Millennials of Jow Forums, tell me why you refuse to get married?

Millennials of Jow Forums, tell me why you refuse to get married?

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It's a jewish scam created by jewish religion. kys for posting this low effort shit.

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Would fuck boipucci

all women after 20 have already been fucked, have a sextape and are alcoholics.

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Whats the benefit?



high risk low reward

The amount of ink on young women these days is nuts. I’m 39 married with kids. everything started changing like 10 years ago. It’s insane. Feelz
For you younger guys.

This person is always so weird looking.

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because I like to fuck around
marriage is for cucks


I don't refuse to get married, it's just every time I talk about courting a woman that isn't an old infertile whore I'm called a pedophile, so I just give up.

Isn't this that Overwatch eSports lass

I actually did get married, bought a house, and had a child.

The only thing I think might work is late adolescent pair bonding. Once women get on the cock carousel of tinder and the like its over.

I'm 35, white, married, 2 kids. My wife is a devicezombie and consumer obsessed. She sits on Facebook 8-12hrs a day (not memeing). The only topics of conversation she initiates are just parroting off whatever she's reading on Social media at that time. She also gets high all day long and ignores our children the vast majority of the time, so much so that I've started taking our 4yo to work with me during his summer break from school so I know he's been fed and has had a nap. When her phone dies she moves onto a tablet. When that dies she stomps around the house being a cunt and usually locks herself in the basement or our bedroom watching movies and getting high sitting on her laptop while I tend to the kids.

I've taken the kids with me during the 2 separations we've been through, she never called or texted once in those months we separated. When we showed up at the house my kids were so happy to be able to see their mother, when she got home she said "oh, it's you, hi..." and proceeded to lock herself in our bedroom watching a movie and getting high. Most if not all of her friends are also like this. Her sister is like this as well. It's 8am, the kids will be awake in an hour and this bullshit will start all over again. I'm grateful to get a fee hours or clarity every morning before my wife wakes up and starts complaining about everything.

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Because I. cant. fucking. afford. it.

This is the main reason why we can't. I am not binging them offspring into this world so they can live like shit.

Litterally horror fuel. If this is what awaits me, then I think I will incel 4 life.

Can't find a man that isn't a lefty faggot, a manchild incapable of caring for his personal hygiene or not spending all his free time on video games, or some skeevy PUA failure.

im disgusted by wemens

Shieet, my dumb ass thought I was replying to the "Why aren't you having children" thread

Regarding marriage the same thing basically applies but in this case even if I could afford everything for marriage/family I set myself up for failure immediately because half of all assets (+ tip) can be ripped away from me like that. So until this retarded practice of lose half your shit and you have no choice exists I am not gonna chance it.

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This, I have pretty simple standards.

No tattoos
No drugs
No nudes
Less than 5 men (im 31 so this seems reasonable depending on how it happened, 5 relationships is plausible.)

This criteria literally excludes all women unfortunately.

Why did you do this to yourself?

Why you just dont divorce?

killing your mother in this scenario is 100% justified

It's called a prenup bro have you ever heard of it?

cause I hate white whores

literally every relationship I've ever been in has been formed through a girl cheating with me on her boyfriend/husband, literally not once has that not been the case

I know the truth about women

I find that hard to believe. Where have you been looking? Are you reasonably fit and attractive?

Because responsibility must go in pair with authority. These days Man in mariage has full responsibility but he has no authority. Therefore it is Just stupid idea.

If there's a doodle, she won't get my noodle.

notfirstpost best post

thats a tranny

Good luck getting that prenup honoured

you're a good father and your kids won't forget this, friend

Lady, you are lookin good tonight
*just walks away*

Mate, I am so tired of women I want to genocide them all. Why the fuck would I marry one ?

