Can we get a thread about Contrapoints?
Whats your opinion on her?
Fuck off with your astroturfing Nathan its not even noon yet.
I don't know who that is. Was that the guy who left you aut-rightists so now you get pissy whenever he's mentioned?
If you type sage in the options field before you post it allows you to type soy and soyboy in the body of the message without filtering it.
Kys freak
she is cute
Alt-hype destroyed her. Now he and his friends like three arrows won't even look at alt-hype.
The right is right.
tbqh i'm at the stage where i'm largely indifferent to the trans thing but still upset about the communism. trannies do themselves no favours with this ideology and i'm starting to suspect they enjoy the hatred
Okay, whether you like her or not, you can't deny she's had a massive impact on youtube in the last few years. She's lead the rise of breadtube, caused the downfall of the alt-right and become a symbol of online socialism.
Fuck off, faggot.
>makes an argument
>immediately followed by a ZANY comedy sketch
That's because he knows his arguments won't stand when taken head on, so he frames them in ironic comedy, so they can be exempt from criticism and analysis if need be.
I typically don't give much weight to opinions from people that are so self-deluded that they force others to accept fantasies. It's just a general rule, nothing personnel.
Literally who?
Yes the patron tranny making several hundreds of thousands a month is a great face for socialism.
I've seen most of the videos. None of it presented any new information. Let me ask you OP, what's your opinion. Which video did you watch that made you think "wow, no one on the right has any legitimate points."
That's a man. All furfags should yiff in hell.
I used to be pretty "redpilled" but took an interest in what the other side thought. I started checking out a few videos. It wasn't one video that made me switch, it was a process.
In all fields.
Lol nice try bitch.
o i c so you're saying we really just need to watch them all, notHontra?
Ok, then name me some points. What do you mean by process? Simply watching the videos themselves made you change your opinion?
trannies are incels in drag