>get new refrigerator
>breaks after 5 years
>have to buy a new one that'll probably break in a few years
>parents refrigerator from 1985 still runs perfectly fine
Tell me again why capitalism is so good?
>get new refrigerator
>breaks after 5 years
>have to buy a new one that'll probably break in a few years
>parents refrigerator from 1985 still runs perfectly fine
Tell me again why capitalism is so good?
In a socialist country like Australia there's no access to the 1985 product. That's why capitalism is so good.
this isnt a serious discussion
maybe you shouldn't abuse your appliances you nigger. shit thread
>abuse your fridge
Everything is built cheaply now. You can't deny that
Robert Bosch
Yes. So read the instructions else risk damage to the product.
Engineering practices changed. Now you want to optimize saving money as much as possible, so you pick the cheapest materials possible, material that will last X years under stress.
That is literally it, just manufacturing companies adopting Jewish tricks.
>parents buy new quality fridge for 700$ when settling Down
>op buys 50$ dollar fridge for small student appartement
>"Why my fridge broken"
Seriously tho in communism u would pay the price of the expensive product and it would last like 2 years not working half the time
I had the same issue with new fridges, decided to be a non frost free old school unit.
Has been working perfectly for more than a decade...just need to clean it out once a month, which is the right thing to do anyway
I've had a roper for almost twenty years, still works like a charm. Don't buy the goofy shit with all the electronic doodads, buy a basic ass appliance. Samsung and LG appliances are absolute cancer.
>and it would last like 2 years not working half the time
I still have a perfectly working fridge from 72, Piano (now priced at 36k$) from 65, and a functioning zenit camera from 62.
Not all soviet bullshit was cheaply made, in fact some of the shit they put out proved to be incredibly resilient
I have this exact model fridge and can confirm it's a piece of junk. The freezer quit defrosting after about 5 years and now once a week or 2 I have to stick a blow dryer in there to do it myself. Meanwhile the old one I have in the garage works perfectly fine and keeps everything ice cold.
The more high tech something you buy is, the more things their are to break.
The reason the 80's one is still humming is because it was built to do one thing.
Keep shit cold. Not get the whether, order milk, and have 6 different temperature zones.
It just kept shit cold.
Nice try, living in USSR Proper was probably the best place to be if not for the west itself at that time
Now try Bulgaria or poland
maybe buy a good fridge next time you piece of shit commie
fucking auto correct.
Never had this issue. Parents gave me their old fridge and it has been running fine for me for 5 years. They had it for at least 5 prior.
>There was communism in 1985
That faggot fridge has no meat in it.
Because under commies there wouldn't be any electricity to run the refrigerator anyway.
Things are engineered to fail sooner so you need to buy more often. All manufactures do this now. Just watch shark tank. They dont want to invest in something that people dont need to keep buying. Makes sense from a business standpoint but sicks for consumers.
Not really a capitalist vs communist thing just shitty people being greedy. They exist no matter what system you have.
well yeah the eastern europe in general got fucked over. Dunno why it was that Georgia was seemingly not even untouched but actually prosperous and old people still reminisce about fucking commie days.. Thought it was cause Stalin but from what I've heard even before him and after him things went without a single fuckup over here till maybe about early-mid 80s.
>tell me why capitalism is good
Well you can take a trip to Cuba, Venezuela or the chinks or even Kim and ask yourself if commie is good
I fucking hate planned obsolessnce.
Should be fucking illigal.
Niggers gonna nig. Fridges in Canada last decades and I'm sure it's the same stuff sold in the US.
>Tell me again why capitalism is so good?
in a capitalist society, no one forces you to buy the new refridgerators, you are able to buy old ones. in socialist society you have to buy the new fridge
which is why renting an apartment with appliances already in them is now the better choice instead of buying homes that you have to keep buying appliances for, on top of your annual rent (property tax)
You realize appliances are cheap right? I think I paid 350 for my dishwasher. That's the price of maybe 1-2 weeks of rent in this area.
Amana still makes refrigerators here in the US. Step up and buy American quality, not Chinese junk.
My grandma’s 1938 Volksempfänger I inherited still works. Meanwhile, my iPod broke after 2yrs and 3 months.
that fridge is full of so much junk food no wonder there are basedboys
Was the "parents" refrigerator made by communists or something?
