@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>WHVideo: Pres Trump @75th Anniv of D-Day 6/8/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive @WH 6/7/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive @JBAndrews 6/7/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart Ireland 6/7/19
>AG IronBarr/FBIDir Wray @FBI Academy Graduation 6/7/19
>Corey Lewandowski on FBN 6/7/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan meets w/Greek DM Apostolakis 6/7/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan comments outside Pentagon 6/7/19
>CEAChair Hassett on CNBC 6/7/19
>CEAChair Hassett on FBN 6/7/19
>USBPChief Provost on FBN 6/7/19
>IRFAmb Brownback @Heritage Fdn on China 6/7/19
>This Week@State 6/7/19
>This Week@Interior 6/7/19
>DoDVideo: Greek DM Visits Pentagon 6/7/19
>Pres Trump on Ingraham 6/6/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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friggin MAGA

> 298

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MAGA & Make Universal Law Great Again!
With the Hive Mind of pol, we call upon the light
The light that is bright
The jew it will smite
All is one, and of the light
(((evil))) must be banished from this world
We must be free to live our own lives free of (((evil)))
This is our Divine Right, this is our Intention
We choose to live in a world free of the jew

Attached: Annie Besant - Refusal to Believe.jpg (1527x916, 92K)

Friggin miga. You guys see all those new Republican voters from Congo Trump just gave San Antonio? 2020 is lookin good.

> what did they mean by this?

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Kelly Ann is a stupid bitch


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Guys, Dr. Pizza just flew over my house!

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It was 299, you dusky dolt.

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What would happen if by the time Trump's presidency is over, the wall is nowhere near being fully built and a Democrat wins the next election (and obviously is against a wall)?

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You ever work on pianos? Like restringing them, tuning them, etc? Do any of the levers need lubricant? Seems like an old-never-serviced piano would sound bad/play bad over time since there are so many moving parts. Also some keys have multiple strings assigned to the mallets. And even the foot pedals might make unpleasant noises if they don't engage/disengage silently.

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Attached: Bees attack illegals at border.jpg (1058x1623, 859K)

>2020 olympics
>America is a twink

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There's no way Trump loses. With Trump (((they))) get to pretend someone is doing something about white genocide, they get to pretend someone who cares about gun rights is in charge, etc all while Trumpstein makes things even worse.

100% Trump wins, it's too perfect.

I have never seen a strongman fat Awoo before.

>the leftists in the comments

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And they'll wonder why they're being shoved from flying helicopters.

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there is literally nothing wrong with that

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Ask me how I know you watch Stephen Colbert religiously.

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Leftoids need to be put down.

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Then you die.

>*applauds as a 7-year-old strips on stage*

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I know this is all a sex thing to you. Stop getting hard one from people being mean to you.

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Yeah what I said is obviously cribbed from Colbert's show.

Rope isn't good enough. Make them taste the chain!

>Make them taste the chain!
SAW. ChainSAW. Inserted anally.

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I didn't say it was. I said you were a fan of his.
>long after they were incapable of tasting anything

Attached: taste the chain.png (958x484, 405K)

I've always been an advocate of piano wire, myself.

Why aren't burgers planting cactus and poisonous plants at the border?


The BEST WAY to Make Israel Great Again is to send every jew back to return to the homeland which they never came from.
EVERY jew!

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Thinking about some snacks ... what sounds good...

I agree. As a Jewish man myself, I know Israel is the home of ALL of God's children, and our borders should be closed to no one.

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I'm not just talking about this specific election. So let's say he doesn't get it built by 2024 and a Dem wins, what happens with the wall if it's not finished? Can Dems just scrap it alltogether?

I've yet to see a substantial counter argument to the notion that shameless projection of this magnitude is an inherent and exclusive leftist defining characteristic. Leftism is not mere political opinion, but an all encompassing degenerative state of being.

Hi Rabbi

nature tells you what she wants. And you can listen to her and live. our ignore her and die

t. cody lundine american superhero

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Sounds pretty gay. Cover the chainsaw in something that will make it more agonizing.
That a boi.
Whatever works. I don't care if you beat them to death using books or sacks of oranges.
What kind of poisonous plants would grow best at the border?
Such action would create a black hole of judaism. All the jews would be gone but there wouldn't be any money left in the Middle East. Which I am okay with.

