Since it's became scientifically proven the aliens control the governments of world! What their end game is becoming us for?
Since it's became scientifically proven the aliens control the governments of world! What their end game is becoming us...
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Harvesting our anuses.
We're an experiment.
100% agree and obvious for me now.
Here are some possibilities:
1. We are a TV show, every person can be watched by someone. Boring people get killed, exciting people get rich.
2. We are a zoo. They keep us and and we are attractions.
3. We are a weapon. We grow in numbers and we will fight wars for them.
4. We are food. We grow in numbers until they harvest us.
5. They found us and help us develop.
To Ease us into their "federation". Star Trek and Star Gate is pretty much our future, Star Trek 1960s....not the liberal version of later decades.
The new "Space Force" is a start.
All those possibilities could be true at the same time.
They are demons and they are working with the elite on earth to activate Project Bluebeam and reveal themselves as supposed (((aliens))) to usher in the Antichrist.
We are not an experiment. We are a farm. There are all sorts of controlled planets like this. All during different stages of evolution. We are pawns in a bigger game. Much bigger and we have no clue whats really going on out there.
We WANT the antichrist to come. Read the bible for once you fucking kike
OP is a shithead.
Humans have the ability to alter reality by witnessing it.
There are those who would like to figure out how and to weaponize that as power.
>what are shutters
wtf bros its over!?
TOS was just as liberal as TNG.
ENT was the most based Star Trek by far
>Earth taking no shit from the klingons and blowing their shit up with no regrets when they step out of line too much
>Recognizing the danger posed by the Xindi and going on a preemptive assault instead of waiting and showing the other cheek like TNG era federation undoubtedly would have
>Not afraid to do what has to be done in order to succeed in that mission (Archer stealing the aliens' warp coil and leaving them stranded more than 2 years from hoem)
go take a picture of the moon with a standard phone camera
Looked up Project Bluebeam and all that came up was this Manst guy who came up with it. I usually try not to give any of this shit any credence but when I see SUS shit like this I get spooked
They just want to be loved.
You forgot one.
"WE" are their niggers and Earth is just a giant plantation.
Geezuz H. Christ , the Fucking Aays stole that guys rectum ? Why ? To actually prove a pol/theory ?
"Opinions are like assholes & everyone has one "
Number 1 wants me to stop fapping to shemales but whatever.
Could just be cartel or black market niggers
Full caps seething leaf
cartel and niggers are blunt
Cartels don’t surgically suck people’s guts out with leaving a drop of blood. These are nothing like gang or cartel killings.
> "Aliens keeping humans as work slaves" theory
This is idiotic. A species travelling the stars would have exactly zero need for inefficient hunks of flesh doing work. They could replicate better robot workers with pretty much zero effort.
> "Aliens needing our resources" theory
This is also idiotic. Name a single element that exists on earth that is not plentiful in the cosmos and freely available elsewhere. A species that can travel the stars would have zero use for our raw materials.
> "Aliens ruling us" theory
Imagine some dude declaring himself the king of chimps, and then ruling said monkeys with an iron fist. What would even be the point? Why the domination? Seems extremely unnecessary.
> "We are a weapon for the aliens" theory
An alien species that can travel between the stars, will reasonably have weapons that can obliterate this entire planet if required.
> "We are food" theory
It would be incredibly weird for a living species to be reliant on biologically alien nutritional sources found exclusively in other star systems. How would this reliance develop, and why? There would be no evolutionary proximity between the two species to enable this food chain to ever take shape.
I see a few possible scenarios though:
> We are an alien colony under development, and the origin species keeps check on our progress.
> We are an object of study. Maybe it was a long time since the aliens themselves were in a comparable position to our current level of technology and development, and they want to observe the process.
> We are entertainment. Maybe this is simply interesting and enjoyable for them.
> Our biosphere produces some extremely rare substance that would be impossible without all these species, including humans. An absurd example to illustrate the point would be if alien spaceships required blue cheese as fuel. That reasonably only exists here, and requires both a symbiosis between human and bovine, and the cultivation of specific fungi inside the cheese.
two words
gang probed
Planet has many species fighting over it, we are stuck in the middle. Used for food and genetic experiments.
Is this meme supposed to be a serious addition to the discussion?
Why the hell "fight" for a planet that seems to hold nothing special, that can't be found just about anywhere in the universe?
Planets are dime a dozen for an interstellar species. What's so damn special about Earth that they all keep fighting about it?
Seems to make no sense to me, senpai.
>scientifically proven
Show us
Why do sand niggers fight for holy land.. not everything has to make sense
I believe you are right OP, but where is this "scientific proof" you speak of? Source? Post it.
All other posts are eather shills or retards.
I am but a simple Ayy… tending to my anuses
>Why do sand niggers fight for holy land..
Such beings do not travel the stars.
>not everything has to make sense
Above is the epitome of a bad argument.
It is not even an argument, but a statement that arguments are of no value.
If this is acceptable thinking to you, I think you should be stripped of your brain license.
He's right though, people make irrational decisions all the time just because they feel like it, like you insulting user for no reason besides to make yourself feel etter. It does not improve the state of the world or civilization, in fact it brings it down, so, yes, not every decision ever made is well thought out or rational. The smart aliens will create warp drives, the dumb ones will use them to go probe anuses. Simple as that.