Christian paramilitary group

Lads, I've only been able to lurk in bits & pieces these days (some of us have jobs, family, friends etc) but who the fuck are these fellas?
Seem to be based in U.S, any yank anons got some info???

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Sorry twatter link to vid

Are all Irish cyber police this lazy?

I said yank not nigger

Link to the mission statement
2 pages
>Sever links with israel


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Buddy, I've only stumbled across them & am just digging around the Chan's to find out.
What I will say is, anyone that calls out Israel & Jew banks (see their mission statement) is worthy of my investigation.

In anyway, why the fuck am I justifying myself to you?
Prolly on the Spencer larp train up till a year ago

>lulkekx some potato niggers

they are absolute ass clowns formerly known as the TWP

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I remember TWP
Their leader, forget his name was screwing his step mom (adopted mam?) Or something.
If what you're saying is true then they're dead in the water already I guess

Hey Éireanon, I heard they’re related to this dude

They're papist fags and some orthodox foot eaters. You'd fit right in OP.

yeah these guys are fucking retards of the highest order

>paramilitary group
So where are their tools?

3 minutes in.
Look man, Irish rebels done we're predominantly Christian in the past, I'm not seeing his point to be honest


Some fuckin paramilitary without guns

Granted was using literary license with the para reference, but genuinely curious & can be hard to get heard around here if you're not a Jannie or mod like

Assault water. I'm sure the prison sentence is at least 2 years in the UK

Yeah but you can rape a child and serve only 6 months, if you’re an Arab muzzie.

The Christian Internet Defence Force will go after anyone who criticises Christians in any way.

From now onwards, we will assume the same legal privileges as other groups.

If a black or muslim person attacks a white Christian person, it will be classified as a hate crime.

But I don't want that.
Neither do most.
We're facing a existential battle, Christian's, pagans & atheists need to work together if we're going to survive let alone thrive ever again

We've got Slovenskí Branci here
They are christians wich hate mudslimes and Americans? I dont know much about them

Attached: branci-trnava-I.jpg (586x439, 65K)

Also their logo kinda resembles Hitlerjugend

Attached: Snímka-obrazovky-2017-05-14-o-8.28.06-660x330.png (660x330, 222K)

Look, people organizing irl, I'm for it.
I mean Enoch & co went through their larp phase & it might have worked but they're right in the heart of the ZOG machine so they were swiftly put down & back online. Maybe in Europe irl has more of a fighting chance

>do good to those who persecute you
Nah I'll pass on this cuck religion


>falseflagging the orthodox church
the absolute state of alt-righters

I'm thinking more about buying what you're selling user

That’s what niggers call each other over here

>Sever links with Israel
>Abolish Jew banks
Literally/pol/, fuck off back to plebbit kike

>Italian mob movie

Is their anything they won't rip from wops?

Those are the Catholic power rangers.
They're retarded.

Attached: 55711484_407992626652980_5292529804761890816_n.jpg (900x645, 61K)

They dress up like that to pick up litter.

they're the christian state in illinois and the great lakes region

Maybe in your country.
But in my country rebels successfully used the Christian doctrine of blood sacrifice for insurrection

Thanks for the input user

Came here to say that.

The group was started by Cole Williams on Facebook.
He's fat and stupid.
He used to be a Southern Nationalist, Neo-confederate and Christian Identity.
A group called Made by Pagang bullycided him for having a huge neck tattoo (is going to hell according to Christisn Identity), supporting King Charlemagne's war crimes against the Saxons (Christian Identity claims Saxons were Israelites, Charlemagne said they were Canaanites), being a drug abusing cosmopolitan faggot, and generally being an ugly 56% face mutt.
As a result he could not recover, so he converted to Catholicism to spite them, and avoid all the condemnations to hellfire that CI guaranteed.

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>The cowardly, those who countersignal, do-nothings, traitors, the enemies of Christ, and the enemies of those who serve Him shall be dabbed on.

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Christianity worldwide is yellow black and brown.

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Here's some input, fuck off with this shit fed posting.

Are you guys blind?

what a shit picture

They appear to have an English branch.

>that one edgy teen who thinks everything's a honeypot

they ejected the fat faggot heimbach from what i understand, but its still the same asshats in a new LARP this time false flagging the orthodox church

I feel like you are part of this "Made by Pagang."

How about you worry about your own country?

Top of the mornin' to ye fellow racists

would any of ye happen to have information relatin' to racial hate croimes groups?

askin' cos im one of ye fellas and not a member of any government organisation

cud ye please leave ye name and address in this thread.


Attached: download.jpg (179x281, 6K)

Right, so from what I gather, a bunch of Muppets then?
Cheers for the heads up, fuck me anyway for looking across the pond for some glimmer of irl taking to the streets & actually fuckin doing something. Yis are good enough thinkers & orators but suppose better keep eye closer to home for anything irl.

As long as you dont hear something useful, its cringe and larppilled.

I know that fat faggot in the middle, would kill if given the chance

Here is your reply, fed

Again, don't apply your experience in your country to my experience/history in mine


>false flagging

>Fed posting
Seriously do, strike me as the type of cunt who was calling R.A.M feds...


