EU superstate hate thread
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EU superstate hate thread
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>is on an anonymous board
>only pol shows geographic location
>is bothered by total anonymity
kys fag
based and saved
keep em coming
>kys memeflag nigger
>has memeflag
Stay mad
You are going to give us your tax money and theres nothing you can do about it
frighteningly accurate, all my co-workers and most of my friends are like this. i'm constantly hiding my power level and trying to avoid political convo which is tough to do. everyone seems to have gone insane after the eu parliament elections. living in euroNPC land
Brexit shills get the fuck off my board, stop trying to divide Europe
europe is lost
verhofstadt pls go
your time is running out, jean-claude
I hate taht sebbe guy, but i like alex. my god if I only was a female I would fucking love him
The European Union is a neoliberal construct designed to squash class conflict and entrench the power of Capital in Europe.
The answer isn't its abolishment, but its transformation into a deeply democratic force for working class politics.
Why are you so desperate to divide Europe?
wait what's this?
they call you a pusher
they call you a criminal
that only makes you stronger
unity is inherently un-european.
Sure, if you stop trying to muttify Europe and filling it with non-whites.
my god this jewish negro knows..
but you are wrong in the solution part, the solution is fisk
i used to agree with you in principle, but lost faith that this is possible
i just want my country to get the hell out before all free speech is abolished and we're completely sold off into IMF slavery
Woah there ameribro, shooting rocks from a glass house there
>The answer isn't its abolishment, but its transformation into a deeply democratic force for working class politics.
Yeah thats even worse. Back to your kibbutz.
What makes you think Austria is gonna pay tax to your little powerless country?
i mean, even centrist social democracy is being fought against tooth and nail by neoliberal eurocrats. there is no mass workers' movement that could make this at all possible or feasible. i'm just gonna throw my lot in with the euroskeptic populists, at least they have some sort of presence and some modicum of influence, and are doing something to curb the hegemony of eurocrats and their cronies.
Nice neofascist talking points, but in reality:
Level 0: the EU is an organization committed to keeping refugees and immigrants out of Europe. It function as a coordination and cooperation platform for Fortress Europe to deal with non-European immigration into the continent. It invests heavily into fencing and naval patrolling efforts.
A "disunified europe" would have a much, MUCH harder time creating a unified response to events like the 2015 refugee crisis, resulting in overall higher rates of immigration in the continent.
Level -1: The EU is used by the core countries (i.e. Germany) to dispense of their immigrant population and offload the burden of incoming developing world immigration (which is still more or less inevitable) onto its periphery member states (e.g. Greece, Spain and, most of all, Italy).
Level -2: As an agent of Capital, the EU views the population within its borders, immigrant or native, as mere playthings to be moved around as the capricious demands of the capitalist economy demand. It concentrates immigration and poverty in the periphery, while allowing a small trickle of surplus population remain even in the core states to keep workers' bargaining power low.
potatocucks actually believe this; western countries extract massive amounts of wealth in the form of resources, labor and privatized strategic industries from the east, but they're happy to settle with muh gibs and muh mobility grants that they get in return for selling off all that their ancestors fought and worked for
White women have always racemixed a lot I recommend reading for example the "great" singers and actors from the late 19th century and see how many are mixed race with either asians,arabs,jews and so on.
The EU will collapse soon
on the other side, we got these people living in poverty year after yyear ... they have no boats or cabins....
olof parlme? no he is gone
this is svitjod now
based illuminati will end my suffering
I thought you guys hated Rothschilds? And they are the ones behind Brexit. Proof that you should all be pro- EU. Stop letting them divide us
Yeah no shit it's impossible, we live in what the Jow Forumstards call the "clown world". We face climate catastrophe, displacement of hundreds of million of people in the Global South, the rise of a neo-feudal economy, mass famine, decline and final failure of the American Empire, endless resource wars (esp. over water), the entrenchment of wealth-hoarding elites and the complete breakdown of the liberal order as racist and native Garrison Politics take over every country (Israel would be first, if it hasn't already).
