Department of Homeland Swindling

DHS - The biggest Snow Job in history. THIS year’s budget: $40 billion. To put that into perspective, that’s 90 space shuttle launches; 1/3 the entire Apollo space program; 5 or 6 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. NASA gets only half that, and they’re putting shit on Mars. MARS. The first big DHS anti-terrorism “conference” was held in Hawaii. HAWAII. I still remember seeing photos of Tom Ridge lounging by a pool of a 5-Star hotel, brandy and cigar in hand. Some security “conference”. LMAO OK, yeah, DHS includes departments like the Coast Guard and FEMA, but still, it was created as a response to 9/11. And $40 billion? For that kind of money you could build a fleet of rocketships and BLAST all the terrorists into space. You could hire 40,000 assassins to take out ONE terrorist each, and pay them a cool million each. WTF??? Where is all that money REALLY going?
P.S. I can’t wait to see all the NASTY responses from the FBI and JIDF people. But it’s a waste of their time. I’m not scared of FBI or Mouse-sad. Know why? Simple. NO ONE GIVES A SHIT. Everyone knows the world is going to shit. Nobody cares about a stinking $40 billion or even $400 billion. So take it. Take more. TAKE IT ALL. Guess what? NOOOOOOOOOOBODY CAAAAAAAARES. HA HA HA HA HA HA
Take it ALL. Shove it up your ass. Marry it. Have sex with it. Roll it up and smoke it. Stick it in your girlfriend’s vagina. Burn it. Launch it into space. Give it to Israel. Give it to Saudi Arabia. Give it to Charles Manson. Give it to your dog. Make a quilt out of it. NOBODY FUCKING CARES.

Attached: 52B1AD92-1AA5-4461-9F3C-9705745BD78D.jpg (2592x1936, 984K)

it was meant as a gestapo against american citiens


It must cost a lot of money to keep Edward Snowden out of prison.

They have a blooming gangstalking division to keep an eye on bad goys.

yea to put it bluntly, usa did 911 itself. homeland security and patriot act was meant so they can spy on usa citizens.

something happened in upper echelons of usa politics in 2011 after arab spring and clinton was pushed aside and military seemed to take more power and they helped put trump in power (democrats were giving too much power to china on a global scale and military pushed back). as a result DHS actually went towards its original mission "protecting usa against terrorists" (even though they trained most of them themselves) and not so much "spying on americans".
Hard to explain but it has to do with the upper levels of american politics and who rule them. Theres the internationalists (bilderberg, cfr), military, and then large companies and the families owning them (these companeis own stock in weapon companies too).

all wanna keep the ship called american empire afloat so it changes a lot.

This faggot doesn't even know how dwarfed that is in relation to social security department spending.

the plan changes a lot I mean because the world changes a lot. but the crown jewel Usa is kept aflot by any means necessary.

How about you worry about your own country, faggot?

>To put that into perspective, that’s 90 space shuttle launches; 1/3 the entire Apollo space program; 5 or 6 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. NASA gets only half that, and they’re putting shit on Mars. MARS
Yes, but white men going to space on rockets designed by other white men puts jews into a knot.

So is it any surprise they'd rather spend the money on laundering it and as says gestapo against own citizens.

It costs $40 billion to pay niggers to harass airline passengers. The ride won't end until the dollar collapses and these creatures are no longer able to squeeze our blood from a stone.

How about you go fuck yourself, copper?

gimme some. I'll sell guns for you.

>pays mudslime terrorists to murder canadians
>talks about the finances of other countries
I didn't even defend DHS, maple kike. I just told you to mind your own fucking business.


CHERTOF literally means "of the devil" in russian!

you have to admit it's good practice for when real surveillance is needed

thats also the annual foreign aid budget from just America.

Jow Forumsing the pic that is like "we could have space colonies and be ayyys but instead our money went to africans" and it had this pic in it

Attached: africans - 1559827232231.jpg (3000x1800, 771K)

Gun owners are the original DHS.

I didn’t pay anyone to murder anyone, jackass.
And mind YOUR own fucking business, copper.
Don’t you have some shoplifter or crackhead to arrest? The steroids are making you crazy. Go back to donuts.


Yeah, who needs agencies like the Customs and Border Protection, ICE, USCIS, FEMA, FLETC, FPS, the Secret Service, or the Coast Guard. Waste of money.

Abolish TSA, though.

>retarded leaf thinks only DHS-fags hate Leafs
I've got some news for you, kike.
Also, your tax dollars 100% did go to paying muzzies to be terrorists. Retard.

Eat more donuts, fatso. But stop sprinkling them with crack.

Chill bro, come back down to earth oh great leaf from the northern wilderness.

Too bad they never gangstalk niggers, cartels, drug dealers, pedos, politicians, jews, psychos and other things proper humans would waste their time with. They exclusively do it on human guinea pigs, leakers, dissenters of Kosher Nostra, anybody who tries to expose their kike tricks...

Why do we need ICE when we have a military that could roll door to door knocking the heads off of illegals? It's because ICE is to give more money to more special interests without the intention to actually do anything you moron.

dhs is there to keep an eye on the citizens so they can keep doing what they're doing. ie regime change and looting the country

DHS has 40,000 Internet shills.

> military protecting its own country from drug dealing spics and crazy towelheads

Fusion Centers.
Lockdown drills making our kids get shot by airsoft and/or get screamed at by mock attackers to condition a state of fear early on in life. (to condition submission and fear of firearms IMO)
Active shooter drills where they take it so far that the best analogy would be a fire drill where you actually burn the school down.

At least I feel safer knowing Rand Paul bumpersticker madmen are under their watchful eyes.(check out that story)

Yup, like Paddock!
They stopped him just in the knick of time huh?
They (the FC in Vegas) couldn't even tell the planes to stop taking off 5 minutes into the gunfire.

Check out the stuff your local DHS branch participates in.
You can volunteer for a lot the drills I believe, and not all of them are useless. I can clearly see the need to train first responders and in some cases LE.
However when you're involving kids in your drills to the point of having them play dead in the hall, you're in too deep.
There's a 1 in 10,000,000 something chance a mass murder would occur in the U.S., let alone in a school.
>murders in the U.S.
>murders by firearm U.S.
>MASS murders by firearm in the U.S.
>mass murders by firearm in a SCHOOL in the U.S.
Hey I'm not the best with statistics, but it's absurdly low.
Ask yourselves if mandatory lockdown drills are truly worth it when weighing the odds.

It's your tax dollars, find out what goes on around you and see if you can bring some statistics and sanity to stop the consensus that these drills are okay to do to kids.
>tl;dr they've got a big ol' budget and little to no public scrutiny and their drills are fucked up yo

Better be careful with that, kike. Going to end up in jail for hatespeech.