I have impossibly high standards that include
>she doesn't have doodles
>she doesn't drink
>she doesn't suck dick
>she can hold a conversation
>she takes care of herself
>she can tolerate some dirt from time to time
>she doesn't have obsessive reactions to $200 handbags
>she is willing to iron problems out in a fair partnership
>she believes in fidelity
...This is the entire basis for the trap trend. Women are trash

this is what a 30 yo looks like now, least her tits are nice

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It cracks me up, how she tries to appear demure and fashionable with a full-sleeve tat.

lawyer up and raise your kids user, you are doing all the parenting anyways might as well remove the negative influence on your children or they will become like her

not only is it one of the most expensive things to do for nothing useful to come of it but the banks are just printing more money and giving out more bailouts furthering the class divide furthering inflation, soon this continued restriction of the masses is just gonna fall back on the elite just like it did in Rome, and China will be laughing. Still nobody has been prosecuted for the housing crash among other things, so we cant trust our government to force change, we have to wait for things to get so bad that we will need to start targe+ing the share h0lders of the most evil corporations.

not bad if she grows her hair out properly again. Only problem is the tattoo.

Anything on these pictures doesn't trigger me to the slur roastie.

Every supposedly elegible woman has a dick rap sheet four miles long with substance abuse sprinkled in there. Why would I want to get married to anything like that?

Your pic related answers it pretty well

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>Only problem is the tattoo.

apparently you've never heard her voice.

Nah, fuck you. Capitalism is number 1.

Mennyi az annyi?

>marriage didn't exist before Christ
Ignoring the ignorance of religion, your ignorance of the world is astounding.

Take her on a vacation somewhere like the grand canyon and convince her take a selfie on the edge of the cliff for facebook. With a little luck she'll end up at the bottom like the other faggots that do that shit.

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First tell us why you use a meme flag

Even Julius Caesar talks about how the Germanic tribes had monogamous relationships for life.

>no nudes
Not happening in the modern day. Asking for no sex tape is pretty much equally impossible.
Every girl lets a dude record them at least blowing them.

I'm only 20, UN-chan.

This needs some planning before you take any action. If you just go straight for a divorce she may get custody because of how cucked the system is, If you have assets of any value you should consider moving them (although you must leave a good amount of time between that and filling for divorce). Bottom line is you need to consult a lawyer now and give her no indication until you get into a more advantageous position with proof of drugs / whatever else. Your kids would be better raised by you alone, she is a bad influence.

all *white women you mean. Asian women in general are purer and there are more asian female virgins than white female virgins.

>Monogamy is bad

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Germans also saw maintaining celibacy into proper manhood as a virtue.
They believed the longer you went the stronger you were as a man.

Yeah just stay in denial until you get called into a draft.


>This is the entire basis for the trap trend
What the hell does any of that have to do with traps?

There are very few good ones. My wife is pretty good but yea, she is on kikebook about 4 hours a day. We can't even watch a movie because she is on her phone the entire time.

>muh asian waifu
You have no fucking idea. If an Asian woman has any male friends, shes fucking them.

Because your generation destroyed the culture of america, most men in america will never know the joy of waking up to a good christian wife and have 4+ kids to love and raise a family. Let alone have enough to support said family.

I fucking hate every god damn boomer.

>tfw no gf

Unfair alimony courts,
I'm also invisible to women,
They have 20 lbs of makeup on,
Or they're fatasses, or they want you to entertain them,
Basically the whole thing is fucked.
Nevermind the monogamy part, I have yet to glimpse a woman who would save their virginity and not get tattoos.

>china existing as it is without the US feeding it
Read a fucking book.

I was being tongue and cheek. Also, I'm 26. I'm no longer eligible for the draft.

found a 24 year old church-going blue-eyed virgin of danish descent with natural strawberry blonde hair; lived with her parents and had a steady job; 7/10 and very finicky with goofy humor

i guess it doesn't hurt to look more carefully, and now my search is done

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have children

Not anymore they don't. Times have changed and our less-restrictive modern free society has let white women reveal their true nature.

Good Dad user. Good luck.

hogy érted?

Well yea. There is a reason women had no power or inlfuence for 10k years.

>their true nature
Yes, they are animals to be trained. We fucked up big time thinking jews on tv would be a good replacement for priests.

how was your mother growing up?

because i've been in a semi-open longterm relationship for 14 years and marriage seems unnecessary. we're engaged though, in case we ever decide to have kids in the next couple of years we'll get married then.

Look at how fast women age, they weren't meant to be long term investments.

