Get new refrigerator

>get new refrigerator
>breaks after 5 years
>have to buy a new one that'll probably break in a few years
>parents refrigerator from 1985 still runs perfectly fine

Tell me again why capitalism is so good?

Attached: fridge.jpg (1024x512, 97K)

In a socialist country like Australia there's no access to the 1985 product. That's why capitalism is so good.

this isnt a serious discussion

maybe you shouldn't abuse your appliances you nigger. shit thread

>abuse your fridge
Everything is built cheaply now. You can't deny that

Robert Bosch

Attached: download.png (224x224, 4K)

Yes. So read the instructions else risk damage to the product.

Engineering practices changed. Now you want to optimize saving money as much as possible, so you pick the cheapest materials possible, material that will last X years under stress.

That is literally it, just manufacturing companies adopting Jewish tricks.

>parents buy new quality fridge for 700$ when settling Down
>op buys 50$ dollar fridge for small student appartement
>"Why my fridge broken"

Seriously tho in communism u would pay the price of the expensive product and it would last like 2 years not working half the time

I had the same issue with new fridges, decided to be a non frost free old school unit.
Has been working perfectly for more than a decade...just need to clean it out once a month, which is the right thing to do anyway