Why are teens shooting up schools...

Why are teens shooting up schools? It’s not just american problem (mostly) but it happens in Russia a whole lot as well and the rest of Europe too

Let’s not ignore the fact that most of these shooters are white

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It has its roots in evolutionary psychology.
Mass killings are the fastest and easiest way to statusmax in the minds of low social status men.
Someone who is able to kill a lot of people is also able to protect you and your children in the minds of women, that's why school shooters get sent thousands of love letters while in prison.
Remember to sage in this thread.

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not just low social status but low social status and cowardly/inexperienced

It's definitely not cowardly, it takes a lot of bravery to commit a mass shooting, especially since it may not even work out like a lot of school shooting attempts
In the context of the modern world, kind of. If we still lived within tribal units with only 100-150 people inside, it would make for a very beneficial gene propagation strategy if pulled off successfully, that's partially why it probably still surfaces with the most desperate of people.
As for race though, most school shooters aren't white, at least in the US. Plenty of them are mixed race or are Jewish, and are still labelled as "white".

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It definately is cowardly. Prefefrring easy and safe targets to difficult and dangerous targets is not courageous. No mass shooting ever picked targets that shoot back. Mass shootings are power fantasies not just for the cowardly but the most cowardly. Everyone and their grandmother can develop physical courage. That's nothing special. Inexperience is taking oneself and ones feelings and thoughts too seriously.

Fuck school, that's why

Because schools are flooded with shitskins. You are forced to spend time with them. It runs counter to our instincts to avoid the groid.

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Predictive programming is why

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Mass school shootings were unheard of back when schools were racially segregated.
Being forced to deal with those chimps us enough to drive anyone crazy.

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They increased your watchlist status from mid-tier to X-tier with that post.

>comic sans

>as well and the rest of Europe too

>white people
>shoot up schools
Looks like whites are smarter than everyone else once again.

Because ATF / FBI / NSA schools are usually the places were you get bullied and where you lose your illusions about the world.

In their early years, kids see reality for what is, they have no biases or filter. By time they hit highschool, teachers are working overtime to indoctrinate them into what amounts to a cult where they must adhere to a series of beliefs that appear at odds with observable reality. It's torturous. Add to that the very unnatural way in which school itself exists (particularly as it relates to adolescent males) and to be honest im surprised there aren't MORE.

Homeschooling, via a combination of experiential learning, independent reading, one on one instruction and eventually apprenticeship is the answer to the school problem, particularly for boys.

Every trip to the grocery store overwhelms my senses. More South American shitgoblins, domestic dindus, and Poos are shopping at walmart than whites. And most times when you see a white woman she is obese and has a nigglet in her shopping cart.

Makes me want to puke. I need to switch to Amazon home delivery.

Abolishing public schools would literally end school shootings. The tech to do correspondence class is already here, these facilities are basically prisons and people should not be subjected to this type of conditioning. Imagine every states k-12 expend (usually 60% of budget) disappearing along with property taxes.

Cunt that happened years ago.

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one would do well to investigate the medications these kids were on



Forcing young males to sit stationary for 8 hours a day and engage in exercises of rote memorization is destroying them intellectually.

The best school system would utilize a combination of traditional instruction, along with independent reading, experiential learning (a MUCH bigger percentage) and eventually organized apprenticeship.

also this.

Because black schools have metal detectors

2% of the populations 50% of the school shooters

this also. Black Schools responded to gang violence in the 80s' by getting armed cops and metal detectors and not being soft targets. No one cried 'muh kids rights' back then.

Now white suburban moms will scream "we need a solution" but then balk the second someone suggests the very solution that worked well for decades in Urban America.

The savings on bussing alone would pay for it. And each existing school could be retrofitted into a county jail with little cost - just changing doors to lock automatically, and put up a second fence.

Yeah but you basically throw your life away by doing a mass shooting that only lasts a very short timeframe, it takes courage to do that.
Same, there's a lot of Chinese/Muslim/African cunts where I live and I can't stand even looking at them.

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>most of these shooters are white
try jewish with single moms

>He has an anime reaction folder

throwing your life away is cowardly, giving up, giving into, submitting, going along with, being limp wristed

I'd educated my children on Jews
and tell them to watch out for them at school

Make sure they aren't acting seedy

And having some physical courage doesn't mean one can't be a coward because everyone and their grandmother can develop physical courage.

>educated my children on Jews
Atheist white families are as bad or worse than Jews.


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Yeah I know you want me to post more of it, don't worry.
Just shitposting online is cowardly, giving up, giving into, submitting, going along with, being limp wristed. Anyone can do that easily.
It takes courage and willpower to be a man of action, that's why they are so rare.

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Hapa Jewish incels*

>liking anime

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>1 post by this ID

Shooting unarmed children with the element of suprise on your side makes a "man of action"?



Dumb fucking wiggers...

Technically yeah.
If it didn't require courage and willpower, then there would be massive school shootings everyday given how much anger there is in this world.

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yeah nigga what of it

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>Let’s not ignore the fact that most of these shooters are white
lets not ignore all the videos of blacks ganging up on beating up quiet white kids, and BRAGGING about it. I'm sure that helps the matters a lot.

I take it that your a proxyfagging burger.
Because none of those 'school shooters' were white. At best they were mutts. White Americans do exist, but those mutts weren't it.
Besides, here in Scandinavia 'school shooting' is just another class. Imagine that burger. Taking an entire class, putting rifles in their hands. And nothing bad happens.

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>Perfect girls don't exi...

She probably takes nigger dick.

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Our problems stem from the influx of Jews from Europe. It’s basically the Germans fucking up western civilization for the 20th time.

It’s white people who do this

Oy vey! We can't be training our goyim like this!