White People and Heavy Metal

>Have you ever noticed that whites are the majority of listeners of Heavy Metal, Black Metal and Death Metal?

I have.

The reason why us whites like this genre of music so much is because we love the rage it gives us. We love the anger that it instills in us. Take a mosh pit for example. We literally beat the shit out of each other for fun and we love it. Now just imagine when a large group of whites are pushed to the very edge and have their backs up against the wall.

“You got this lion, he’s the king of the jungle. Huge mane out to here. He’s laying down under a tree, in the middle of Africa, he’s so big, he’s so hot. He doesn’t wanna move. Now, the little lion cubs they start messin’ with him, bitin’ his tail, bitin’ his ears, he doesn’t do anything. The lioness, she starts messing with him, coming over making trouble, still nothing. Now the other animals, they notice this, and they start to move in. The jackals, hyenas, they’re barking at him, laughing at him. They nip his toes and eat the food that’s in his domain. They do this and they get closer and closer and bolder and bolder, till one day…that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody, runs like the wind, eats everything in his path, ’cause every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals who he is."

Any Progressives or Far-Left Liberals reading this, you need to understand one thing about us whites. Keep pushing us. Keep backing us into a corner. Keep calling us all racist and "unconsciously bias". Keep telling us that we have no culture. Keep telling us how you're excited that we will be replaced and will inevitably go extinct. Keep telling us that having white babies is a bad thing

Go ahead, keep doing it. There is nothing more terrifying in this world than a group of pissed off white people. We're at the breaking point and his little parade of degenerate behavior that you're polluting into our kids minds will not last forever, I can guarantee that.

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Cool blogpost bro

Metal is primitive nigger music

In b4 Negrophagist or whatever nigger shit you think is "technical"

If you decide to snap, make sure you ask people to sub to pewdiepie

Kpop is better than your snow nigger music.

Is this meant to be bait, or do you believe this with every fiber of your soul?

yeah... hues love metal too... and most of them are pardo.

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Truly believe it. Metal is another symptom of the 20th century Jewish influence in popular music. It disposes of beauty in favor of glorifying the grotesque. Combine the Jewish fetishism of ugliness with Post-Negro Electric guitars and drums and you get Heavy Metal. One of the lowest forms of music.

cringey nerd culture, while other genres are busy with getting laid, you are stuck in your endless anger tantrum, staying virgin or even worst, sleep with an out of shape metal bitch and listen to her depressive bullshit

>this is what a mutt thinks when he listens to metal


oy vey rabbi, calm down.

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this is my metal moment, favelado

>whites are the majority of listeners of Heavy Metal
You've never been to Mexico or South America faggot. Jesus christ you are absolutely ignorant as fuck. I've seen 80,000 beaners show up for metal festivals down there.

(((synthetic drums intensifies)))
(((synthetic drums intensifies)))

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my bad

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The only relevant white genre of music is EDM, and the chicks are much hotter. Get on board.

pretty sure metal is loved by edgy kids no matter their ethnicity
the most autistic metalhead i know is an indian dude

what about hardbass?

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Cool story, what's the name of your tumblr blog?

Heavy metal is literally based on black music.

brazilian metal
> youtube.com/watch?v=FY3m6hMyh3g

What was that white boy?

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This kike is pretty well versed in faggot nigger music

marvel before true hue misc

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Really? Can you listen to between the buried and me and honestly think "these guys don't know any thing about music"?

Easily one of the stupidest things you get to frequently hear on this board. The heavier the music, the whiter it is. Classical music is, in itself, extremely heavy.
Only someone who barely listens to music would ever say that the rage-inducing genres are non-white. In fact, it is the very people influenced by jewish egalitarianism, pacifism, and slave moralism that would ever say something like that.
After all, whites are a race of murderers and conquerors first and foremost. Everything else is Semitic desert influence.

>when your country doesn't have ancient cultural war music that you can play to kill people

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Metal is for Fags

Literally a bunch of skinny betas who get bullied in school larping at being badass. Some big metal band were playing in Dublin not too long ago and the lead singer was walking the street and got beat up by a bunch of 14 y/os

Filled me with so much joy to know this stupid american who no doubt views himself as "hardcore" came here and gotten beaten in the street by kids

Metal is almost exclusively white.

dare I say "reddit spacing"?

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too grammatically correct for a nigger
try again


>Heavy Metal.

This is nigger tier 12 year old appreciation of the genre. The reality is that white people like metal because you need to pay attention and really think to appreciate it fully. Borknagar, for example, has nothing to do with petty rage and human emotion. Those guys write about philosophy, the poetic and fundamental nature of the universe, physics, biology and science as a human art form.

