How do you do fellow alt right Nazis...

How do you do fellow alt right Nazis? I used to be alt right myself after I fell down the "alt right rabbit hole" of racist YouTube video recommendations, but then I saw the error of my ways.

I'm done with being a racist. I want open borders, I want white people to be eradicated completely, and I love Israel and fully support Israel's sovereignty.

I used to think white people being erased was a bad thing but... I was wrong. I was just a racist.

Also YouTube needs to change their algorithm so it stops recommending these problematic ideas to people, and start recommending more leftist/communist youtubers like ContraPoints.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Man I'm glad I'm not as right wing as him, imagine watching Lauren Southern and Gavin McInnis videos

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I heard he was watching suspected white supremacist Ben Shapiro as well

Dude gave up after being told that meds arent white kek

Go away Jew York times

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what the fuck lol

Don’t tell me he was linking up with Jordan ‘kike crusher’ Peterson, or Joe ‘Million Mulatto Murderer’ Rogan, those guys are mental

That would be one bridge too far for me, and I’m a certified, fully jackbooted skinhead, fucking hell

>calls himself alt-right
>listens to ben shapiro

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Read the comments under that video. So many leftist retards actually believed this guy wasn't a larping chapo.

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It's the guy from this NYT article

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This is a good format. I like it.

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But it’s no joke, Ben ‘even the best of the Jews should be killed’ Shapiro is no joke at all.

If this kid was listening to maniacs like that, he was lucky to get out of the alt-right pipeline without ending up shot by a police bullet while bombing a synagogue or five.

Shapiro makes Ben garrison look harmless, he is a stone cold killer, literally the most radical altright terrorist in history. I’ve heard even his own followers are afraid of him.

He looks like a jew

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This guy was never altright. He was always a liberal who just made up the most generic "I fell down the rabbit hole" type story using the most surface level knowledge he had.

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This is what you fags look like?

Yeah cri white boi!

I remember watching my first Dave Rubin video. That guy is fucking crazy

I’m so glad I stopped watching alt-right Neo-Nazi propaganda (Joe Rogan and Pewdiepie, namely) and switched to more sophisticated, down-to-earth publications like Steven Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel. Now I can go an entire week without even thinking of the N-word, but I’ve still got a long way to go if I want to become a true male ally.



I too fell down the alt right rabbit hole. It all started with fox news, and ended with radical extremists like sargon of akkad and steven crowder. Thankfully I found contrapoints who led me back to reasonable opinions, like forcing boys to take estrogen pills and ending the white race. All right wing speech needs to be banned from the internet to prevent others from becoming radicalized as I was.

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Why are Jews so disgusting?

this is just google PR in why they're completely fucking their search algorithm off in favour of being a corporate platform. "It was the suggested videos"

it's just like when you fall down a rabbit hole of cute cat videos, but instead it's flat earth and holocaust denial. YouTube, you've gotta do something!


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fuck off homo

They should have at least have got him a nose job first if they really wanted to make this believable.

I too got more extreme as I started to watch alt right content like Ben Shapiro. I then graduated to extreme Nazi hate like Lauren Southern and Crowder. I found myself at rock bottom when I started watching Candice Owens. It was then I woke up. Even she was just too extreme for me. It was the most hate filled 3 months of my life and I'm glad I was able to overcome this life of far right extremism.

God forbid a young innocent pure liberal child stumble upon a James Allsup video!
The ADL tells me he’s hateful and racist! It must be true!

I saw a James Allsup video yesterday where he said he was against giving little boys hormone blockers so they grow up to be girls and I was like, damn, oof, yikes, that ain't it chief.

This goofy looking fuck is milking this whole "ex-alt right" thing.

way to many hung black bulls with long thick black cocks that our white wymin crave and lust for. their cum is so thick and the loads they blow are enormous. ive resigned myself to prepping my wifes 2 bulls she has. she still loves me and we still have passionate sex but she craves that wild hardcore fucking from her bulls. the kind that leaves her sore and dripping but its just sex

>damn, oof, yikes, that ain't it chief

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>watching alt right Nazi propaganda voluntarily

that was a good one schlomo

>He was meme'ing the whole time

>I am done with being racist
>death to white people lmfao support fascist racist state of Israel
This makes me wanna ally with Nazis in order to eradicate the racist filth like you. Also Alt-Right is a controlled oposition.

