Is India the most cucked country in the world?
Is India the most cucked country in the world?
now every pajeet will identify as a female.
yes, the Hindu epic Mahabharata which is the centre piece of Hinduism where Krishna arrives to reveal the Gita and is as important to Hindus as the hanging of Christ is to Christians, is basically about a war between two Aryan clans because one of the brothers dishonoured a whore from the other Aryan tribe, and Krishna literally tells Arjuna (the lead character) to kill all his brothers because they insulted the honour of a woman.
if you want to see some super gynocentric stuff just see this episode of the Mahabharata after the princess gets molested
That is because women are goddess... we wroshiop wimen. Wemen gooooofd
I will be gurl and tucch wemen in subway, they cant say sheet abt meh
Gurls cant rap
they only do this because to make up for the cataclysmic amounts of rape on their trains
this is good, puts the pressure on whole family for any domestic violence.
based kesto
Lmao so cucked. Duryodhan was redpilled and based and so was Dushasan
Fuck w*men
Maybe this will keep you poo-in-loos from raping anybody
It's not cucked in this case, because women are sexually assaulted on public transport. A lot.
They still adhere to an implicit caste system that glorifies their r1a Slavic rulers, they also speak their languages and customs despite being mostly Australoid and foreign to the aforementioned things. So TL'DR yes.
That’s why there are separate women’s coaches on trains. Why are they making it free for them though. That’s retarded.
Here comes the Paki. Cope, Krishna was black
>women get sexually harassed on public transportation
>let them on for free
based india
Let's redpill people on the state of Pakistan,
Pakistanis are an eternally conquered folk.
The first conquest in the post-Vedic era was by the armies of Alexander the Great. The only resistance of Alexander's army was the Hindu king Porus, who surrendered after being defeated in battle by the Greeks. Soon enough, the rest of the area which was modern Pakistan surrendered to Alexander and they were called Alexander's Satraps (Kshatrapas in Sanskrit). There was immediate submission from the Pakistanis.
Alexander was told that the army of the ACTUAL Indians (Nanda Empire) numbered around 200,000 infantry, 20,000 cavalry, 2,500 four-horsed chariots, 3,000 elephants. He decided not to attack the Nandas.
Then, these territories were only freed off Greek control after Chandragupta Maurya, the King of the Indians, who was of Magadhan extraction ruling from Pataliputra (modern day Patna, India), freed these territories from Seleucus Nicator. The Greeks were defeated in battle in 303 BCE by the Indians, freeing the modern region of Pakistan and putting it under Indian control.
The second wave of conquests was by the Kushanas (Indo-Greeks). Once again the Kushans immediately conquered the territory of modern Pakistan with no resistance, the only resistance they faced was when they tried to expand into the modern territory of India. Even today, Indians name their kids "Kushanjeet" (the one who has defeated the Kushans).
Third, was the Arabs, Muhammad bin Qasim is celebrated as a hero in Pakistan, when he killed and enslaved the ancestors of modern day Pakistanis, converted and forcing them to submit to Islam. In 732 AD, the only opposition to Arabs came from Raja Dahir of Sindh, who was the Hindu Emperor at the time and decided to fight the Arabs, Pakis in those days were Buddhists, and they hated the Hindus, and opened the city gates for the Arabs to storm in and that is how Dahir was defeated. Today, Qasim is seen as a hero in Pakistan.
Interesting attempt to stop female drivers from killing everyone. I hope it works out for them.
India needs some nuclear toilets
The Arabs were only defeated in 740 AD, when Nagabhata I, and Vikramaditya from Southern India sent Hindu armies to fight the Arabs to halt Islamic expansion. The Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty refused to surrender to the Muslims and kept off Islam from India.
Imagine this, within just a mere decades, the entire demography of the region now known as Pakistan became Muslim. Just as a friendly reminder, massive parts of India had been under Islamic control too, but never did the Indians ever mass-convert to Islam, and even if they did they were of lower caste extraction to escape bondage.
The Mughals faced the fierciest resistance along the Gangetic plain, not Pakistan. And Pakistanis LOVE to claim Mughals as their own. They consider invaders like Babur, Timur, Aurangzeb as their heroes. The truth is that the Mughals were of Perso-Mongol extraction, not Pakistanis, who are largely Indic with some Iranian groups like the Pashtuns. Timur did invade Delhi, and Pakis love him for that, but they forget that Timur also lay waste to Lahore, one of the largest cities in Pakistan today.
Pakistan is a civilization that celebrates it's own destruction, it's own invasion and bows down to foreign control. It is not surprise that the majority of resistance EVEN against the British came from Bengalis, Marathis, Hindis. In fact, Pakistanis were proud to serve in the British army subservient to foreign control. This is how Pakistan was created, after 1919, when Britain refused to hand over control to the Indians, the Hindus immediately rebelled and refused to serve the army, the Pakistanis kept licking off British boots, with Britain promising a separate state for the Muslims.