There are many examples if heavy metal being used to explore abstract thought in a way that no other genre has. I mean, sure, you can find pleb tier metal where the subject matter is intellectually on par with Ariana Grande bitching about her ex-boyfriend, if you want... But that's not why we're here. We're here to hear.

This is something a kike would say.

Norway has more metal bands than Mexico.

Shame metal shows are fucking cringe and you get queers trying to kick and punch everyone and for some reason you aren’t allowed to drop them cold. And even when it’s just jostling in the pit you always get some stupid cunt who takes it too far and ruins someone’s night

Keep autistic queers out of my shows thanks

Do you really not know what paragraphs are?

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>After all, whites are a race of murderers and conquerors foremost
>After all, whites are a race of niggers
>After all, pagans are niggers

they actually dont

excuse me?

why not sharing beneath the remains or arise pieces.. why this crap ?

krautrock you fucking nerds


so in other words i wanted to say, metal is the musical equivalent of Jow Forums

you chinless philistines


Cope harder, slave moralist christkike.

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Latin Americans love metal

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it's abstract => no niggers.

thank me later

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That's fucking stupid
That's like saying the gun is based on spears so firearms are for black people because black people invented spears

Post some faggot

Nice try shlomo. What's going on with that niggers stomach?

Ex-fatty having stretch marks all over, lol.

Still managed to get a white gf unlike 99% of Jow Forumscucks

>while other genres are busy with getting laid
I'm not a fan of kidz bop

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Is that you? Hahahaahaha. Your whore doesn't even have tits.

I never quite understood mosh pits, is it a designated fighting zone? Like punching each others or more like pushing each other around?

Both. And you are a faggot.

>And you are a faggot

Pits aren’t a fighting zone you faggot kid. Punch me and I’ll fucking flatten you

Versuchs mal, Achmed.

Uhh, yeah, fat hairy metalfagboid with beer bellies are the avantgarde of white supremacy.

Keep dreaming, white boi

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Actually white metalheads are just engaging in a inferior culture.black sabbath is inded objectively better than blues music, but that fact doesn't reddems it for being a guitar niggerism.

All that kvetching in this thread only proves your point OP.

unironically the only nigger-free festivals

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Spot the nigger. Pro tip: You can't.

Go back to your cuckshed, Hans. Jamal will be home soon.

I know. It's great. No niggers or shitskins. Just white people and good ass music.

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Very well, I shall take the bait.

The bands that pioneered metal (Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Metallica, Venom, Rainbow, Motörhead, Iron Maiden...) never ever had a single nigger in their lineup, and have been overwhelmingly European (or at least second generation European).

Sorry but....


>Heavy Metal
The name is literally encoded (Jews are obsessed with heavy metals -- gold, silver etc), jews did that on purpose so they could all know without speaking about it that this genre of music is made to allow the gentiles to take their aggression out on thin air, keeping them from ever attacking them.

It's to get the gentiles to take their aggression out on thin air, so that they don't have energy to overthrow the jews/establishment.


>The heavier the music, the whiter it is. Classical music is, in itself, extremely heavy.

Correct. Nothing gets me more amped than listening to heavy classical.

ive posted 150+ weebums to the metal thread, but youre just satanic faggots so im not posting anymore
it was so cute to post all that on easter

Back in the days of Boston, Kansas, etc. "Heavy Metal" was a multi-generational Genre.
Then came along people like Alice Cooper or Kiss paid by Jews and now "Rock" was about to "shock" people.
A lot of negativity and darkness was attached to a previous fun genre.
This was used to drive a wedge between generations. The old couldn't stand the Music of the youth anymore.

Does anyone else feel calmness or happiness instead of anger when they listen to metal, no matter the sub-genre? I've never associated anger with metal.

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None of that crap you've listed is even remotely metal. It's "rock". What are you? A CDU boomer?

Also, any German posting with that cucked, illegal ZOG flag sollte auf der Stelle and die Wand gestellt werden.

> Le triggerd
Heavy Metal was introduced to put a wedge between generations. Man (((Producers))) even said so themselves.

If you can't even identify metal music, you should keep your Jewish pie hole. You're not qualified to give any opinion on a subject you don't have the slightest grasp at.

ANY youth culture is designed to drive a wedge between oldfags like you and the based youth. Don't need ((them)) to do that. Vollpfosten.

What are you listing to? Bavarian Volksmusik?

Dumbass. And still posting with the Judenfahne...

Jow Forums anthem

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Especially some unorthodox prog metal, that shit'll fuck you up

Why is all black music super low iq simple garbage every single genre they have is simple garbage.

>1 post by this id


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south americans fucking love metal