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Shill kek

the natural order is the only order

Yeah like I can't believe I used to believe this stuff. Right guys?

I know people in real life that bought into this too and I just gotta say something before it claims more people.

I can't believe I used to univocally believe stuff like this

Too bad the alt-right is a blood in blood our organization. Just as they made you kill a minority to join, now that you have quit they will likely try to murder you as well for leaving.


fucking retard was dumb enough to become a nazi

Anyone else getting sick of alt right politics and far right in general? After watching pic related videos and Destiny debates I realized how retarded and racist alt right politics are.

The final nail on the coffin though was when Jordan Peterson lost the debate to Zizek. I realized the cultural Marxist boogeyman doesn’t exists

The Christchurch killer proved that pol memes aren’t memes or satire. Innocent lives were killed.
Anyone else starting to become deradicalized

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what a fucking faggot

Destiny is truly one of the greatest intellectuals of our time

this was me last year. Destiny and Contra unironically made me left leaning for a while.

but after 5 seconds on their discords, watching all the anime furry trannies talking about their feelings, it made me vomit, and i was back.

reality always wins.

Here are the posts from the archive when this first hit Jow Forums

The search string to get there: (go to page 2 and 3 for the best commentary)

Yes destiny asks the most important questions of our lifetime.

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destiny looks like he was raised in a house that always smelled like cookies.

It was a rabbit hole man. I started out smoking a little Jordan Peterson with my friends at parties. No big deal, everybody else was doing it. Next thing you know you need the harder shit, snorting some Joe Rogan and Sam Harris. Eventually I was mainlining six Ben Shaprio videos a day and sold my mom’s TV to pay for a subscription to his podcast.

fuck off contrapoints. you're a man and you'll always be a man

In the 5G internet 2.0 era there will be no more privacy all the algrotithms and companies and payment providers will know who you are a racist everyone around you linked to the system will know who you are

Fritz, bring me my axe.

That's the thing about it all. The left would easily win if they just shoved their degenerates temporarily into the closet and reined in their vocal minority (while still quietly pursuing all of the policies they want). People want to just be left alone, even if the ground beneath them is slowly being taken away.

But they don't control these people so people make the hard right turn that they do in reaction.

Left ideologies are great if everyone were on board and were decent human beings
But they’re not

Cain unable

This video was really fucking cringy

do you not realise he's being sarcastic

fucking mouth breathers

Couldn’t agree more my fellow ex alt-righter. I love Faraday. His testimony is powerful. To be completely honest, I was once just like him. You see, about three years ago I became fully radicalized by one Jordan B. Peterson. Before I knew it, all I could think about were pronouns, and that was only the beginning. I began watching videos by world renowned Alt-Right icons like Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Joe Rogan, Sam Harris, Tim Pool, and of course, their infamous ring leader, Dave Rubin. I became completely obsessed. When I wasn’t busy cleaning my room or vigorously washing my penis, I was glued to YouTube, enthralled by the trappings of “logic” and “reality”. One day, for a brief moment, I entertained the idea that Zimbabwe is in such bad shape because its population is 99% black. I actually believed that they must be different from us due to 50,000 years of evolution in completely different environments. The very next day, the notorious far right terrorist Sam Hyde committed an unspeakable act of violence, and that was the final straw for me. I knew something had to change. I turned to a sage YouTuber named Destiny. I had heard that he never lost a debate to a Nazi, so I gave him a shot. Let me tell you, he turned my life around in an instant. Now I totally reject the Alt-Right and acknowledge the FACT that we’re all one race, the human race. I no longer believe in pseudoscience like “evolution” and “biology”. I’m happily married and a proud stepfather to my wife’s children, Jamal and Shonteesha. It may sound odd to some, but I love them more than I could ever love my own biological children, which is why I got a vasectomy just last week. Trust me, life is better now, and it could be better for you too. Just let go of the hatred guys