World civilization is on the fast track to fascist barbarism, and there is no way off this ride. What we can only do is dream - as I did in .
Neofascism will ultimately be how humanity survives what you kikes have wrought upon this world
oh and don't you forget how modern medicine will begin failing us thanks to the agricultural industry dooming us all with their antibiotic overuse.
Prepare for the first real global plagues since the Spanish Flu, sometime before 2075!
Oh, "humanity" will survive. The question is what sort of society will be left behind.
woke and based
is there a strong marxist movement in israel?
is it true that the hard left/"communist" parties in the knesset are mostly arabic with regards to ethnicity and voting base?
False dichotomy. Rothschild were also behind the EU and now they are moving on to the next thing, whatever that is. We are slaves to Rothschild as long as we stay within this global debt-based fiat monetary system.
Remain or Leave? Vote Democrat or Republican? It's an illusion to fool the sheeple into thinking they have a choice while they keep on feeding the beast.
As long (((they))) control our monetary system, we are slaves. That's why Iran is such a threat.
Who is more powerful Canada or the EU?
>Canada is in the EU
Canda should join us
>only pol shows geographic location
Hello new friend, would you like to check out the other boards yet or are you satisfied with /b/ Jow Forums and Jow Forums?
it's not in the gay EU
Canada is objectively more powerful than the EU. Canada is basically Russia with a smaller population we have all the natural resources in the world our sovereignty wasn't cucked to a bunch of weird pedophiles where the Germany and Latvia have equal say at least politically.
stop shilling fag
/lit/, /tv/, /mu/, Jow Forums, /x/, /sci/, /v/, /his/ do NOT show location
And a couple others do?
>is there a strong marxist movement in israel?
Well we have an unabashedly Marxist-Leninist party...
>is it true that the hard left/"communist" parties in the knesset are mostly arabic with regards to ethnicity and voting base?
...which for the past 30 years has become a party of the Arab bourgeois, centered mostly around Haifa and Nazareth.
i can't think of one except for pol, int and bant, which in all honesty are mostly the same crowd
I don't know if you're some god tier baiter or if you unironically are this cucked, lost, and delusional, or, an ultimate backup possibility, you're a buttmad kraut, seeing they are the most seething about brexit, and the most pro EU, I wonder why that might be. Nonetheless, fuck off, you're not convincing anyone.
>/lit/, /tv/, /mu/, Jow Forums, /x/, /sci/, /v/, /his/ are the only other boards.
/sp/ in football season is as active as Jow Forums and Jow Forums is one of the most active boards, if you've never been to either of them you're new.
Based frogposter, recon frexit will follow up?
This is the tradeoff Euros have to endure for not being surrounded by the 56% hordes.
We need Boris to dress up like this, to scare the Eurocucks.
>there's one more in addition to the circle-jerk you mentioned
i work out but i don't follow sports
>shut it down!
Go worship your fat boy salvini who wants to destroy Europe because he was bullied as a child
Merkel is a CUNT!
>countries in Europe can no longer fight one another if there are no more countries in Europe
There is no europe. And if anybody wants to destroy European Countries, the one is the EU (and Germany).
well fisk is good, but there's something seriously wrong with you.
Have you been sniffing surströmming?
Yes the number one threat is biological epidemics, yet no one talks about it because they haven't seriously happened yet. Buy blue clay from France, it kills superbugs. We're pretty much screwed from viruses though.
Before or after all of Africa?
if I knew what country you came from it'd actually make your comment interesting
look at the difference between the teachers too
>not overweight
>friendly contact between teacher and pupil
what happened, Jow Forums?
Changed diet and lessened social cohesion.
>friendly contact between teacher and pupil
Very "friendly" contact I'm sure
I've heard 9gag is lol heaven user
cool it with the ad-hominems, remainer
i called your bluff, i named the threads, thanks for bumping, but enough is enough
What this bong says. It could be just friendly. But I was at that age in the late seventies. And already then there'd be, usually a 'sports' teacher molesting the class runt.
Always had to look out for the ones rocking the scruffy mustage.
Faggot signalling hard 70's style.
You're not white.