What can you tell me about this man?

What can you tell me about this man?

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Called Merkel "unfuckable". Although I would disagree. The tits on Angie are out of this world delicious looking.

Berlusconi was the biggest tycoon of Italy in the '80, the absolute master of a media empire and the rival of Carlo De Benedetti, one of the slimiest kike in history and one of the italian left head honchos and financers. As the Tangentopoli scandal nuked all significant opposition to the left in the '90, he decided to become a politician, fearing the commies would have utterly destroyed his fortune to please De Benedetti. He won, and from that day onwards he was vilified and harassed by the entire italian deep state. He is not /ourguy/ though, he's a bumbling lolbertarian who accidentally managed to piss off the entire globohomo apparatus as he moved to protect his economic interests. He also has surrounded himself several times with NWO infiltrators who quickly sabotaged everything he tried to do and never wised up to this tactic, because he loves having his ass kissed. He's literally an italian Trump, a bumbling fool constantly manipulated and outmanouvered by his enemies.

Funny cunt.

A rich asshole that posed as right wing while at the same time owning all the left wing media that brainwashes youth with thot mindset retards vote him cuz "le edgy"

>The tits on Angie are out of this world delicious looking.
Probably smell like polyester lint and sweat.

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Mafia poodle & pedophile. Jew tier scum.

bunga bunga


Funny, how Trump was a Mafia poodle too.

How small the world is....


he's basato e rossoneropilato

I don't know who he is but whoever made that human suit is garbage

>ok I know we lied about the Russia stuff but hes actually in debt to the MAFIA!!!
absolute cringe

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Also a "culona", something like lardass in italian.

ogre edjucashion. get out.

One funny thing about the political connections of the mafia in Italy: the left is always depicted by the media as crusaders against the mafia and every time some leftist is caught dealing with them the entire incident gets immediately covered up and ignored. Right wingers gets constantly accused of corruption instead, and receive mediatic lynching on a daily basis when they are investigated, but any single time they prove their innocence journalists are completely silent about it. Judges are the true deep state of Italy and almost all of them used to be Antifa and leftist activists before getting the job. For their part, mafiosi are mafiosi: they do business with both. The majority of them however prefers dealing with the left, though, since they know they can easily negotiate lighter sentences if they accuse conservative politicians. The fact the italian left utterly despises the Jow Forumsice (because all the italian commies got daily beatings by the cops when they were antifa goons) guarantees law enforcement will get budget cuts if they form a government.

He could have changed this country in better, but this happened. Plus he got involved into scandals, started caring only about his business and make his party revolved around the cult of his personality reather than a conservative one. Also he got his dumb whores elected even in the parliament.
sorry, but that quote was made up by some journalist in order to make Silvio look bad

Actual racist version of Donald Trump
Already on his way to his decline in favour of the nationalist Salvini, americunts are behind us

you have to be nigger to even consider her fuckable

He likes women

He’s based
Friendly reminder that he tried to cut out the bad weed on our judicionary system and to stop the war in Libya and he got sacked by Merkel.

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Well i dont judge him, quite nice milkers

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Globohomo kill nissan

anally fucked a lot of young jet set girls and female politicians

Sounds accurate. But he gave us this video youtube.com/watch?v=fKIylj92O1Q
and pic related, so there's that.

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He likes underage kebab

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