Pakis are eternal bootlickers. When India confronted the United States, Pakistan was busy sucking US cock to destabilise Afghanistan, today when India confronts China, Pakistanis suck Chinese dick. And quite literally, Pakistani women are being trafficked to China and sold as sex slaves.
Welcome to Pakistan.
>more women
>more bobbing
A later adaption of a specific chronicle, doesn't negate it's origin. In this case foreign, compared to India is what Veddic Hinduism was. Until the bastardaztion of it post Australoid-Aryanic misgenation. Btw, the Aryan component is mostly inconsequential in South Asia. Despite its progenitors influence.
Lmao why do Pakis and Indians pretend they’re different. Both are shitskinned niggers. Tons of pakis in UK and all of you are indistinguishable from pajeets.
We literally use the slang “paki” for both poos and muslim poos (pakis)
It’s literally a Nigerian nigger fighting with a South African nigger
Slow down fren, and be precise instead of posting tldrs. Besides after assimilation those groups were more so influencers rather than conquerors. Not like they substantially changed the ethnic make up of us Pakis anyway.
Not to mention they both babble to each other in the same fucking tongue, I can see them hiss away in their language all the time. Most of your enemity is online anyway and back at homeland with some territory issues, both you niggers love each other here and constantly attack whites
Some phenotypic over laps exist between us, but generally we're more so Caucascoid. As opposed to Indians, who fall more in line with the Australoid variety racially and other wise. Pic related.
>Maximum boobage
That's because both our languages are the result of a common Slav esk r1a monkey people origin. Who chimped out and spread all over the then Indus Valley and down wards. Note that despite our languages being mostly the same, some vernacular change is present. Because of isolation,ect. Obviously not much though.
Top are pakistani politicians bottom are Indian you csn see the difference.
Here’s a FST distances map showing the difference between Indian and Pakistani ethnicities
Pakis got fucked. They are a rootless Arab supremacist worshipping traitorous civilization that needs to be wiped off.
Reminder that India's defense budget is greater than Pakistan's ENTIRE BUDGET.
LoL, that photo.
there are no more cucked countries than UK and sweden
>top: make up, lighting
>bottom: pictures as is
I’ll give you a hint, Pakistan has never been a democracy, Pakistani Politicians are the descendent of their original elite, while Indian politicians are far more representative of their average person.
Imagine if you're on an indian metro and these guys horde in around you. IMAGINE
This is also manifesting in how both the nations are evolving, India’s Dalits have arisen to political power in a matter of half a decade. While Pakistani depressed groups have been forced to accept their position. (See: Ahmadiyyas)
Minor incursions were prevalent in our past, but they weren't all that influential genetically. Since most Pakis are still majority of what the Caucascoid valley farmers were, during the Indus's peak before the Abbos from what is now known as India arrived. Pic related.
don't forget other minorities like baloch and bahais
lol wtf is this
Lighting doesn't explain how the top left woman is slim nosed,ect. Probably are darker in real life though, I admit. But not that much going off their other phenotypic characteristics .
That Indus statue looks like Modi lmao
Besides, so much your claim for Indus Civilization, yet there are more IVC sites in number in India than in Pakistan
That’s cool
Text too small, I tried re rooting the image through different links,ect. But can't decipher it still. So give me a tldr or something.
Indians should rename their country to Dravidesh as their current motherland name "India" doesn't make any sense.
It's not an exact replica, dumb ass. The lip area and nose look slimmer in contrast either way imo. And the bulk of the IVC was in Pakistan. Considering most of the rivers it's based off of is.
>muh sites
Could be from later migrations ,unrelated. Unless you have a sauce on that assumption.
There isn’t really a considerable difference between Punjabis and other Indians. There is only a slight variation for Pathans and Sindhis. In short, you’re not as different as you think. And even Indians as far as Tamils cluster closer to Caucasoid groups than they do to any australoid groups.
Absolutely, Indians are mostly Australoids with some Sand nig influence from arabia, persia, and the east. Australoids btw are people similar to the Andamanese, originating in one of the first OOA migrations. Dumb and ugly and are the main major component in both Central and South poos. The Dravidians ,who were brown mostly-Australoid (the same aforementioned people) with some sandnig-Caucasoid from Georgia, Kuwait and Southern Iran. Were the people in question, who invaded the great Elamite Indus Valley civilization of Pakistan, that had running water and autonomous toilets(continuous flow, not like modern water toilets that flush on command). Ugly and crafty as fuck. Dravidians still dominate Southern and central India and are the genetic core of all the poos between that area. Then there's the Indo-Persians - Sandniggy theifs. The Indo-Persians are Gypsies, Central Indians, Brahmins. Ugly and sinister. These are descendants of the australoids that got raped by the Elamites, Arabs, Moghuls, Persians, Turks. Not to mention the Blonde Scythians, who exterminated many poos and in the process, they absorbed and assimilated lots of the extant Dravidians, thus browning their own race.