Heimbach and his crew are scum of the earth. seriously they are such retards.

what you call LARPers in christian garb claiming orthodox church dressing up as Ukrainian RWDS and vidyaing themselves burning books making the church look bad?

Cheers man, following on Twitter & will cautiously keep an eye (one can hope like)

we had it first

how about you use a better, more representative flag

Attached: usflag.jpg (900x550, 32K)

I am, what's your point?

What group is better than Heimbach and company? Patriot Front? League of the South?

Ur such a bad cop

>worthy of my investigation
top kek glowie

>Not making wh*teboycuck breads
>Ask genuine question
Sound yeah

Don’t be weird

He's a dumb bastard sargon tier faggot, an impostor claiming he was inspired by an important Romanian historical figure, while all he does is LARP together with his gay fat friends.

If I was a cop I'd have access & resources to monitor their accounts/internet traffic.
Think you retards.
Y'know you're supposed to be 18 to post here right?

>Christian doctrine of blood sacrifice
>be christnigger
>see something
>"we made this"

Attached: 1556895432522.gif (540x540, 1.25M)

unless of course you dont have any leads and need to find out who these shitposters are... in order to do the other things u mentioned

Assalamualaikum Mohammed

>Greg Conte
Whatever happened to him? I like that guy, he was always interesting on Spencer's podcast. I know Spencer disavowed him or some shit but did Conte just straight up leave after that?

Antifa investigates too, but I won't suspect you of that. Besides, I only just heard of them too and they're active as fuck. Just goes to show how desperately Google and Youtube bury shit


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>Facebook (apparently)
>No leads
Seriously, you're not on Reddit...

are you part of LoSA? if so, what's it like being an absolute retard trying to rekindle the christian flame?

>working together
by your powers combined, I am Captain Kike!

Do you seriously expect others to ignore what's going on all around the world and pretend that only Ireland matters when Ireland in no fucking way matters at all?

Do you feel the same way about Catholics who reject Vatican II, or Missouri/Wisconsin Synod Lutherans who reject the ELCA?

I admit I find it corny and laughable every time Matt Heimbach shows up somewhere with all these other lardasses, waving flags around and yelling about bullshit. But having a group of 20 friends in real life as opposed to being an internet cynic with no friends at all is a step in the right direction.

People can shit on Heimbach all they want, but these are things he's achieved, compared to the absolute nothing you all have achieved:
>formed some campus vigilante group that did black crime patrols at their university, openly, and also openly organized a white student union, producing mass butthurt among maryland negroes who did jack shit to stop him
>hosted jared taylor to speak at a campus-sponsored event, producing even more negro butthurt and impotence
>organized some bumpkin-ass workers' political party out in ohio trailer parks that did no worse than any of the european far-right parties
>helped organize a couple of rightwing rallies that resulted in serious injury and even death to leftwing counterprotestors
>back at it again with some far-right christian militia

Again, I do think he's a cornball. But doing something is better than doing nothing.

>Antifa investigates too
1st fuckin legitimate concern raised yet ffs...(ps, I work so no Antifa) however they've the splc & politico supplying them, kinda short those resources meself

just saying m8
you're most likely either one of them or affiliated self promoting under a VPN or glowie looking for more info
there's nothing organic about this post

>we had it first
You're actually the second state to bite on American flag style, the first being Liberia.

I'm not a part of LoSA, I just want to know if you have any recommendations for a better group


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Seriously, did you reply to the correct post or are you phone fagging like me?

hurr durr expose these guys for me

fuck off feds

You're fooling no one, Levi Goldberg

Holy shit, if only you knew how bad it really is. Read the antifascist handbook and see what these fuckers are doing and have been doing since Italian and German fascist movements (and others). From trying to block guys from driving to rallies (which is why they block traffic) to drowning us out with noise (which is why they bring so many air horns and scream so much). They even boast about doing D&C online, infiltrating, monitoring all sorts of places (even our obscure taiwanese basket-weaving forum). Charlottesville was a big eye opener for me

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He tried it.

Attached: oh-no-no-no.jpg (730x406, 98K)

this and read rules for radicals

Irish people are so fucking stupid.

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I have yet to stumble across a single group that I respect. Anglin and Weev are the only guys who actually know what they're doing IMO. .


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I could do that, or, I could just stay comfy knowing although they do participate in such activities, they're largely supplied Intel by splc & politico etc & funded by open society foundation, so, think I'll use what limited time I have irl reading me own shit, but thanks anyway

Anglin hasn't shown his face in so long and Weev is a real Jew. Both endorsed Yang and plastered Yang memes all over their website, so you must be joking.

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>Can directly trace lineage back to ancient people that pre-date recorded history.
>Mutt thinks I'm stupid.
Stay seething man...

>had it first
Try again, you subhumsn chink.

As you mentioned in the OP, you were aware they are Americans. Ergo, what you are doing is literally the opposite of concerning yourself with your own country.

Exposed and rejected by Orthodox Christians.