This does pretty much exclude all women. Only lived in big cities 1MM-1MM. Traveled the world young and built up confidence/backstory/etc. Bitches love travel. Generally the best looking guy in the building. Incredibly hard to find anything of moderate value. Even to land a 5-6/10 has been too much work. 40 now and roasties desperate. They buy me drinks, etc. Young girls very interested in an older man. However I’m broken from dealing with/seeing women’s lives play out/hearing their bull shit for 40 years. All so tiresome. Marriage/partnership is a young mans game. At least I get to see all the women struggle in their old age (over 28). Wouldn’t give me the time of day when I was their age. Now they make sexual advances fast and buy me drinks, dinners, etc. Fuck you bitches. I’m busy washing my hair. Busy working in my 10MM in assets. Stay broke. Revenge is grand.

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>Millennials of Jow Forums, tell me why you refuse to get married?
Government have become too involved with family life and in doing so have handed over all the rights of the family to women and all the responsibilities over to men. So if things go wrong for example it will be women who recieve the benefits, the money, the children, the family home, the family assets etc, and it's the men who pay for the children, lose their home, lose their assets etc.

That's so obviously a bad deal that the idea you'd get married has become somewhat of a joke.

God i wish that were me.

I want to get married and have kids but why should I bother. Every single family member I had ends up getting divorced. Parents, both sides grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. I have seen friends get married and get divorced just to see their lives fall apart. If I get married I want a woman that is decent and the few that are looking for marriage have undesirable traits to pass down or have major red flags. Even if I find someone decent they will end up being brainwashed by the media jew to break up after having a kid just to take everything I made and earned for my family. My current plan is get 50 acres in a town if I start a family to keep them away from degeneracy the best I can.

Marriage isn't a priority to me like it was for my family, and I'm ashamed to say that. Sure, I'd love to get married, start a family, and continue my bloodline, and my dad would love that too. He's talked to me about it before and I can tell he really wants me to have kids eventually.
That being said, though, I just can't take the risk in our modern world, with the way things are at the moment. Women are more unfaithful now than ever, and with the growing culture around false allegations at the tiniest aggravation, it's not a scene you can just enter blindly or without care.
If I meet a woman I'm 100% sure is my ideal soulmate, then yeah, sure. I'll pursue that avenue. But I sure as hell am not going out of my way to find one. Not right now.

because i want to keep 50% of my stuff, a big portion of my income, my House and my Dog

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It's not hard to meet the standards of a woman, just hit the gym and look good. If you're not a retard, well that's a bonus.

Besides from that, once you achieve that one simple thing, all you have to do is swipe on Tinder, or other apps and you could be fucking a new girl every week, multiple new girls every week..

Openess about sex, as well as sexual degeneracy has gone too far. "Muh body" - it's like a nigger saying "Muh dick".. brainwashed into spewing a few works to justify a now social norm, which involves fucking everything that moves, collecting diseases like they are pokemon.. and over time, just mentally fucking yourself with the amount of people you can go through.

Honestly, women are just fucking boring. Every date I go on I'm just waiting for it to be over. Women legitimately believe watching The Office or eating Chipotle is a fucking hobby and their political/philosophical insights are Facebook/BuzzFeed tier.

seems pointless
if you want to separate, go ahead, spare us the headache of a divorce, paperwork and splitting up bullshit

Good luck. Better to take your kids and move on! I have only one but similar situation. The mother is not that bad as she agrees she doesn't do enough, at least, but indeed there is less stress since we got separated

Well-trained... ish. She grew up listening to priests. She has grown unruly in her old age however, having never been beaten by my dad. The man who marries a woman unprepared to beat her will lose her respect quickly. He was perfectly willing to beat on me, now he pays the price for never disciplining his wife. In truth, she is married to the state, the only entity which is legally capable of disciplining her.

The population must return to 500 million

There, that is your answer

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I wanted to say this but was afraid I'd sound too pretentious
This shit has become a big problem for me

there's only 1 divorce i can think of on both sides of my family, but i just don't see a reason to pay for all that shit and have to see my family when i i can just live with my gf and share everything without a legal contract.

If true, why not just divorce, remarry, and get on with your life?


I would be game to fight for my spot. Higher population just leads to more retardation. Simply a fact.

I can't even get laid, who am I suppose to marry?

Can the eternal faggot sprouting these threads trying to convince men to go MGTOW just kill himself already?

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