>that's me in the corner
>that's me in the cuck shed
>losing my white privilege

It's true. The pipeline from Dave Rubin to someone like Stefan Molyneux who is an unironic nazi and then into big open nazis like Richard Spencer and TRS is real

Have you ever interacted with minorities? Or white liberals at college? Fuck, the college liberals turned me full pinochet. Look at Carlos Maza... fags are another reason we can't have nice things like free speech and 2nd amendment. Seriously, these nigger loving faggot commies want our most treasured amendments gone. Helicopters for the lot of them.

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can't tell if mentally ill lefty or great troll

I think its either a troll or a conman. If you watch the video that part sounds really really fake.

I thought he was just trolling at first, and who knows maybe that was originally the plan. but now he's got a patreon and has some serious institutional backing. whatever his original intentions were, I think he's gone full grifter mode

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>Caleb Cain
>Caleb Ch’aim

How come ive never even heard of this clown if he has institutional backing

Oh my gosh. And then I saw the memes! T.T
This kid is such a faggot.

It just occurred to me, what if this is just a really long con and eventually he'll reveal he was faking it the entire time

Nah that would be too good

That's so stupid I'm wondering if this guy wasn't trolling the NYT into writing a retarded article.

Its a very recent thing. There was a new york times article about this clown a few days ago.

Be glad you never fell to the depths of watching Milton Friedman's youtube channel. Half of the people that reach that level of depravity become school shooters.

Just look at that (((schlonz))).

I started watching Jordan Peterson two years ago. That was the beginning of my alt-right radicalization. Within a few months of watching Peterson, I was watching Sargon of Akkad. Then the worst came last year; I started watching Ben Shapiro. He turned me into a perpetually rage-filled white supremacist. Whenever I walked down the street and saw an African American, my face would contort with anger, and I would mutter the n-word under the breath.

Thankfully, YouTube recommended one of Destiny's debates. Thanks to Destiny, over the last few weeks, I've come to realize that Shapiro's radical far-right views are wrong, and the reason I was full of emotional turmoil because I'm transgender. I now watch ContraPoints everyday and have begun HRT. Stay strong, everyone! You can overcome alt-right radicalization!

that's all. peace out.

this fool was never "radical". never not milquetoast

pretty kikey for a whitey

>after I fell down the "alt right rabbit hole" of racist YouTube video recommendations
Yup, this is a shill. A real one.
Nobody except journalists say that, and they’ve been pushing it hard for some reason.
Nobody here got radicalized by YouTube unless they’re under 18.
Most of us do not watch faggot e-celebs. We just mock them.
So clearly you’re not alt-right, and clearly you’re not from this board.

Fuck no dude I'm waaaay fatter than that

Kid looks like a Picasso painting gone wrong.

Ever notice that all of the "former alt-righters" were radicalized by YouTube videos and twitter memes? They never mention real-life experiences or books or statistics or legitimate documentaries. Their stories are always some variation of "I started watching [insert harmless YouTuber who tells edgy jokes here]. Before I knew it, I was watching [insert milk toast neo-con here]. My worst moment came when I started watching [insert edgy neo-con here]. But then I started watching Destiny. After Destiny made me question my beliefs, I started watching [insert breadtuber here]. Now I'm a proud anti-fascist socialist who supports trans rights."

He has to be theirs no way this is real

He's probably tying to make a buck off gullible lefties.

The left invented this as a psyop to artificially demoralise NatSocs. SAD! Many such cases!
Sorry Mister Nose but we're not buying it!

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What is the media trying to cover up by distracting us with this?

The media are desperately pushing the narrative that YouTube is brainwashing people into becoming alt-right. Why? Because this gives YouTube the perfect excuse to purge right-wingers. Big tech and the media don't want a repeat of 2016, so they're working together to censor their opposition.

>when someone holds shekels slightly to your right


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who is this j*w lole

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