It is evil in political form. Prove me wrong.

A bullet.

It just makes sense. Why would God's chosen ever be cut off from the rest of the world? They should be waiting with open arms to accept the full love of His creation.

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Yes, absolutely. I wish more of my fellow jews agreed.

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if we grow eucalyptus trees, maybe we can set mexico on fire

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It's never going to be built.

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Based and redpilled.

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Or we could introduce that camping anime to the more Mexicans. The last time a spic watched set a good amount of land was set on fire.

>> I wish more of my fellow jews agreed.
It is a shame so many of our brothers are stuck in the past. The times are changing and it's time to shake off the dust and realize the full potential of God's will.

>I be lovin to be shoving yo' big-nosed kike ass in the oven.

>The federal inmate database states that a Peter Bright, age 38, is currently being held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan.

Where the nycfags at?

So true, you are a real mensch. Wish there were more like you.

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The pedo is projecting.

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kek. sounds icky

CBP are huge pussies and don't want to wade through jumping cholla.

Koch brothers are not evil anymore, now they finance democrats too for that cheap lave labor through open borders

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>be fat Mexican retard
>walk across the border
>shit I’m fat and slow the migra caught me ese
>throw me in jail
>fuck this jail is 10x nicer than the nicest house in my village
>so excited that I don’t live in a chicken coop anymore
>holy guacamole they let me play Xbox
>new games blow my mind so hard I have a heart attack and die happier than I’ve ever been
libs call this murder, for me it’s a mercy killing

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>it’s a mercy killing
all humans should live no matter what(thats libs)

Only 24? That's no stinking good! We need to multiply that by 1000.

pizza lovers, love young fresh pizza best

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cnn: breaking news

trump literally insane

t. joe teti

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They’re calling trump a serial killer because 24 people from a country that drinks even more soda than America died in the last 4 years

Looks like little ceasers today

>climate change isn't re-

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this wont go anywhere, its too dramatized for even retards to believe

But Trump can't be a serial killer though. Most of serial killers are black.
>from a country that drinks even more soda than America died in the last 4 years
Obesity is the #1 killer of the Mexicans.

>Communism doesn't wo-

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There probably wasn't anything to do on those islands anyway.

>when things go underwater they disappear
my shit disappeared in the toilet this morning, was it climate change? Climate experts say yes, we will all die tomorrow unless you keep funding climate research

Let me guess 10,000 words about climate hysteria only to get to the last paragraph where we find out they were hit by a hurricane.

With a dash of cyanide.

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>earth is warming from increasing CO2 levels
>ice melts
>sea level rises
>islands sink because of rising sea levels
what's so hard to understand?

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North Korea finds ingenious way to combat the global obesity epidemic.

Now that I think about it basically every island sucks ass and I wish the climate meme was actually real
>puerto Rico

You're not using this meme correctly



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>90% of the time earth has not had ice caps

has this ever been proven? like solid facts? like 2+2=4 proven?

Got a real attitude problem today eh there butt pirate

Jews didn't start that practise, some faggot in africa did like 10k years ago to mark slaves, so he really shouldn't beat himself up about it. He should focus on weakening his ego so he could be more open-minded. Also, his taste in hentai is ok.

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Checks out.

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Did you ever pass high school science class? Ever heard of the greenhouse effect?
How is that relevant?

so no?

nothing more pathetic than some 30+ year old pretending to be 18

I used to enjoy The Colbert Report, but I can't stand watching his show these days. His Trump Derangement Syndrome is off the charts.

Jealousy is unbecoming.

The vast majority of the time that life has existed on earth we did not have ice caps. The vast majority of the warming and cooling is related to two things
1) the sun
2) periods of intense volcanism
I’m not going to join your faggot cult and you’re full of shit and believe in a fucking fairy tale
Your beliefs about the climate are the liberal revelation, you believe in cat lady Armageddon because you’re a fucking idiot

is that supposed to be me or the pizza cyanide pirate?