Punjabis aren't like most other Indians though? Generally more Caucasian in appearance in most cases. And we do over lap with them, to some degree. But even then usually they retain a higher Australoid component , differentiating them between their northern peers.
>Generally more Caucasian
Anecdotes don’t mean shit. Like it or not, you’re more similar to “Australoid” Tamils than to Europeans.
Learn to accept it.
And these poojeet and paki shitskins keep trying to convince us how different they are from each other lmfao.
Depends on the specific tribal affiliation of the Paki in question. And using Europeans as a contrast, not by a large margin. See: The distance between us and them is comparable to our relation to those nigger esk Tamils. And I'm not exclaiming we're white anyway.
We generally are though racially. Not denying the over laps though.
stfu you bigot.
no U
Female sufrage was a mistake.
They vote en bloc and love immediate populism.
Latin America stagnated and even worsened after they won the right to vote. That is why we live in an eternal cycle of political and economic crises.
They married the state.
You don't get it, do you? It's a honey pot. Same reason women get free entry to clubs, and you don't.
Based india providing pajeets with free pussy on the metro and busses.
Pakistan would be better if it dropped its massive inferiority complex and learnt to accept its heritage. 'Small and Dark' bangladeshis are leaving pakis far far behind in economic achievement and the only thing pakis have in counter is a few racist jokes. Pic related just shows you how poor pakistan really is, India's poorest states are as well off as pakistan.
Notice the stark difference between Dharmic Punjab and Abrahamic Punjab. Same people, same language, mostly the same culture, but such a vast difference in HDI. Islam has retarded pakistan massively, only by leaving Islam can pakistan be relevant to the world.
What heritage are we denying? All through out this thread I've pronounced my lineage from the Valley farmers of the Indus. You retards on the other hand, can't accept your Australoid background despite being majority of it. And pretend like Hinduism isn't some foreign entity.
Dharmic Poojab isn't all that different, still a feces infested shit hole with an over crowding problem. As is most of South Asia, because of the extensive Australoid component. And Islam is an under tone, compared to the actual problems that are causing us to fall behind. Political corruption for example.
No its not, Indian pujab is comparable to eastern eruope whereas paki punjab is still africa tier. Fact is in Pakistan a small elite minority control pretty much everything, there has never been a mass leader from lower strata of paki society and there never will be. India in comparison is currently being ruled by a low caste who sold tea in childhood. There is no social mobility in pakistan whatsoever.
>No it's not
Cope, it's self evident that India is a crap heap. Look for a vlog esk take for a verification. Shouldn't be hard to find on YouTube, and pic related.
Also despite us lagging behind economically, notice the difference in open defecation per land area. Pic related.
women should be second class citizens everywhere. they literally can't do anything but destroy societies.
>muh data from 2011
never change paki.
Cool, so I can just identity as a woman and ride for free.
you're a fucking pagan idol woirshipper who will burn in hellfire for eternity
>Implying a dramatic change in less than a decade
It still applies even now,
>implying there are no slums in pakiland
I mean if videos like that make you feel better about your shithole then who am i to stop you. Nothing will change the fact that India is miles ahead of pakistan on practically every development indicator and this is DESPITE containing BIMARU shitholes. Outside BIMARU, it is not even a contest. South India and have similar population. South India has HDI of 0.67 and Pakistan is way way below. It's funny that apart from phenotype, pakistan has nothing going for it, makes me pity you guys really, how empty your lives must be.
As for no change bought about due to social mobility (a concept that is alien to pakistan) here's a UNICEF study for you.
>lure women into public transport for easy rape targets
india does it again
based town rapist
Where exactly did I imply pak land isn't a shit hole? You're formulating an argument against an empty straw man. And Pakistan absolutely is a shit hole, much corruption and little development. I'll never deny that until some eugenic change on the populace is made.
I actually like the look of Indian women. They are the ulitmate exotic temptresses. The one on the right is very attractive.
That being said, you should accept your condition as well. Instead of 2020 tier larping over a very obvious crap heap.
Different tastes fren, the mostly Australoid background of these pre historic looking bipedal chimps causes erectile dysfunction from my pov.
Won't this lead to even more wives disappearing? Even if you aren't married to this person...?
The difference is we are growing at 7% yoy, and have seen massive rise in wealth. All of this is due to increased social mobility. Pakis on the other hand are obsessed with nothing other than phenotype. Not a single person in pakistan has become a billionaire without corruption.
Corruption is relative, and 7% is piss. That aside, even with your gdp growth, you can't deny your awful national standard of living. Pollution, feces and over crowing will always haunt your shit hole, until some genocide is enacted. Bottom line.
Pretty much all these vids are from BIMARU states, with HDI close to pakistan and other african shitholes. I myself am from Karnataka, HDI is around 0.67 which is closer to Indonesia. However our TFR is low and even population growth is low while our GDP growth is rising. In the last 10 years we have gone from 900$ to 2000$ in per capita, pakistan in same time has gone up from 1000$ to 1300$
Explain this then pls
Thats bangladesh