Jow Forums is ALWAYS right

>The colourful welcoming signs for refugees are still up, but the town of Riace has swung far-right, against the migrant experiment it once championed.

>"A whole economic system developed with the migrants, but without making the village dynamic again... The model destroyed itself," he said.

>"They were fighting among themselves, they didn't want the crucifix, or the creche," Falchi said of the migrants.

>"It's not racism, it's just that this is our home. We welcome them and then they make problems."

Fucking kek. It's literally the "white liberal" meme where the dude walks through his all-white suburb and talks about how great niggers are.
Why the fuck are we always right lads? Even now when we're getting raided 24/7, Jow Forums is still, objectively speaking, always right.

Attached: 67675445758546545675474654565346653654.png (854x1002, 650K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>"Italians first"
Or rather "Italians existing" given that the obvious inevitable result of mass immigration would be the elimination of Italians as an ethnic group

>global village
>sign only shows Muslim women with headscarf

I'm seeing at least two very obvious niglets playing. But they're probably still mudslimes so you still might be right. Fuck the taqiya rats.

is it so hard OP? is it?

What's wrong with CNA? Are they leftisits?

You provide the link and the archive.
Jow Forums Etiquette Rules.

Lampedusa, the southernmost island in the Sicily channel and at the forefront of the invasion, saw 45 % votes for Lega.
Keep also in mind that the former mayor heavily shilled for more immigrants and was praised by all cucks.
Italians are truly fed up

So, let me elaborate all the story for you non Italians:

Terroni acknowledged what it’s like having subhumans who behave EXACTLY like them and therefore they got tired of the situation, so they legitimately voted right.
In the meantime they keep doing the same thing, being the Italian niggers themselves, leeching billions from the north (muh gibs of course) and breeding mafia members as usual without asking themselves if what they’re doing make them better than niggers.

Of course lacking the proper IQ numbers they don’t question themselves and keep jewing the country while defending their privilege kicking niggers out.

Terroni and foreigners need to go.

>Ben Shapiro talk
Ew, traitor. How about they remove you instead? From this life I mean. You need your head chopped off.


Do I tell you how to fix your own country?

Fuck off and mind your own business

good luck for you pizzafrens.

More gibs for the niggers means less gibs for terrone

Don't tell me what I can and cannot say, you shitskin. Worry about the 700 000 niggers that you've imported first, and then deal with the way that your own people behave.
Just fyi, if you ever said you'd sell off your own people in my country your skull would turn into a bloody paste faster the you can finish that sentence.

Archive because they get less hits, and because they're liable to memory hole/edit things that are hosted on their own servers.

Attached: 1556157330596.jpg (900x900, 334K)

When you put the memeflag on you also have to change ip because we can see your id, you retarded faggot.

I hope you're not actually this fucking retarded.
>Don't tell me what I can and cannot say, you shitskin
> what I can and cannot say
Posts like yours should lead to an immediate perma-ban from the board. We don't need room temperature IQ niggers like you here.

Riace's election results

Attached: riace.png (774x585, 66K)

>explain why my “own people of the south” are the first enemy of my own country and good citizens
>explain what they do and why they vote against the country preferring gibs instead of voting for the removal of the 700.000 niggers you call
>it’s terroni’s fault if salvini isn’t doing shit since he’s governing with 5 Soros movement which have been voted unanimously by all southerner regions
>get called nigger by a fucking gipsy memeflag faggot who doesn’t even live here

Ok user take your pills now and suck a cock

Um like honestly we just need to unpack this PoC's art in a post-colonial context and understand that he's just expressing frustration with the lived experience of systemic racism that black and brown bodies face every single day. Complaining about this should be hate speech, nazi incels. Have sex.

Attached: 329893D4-D8E2-46A5-9ED7-180F4254061E.png (620x306, 96K)

salvini must govern with FdI
they must change the laws to have the president elected by the people
no more vetoes on the use of the armed forces