminism, homosexualism, endless importation of foreigners, left wing, right wing, atheism, etc

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well, let me know when your supervisor takes over this conversation... maybe he won't be a complete moron.

>implying anyone can unite packs of raiders, niggers neo-nazis and cucks

Yes hello, this is Morty Steinberg at Libtard Shill Enterprises L.L.C., I understand you have a complaint about the shilling you've received today. Would you mind telling me exactly what the problem is?

An actual army can kill them and offer order to the survivors. Sorry user, mad max was just a movie.

>actual army
>after nuclear apocalypse

>Would you mind telling me exactly what the problem is?

shilling is supposed to be very subtle, so as to convince others.

This moron you are literally giving money to is exposing your entire operation to the limelight that you are specifically trying to avoid.

His very presense is a beacon of your organizations desire to use money to alter discussion of topics or prevent discussion altogether.

In essence, he needs a different kind of job, he's not cut out for being a shill, and you don't appear to be a very good manager for hiring someone that stupid for covert operations.

>Fuck borders

Only a bitch ass spic would say thing like this. No one wants to join up with Mexico OP.

An actual army would be the first ones to know a warhead is coming. An actual army would be the first to get into those sweet D.U.M.Bs

Hold on one moment, you seem to be contacting us from another department, are you working in the Cuck Shill division right now?

If you have an internal complaint feel free to direct it towards the HR department or maybe use the suggestion box you walk by on your way to jerk off in the restroom every 30 minutes

No, I'm not a part of your company, you just stand out.

I just ran your number, and yes I see you are Noam Gershinowitz the mailroom clerk in the Cuck Shill department.

Knock off the pranks Noam I'm geting real tired of your shtick

>Noam Gershinowitz

is that literally your real name or something?

>no u
Oy gevalt fuck off Noam or I'll have you written up. Get the fuck back to work there's 14 threads about white people on the catalog what are we paying you for jeez

So, you're entire tactic is "No you are but what am I"?

that's so incredibly sad.

So, you're not actually trying to have a conversation, are you? You're following my tripcode.

You're the best they have?

>no u
Get some new materiel Noam. And yeah, get rid of the tripcode it's against company policy. Your lucky I'm on good terms with your uncle Schmuel or your job would've been shoahed 20 Shabbats ago. No wonder you make the least money here

>it's against company policy.

I already told you, I don't work for your company.

The tripcode stays.

I see you don't have one though.

>I already told you, I don't work for your company.
There's that gold old Jewish humour again. Listen Noam, you can knock off the Shtick, we both know you work here, I sign your G-d damned double digit paychecks.

It's just you and me here, can we speak honestly, Jew to Jew?


well, at least you admit you're a shill.

more honest than the others, but still, hopelessly transparent for the environment.

Stop reddit spacing, they're going to notice you and then our whole operation will be Kaputs! And that means no more Shekels for you!

>Stop reddit spacing

reddit doesn't actually have spacing like that.

Go dance with the angels pal!

That's demoralized thinking, we just need white nationalist leaders with army backing.

How do you know? Have you been putting in overtime on the_donald again? Oy vey why work for free that's what the holocaust was about. You're a terrible Jew and your mother would be ashamed of you if she wasn't a whore

just kill the leaders, shut down media, re-educate, kill degenerates who rebel

you are willing to kill everyone but not willing enough to kill leftist leaders? there arent that many of them

So, you just label people with insults datamined from "Things that Jow Forums hates", and that's you're whole tactic?

No debating? No discussion?

Just insults derived from a script?


Please use the Hebrew to English book that we generously provided to you for a small fee

thought so.

jesus you people are so bad at this, it's actually pitiable.

Anarchy is impossible.

100% impossible to achieve anarchy in humans so therefore will never exist
Cause I like green and you like orange and you're gonna be pissed off when I find others who also like green and start painting things green
So to stop things from becoming all green everywhere you're gonna need others who like orange to paint over my green..
And so sets a collective of groups with a common interest at hand nullifying true anarchy

Its just not gonna happen bro

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Got any tips? I'm new at this whole shilling thing, just transferred from Discord

You seem to fit in here pretty well, are you an "old fag"?


>Got any tips?

now that you mention it, yes.

figure out what it is you are talking about, so that you don't blindly argue a bunch of nonsense about shit that you don't understand, it's pretty noticeable, and a dead giveaway that you are trying to appear right, as opposed to BEING right.

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Or white people can fix the mess they created.
You fags always try to solve things with such retarded logic.
>We should kill all X
>We should build a wall to block X
>We need time ban all X
>We need to nuke X of the planet

The list goes on. This is the language of a fascist. Once you get rid of the X, you simply move the goal post and designate some new X as the Jews/Feminist/Niggers/commies who are destroying society.

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Thanks Noam. Always nice when the shabbos goyim help the Jews for free

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oh, I wasn't helping you.

You can't pilpul a pilpuller! You've helped me more than you can possibly imagine.

Now I will go btfo /Pol with those racemixing threads you invented. Good call on that one.

Thanks Noam.

>You've helped me more than you can possibly imagine.

well, good luck job hunting.

I already work for the Shills though. Can't you follow a conversation Goy?

>I already work for the Shills though

not for long.