>Is there a website or series of books that spell it out and aren't jewed or redacted
Who We Are by William Luther Pierce, but he's talking to Europeans with Aryan phenos so if you're some shitskin then you came from monkey fucking and just leave it at that.
Nicholas Nelson
Well ... I was specifically asking for human history ;)
Liam James
>Is there a website or series of books that spell it out and aren't jewed or redacted? No. You shouldn't believe anything you hear about our origins. It'll just have to be a mystery.
Julian Scott
Talmud was created in A.D. you mean the Torah
Wyatt Turner
Heres some help user. Niggers aren't human. They are Proto-human. So skip the we wuz monkeys n sheeeit.
Justin Brooks
before 6000 years ago, there was no white man on this earth causing mischief and the shedding of blood.
Bentley Howard
Niggas are a product of white people.
The black man is God.
Brody Long
Lol, yup, that's me. By day I "wageslave" and pay "rent" to "landlords," but in reality, I am the mastermind Catholic priest behind the rape and prostitution of untold thousands of Muslims all over the ME. We call ourselves the Botherham gang.
Kevin Hughes
The oldest oreserved human is hwhite though? Otzi the iceman, no?
22,000 years old, found near mkdern austria
Had an arrow lodged near his lung, had punctured him from the back, shattered a bone and some nerves/blood vessels from the same wound
He had bruises on his hands and chest and a cut wound on his thumb that went down to the bone
his body was found slumped over on its belly, so he was shot with an arrow, rolled over, shaft removed and then left there to bleed out
On his knife a different humans blood was found, on different arrowheads of his two other peoples blood was found and fourth persons blood was found on the shoulder of his fur coat
He ate bacon, bread, eoots and fruits about two hours before his death
Hwhites were killing eachother 22,000 hears ago, baking bread, making complex shoes (his had three different hides used in different parts, some suggest cobblers existed as a profession 20,000 years ago because of his snow shoes)
Camden Hernandez
Also the oldest human found with tattoos, his are very small though and in lower lumbar of back, with his coat they were entirely covered, even wothout a shirt they are small, so its thought they may have been the furst form of ancupunctre, tattooing some kind of drug to numb the back, had a small plus sign/cross tattoo on the backside of his knee as well
Benjamin Rivera
Either that or he kept marks for each oerson he killed lol
William Evans
The Indus tropes mention a flood, and after wards a divine expansion. Circling around Persia and the then Mesopotamia you'll find the same theme. So something along those lines imo.
>Real Jews
Were most likely a brown sub clade of Near Eastern farmers. Who incorporated themselves in to existing empires, and subsequently developed their identity as a result of out group hysteria.
And the Talmud is just a comprehensive discourse between various high ranking Rabbis. Basically a guide on under mining foreign groups in accordance towards self preservation.
Europes mountain ranges run east to west, for archaic nomads, 100,000 ago it would have easier to go around them, from levant thats headed towards india china etc
Thats not saying some didnt push north over them, but the path of least resistance probably had the larger numbers, indias and chinas population would agree
Ayden Wood
Of course, but they obviously did expand through those boundaries. Hence the Aryans and or r1a over lap between South Asia and Eastern Europe.
Humans are an admixture of dozens of extraterrestrial hominid species
Nathaniel Cook
Is this why hitler said they are our (germans im not german) brothers seperated by a thousand years?
Although it would be more accurate to say thousands with an S but they didnt have the knowledge we have now
Alexander Thompson
And China is an odd ball in this case, because there's evidence of them having an ancient Caucasian populace. But no modern existing trace is found, I'm guessing because of the Mongols.
OMG... Thats the funniest thing ive read all morning.Good 1 Mohammed .
Jayden Smith
Absolutely not, Indians in general are mostly Australoid. And the neighbouring Paki area is populated by a group of Caucascoids who show case the most affinity with the pre Aryan farmers. Genetically, that developed the actual valley civilization. Of course cross mixture is present though. In between these mentioned populations.
Interracial relationships equate to about 3% of the population in modern times
Is there any correlation here? Just how wide spread was this miscegenation (i dont know the name for cross species/genus?)
Noah Nelson
So i mean, did neanderthals la raza themselves into sapiens?
Eli Phillips
More along the lines of 5% from what I've heard. And every one else that isn't Saharan in origin does as well . With some nuances incorporated in, like denisovan in the case for some South Eastern groups. Those nogs also have some archaic input fyi, meaning they aren't pure by any means.