>parents washer and dryer are at least a decade old and work fine
>my sister and her husband have been through 3 or 4 in the past 5 years because they keep not working right from day 1 or breaking randomly
fun time
part of the problem is everyone is selling appliances now so the once decent brands had to lower costs to keep up with no name chink shit or brands like samsung or LG who everyone knows for small consumer electronics and assumes their appliances are great too
also too many features in new stuff, all computer controlled with auto this that
also also silly shit like a fucking TV in the fridge door, who the hell needs that?
simple mechanical parts, no circuit boards or unneeded shit
dials are simple potentiometers that adjust the temp up and down and you used a thermometer hanging in the fridge to know the temp
no ice makers
no ice dispenser that will give you cubes or crushed ice
no water filtration systems
just a box to keep stuff cold that worked
and it has ketchup
Yeah, my grandparents also still have one of these working. Can't go wrong with these.
Spare the rake on this man. This is 100% correct, the result of planned obsolence and a race between companies to try to become the most thoroughly judaized. It's despicable and equal weights and measures have been totally abandoned. Worse still, this applies to the people too. If you try to sell something on Facebook marketplace, the extreme lowball offers you get often make it not worth it to even try. Woe to those that are truly desparate and badly need the money to survive. Most of humanity, at least in the US, needs a huge kick in the ass.
The problem is that all of our shitty goods are made overseas by unskilled south Asian or Central American children. The 1985 product was made by grown men in the US
I'm sorry you bought a bad product without reading reviews of it and didn't bother to get it repaired. But maybe you shouldn't let that color your entire view of an economic system.
This is all true and it is awful; the return of barbarism written of by Vico.
It is systemic now, the new paradigm. It will probably take a generation to turn around after the coming cataclysmic social upheaval. Humanity will be reduced to beast if the current trends are not stopped and reversed. Is there anywhere on Earth that this is not happening?
>breaks after 5 years
Probably the thermostat, just replace it. (the thermostat, not the fucking fridge)
It's so common that I've picked a couple of dumpster fridges, changed the thermostat, washed them well and sold them second hand.
Yes. Old appliances made in the US in the 1950s work better today than their new counterparts rolling off the assembly lines a week ago. Pathetic really.
in a just economy, thered be some DIY assemble refrigerator in which replacement parts would be easily accessible and replaceable. think a modern AR-15 and how it's quite literally DIY.
we need those tech guys to quit trying to make a new facebook and make cheap, fixable appliances. completely agree.
>1985 refrigerator
So made in either US or Japan. That is why is lasts, it also was not as cheap to purchase as they are today brand new. Went from quality purchasing to quantity supply. Never a good thing.
You're honestly going to blame capitalism for planned obsolescence?
buy commercial grade appliances, not toys for chattel. my fridge came with a 5 year warranty, and is basically bulletproof. It's also just a refrigerator. It doesn't make ice, it doesn't have a wi-fi adapter, it identifies as a refrigerator. My gas range was nearly $7,000, but it will still work long after I am dead.
Yea, 1980s microwave still going strong too
The only reason I use Facebook market place, Craigslist, letgo, and offerup, is to give away heavy junk for free so someone else takes it and I don’t have to pay to have it removed from my home. I’ve saved thousands over the years not having to trash beds, couches, chairs, fridges, old cars, and other appliances by offering it for free. Other than that those sites are worthless because like you said you can’t make a profit from all the cheap ass low ballers. Even with free shit you’ll get dipshits that ask to have it shipped to them. Bitch this shit is free, come get it or don’t.
>>breaks after 5 years
put it on a surge suppressor you idiot
Absolutely this. As with most things in life ‘you get what you pay for’. I hate people that opt for the cheap product because they think they are saving money then complain when they have to replace it and buy another cheap product a few years later. Meanwhile I always invest in top of the line products and in the long run it always costs less because I’m not replacing them nearly as often, if ever. Stop being cheap asses.
Buy American made. The 1985 one still works because it doesn't have cheap chinese crap in it.
My fridge is from 1982 and its still goin strong
Just another problem that would be fixed if you nationalized the industry. The problem is that corporations don't have to be held to account if the fridge breaks in 5 years. In fact, they are directly incentivized to have their shit break after a number of years so the consumers have to buy a new one. If the government was in charge, the only benefit to be had would be making the fridge as effective and durable as possible so less money has to be spent making fridges. There would be no gain to be had designing fridges to eat shit in under a decade.
>parents refrigerator from 1985 still runs perfectly fine
but user, it can't connect to the internet
it need to be updated
>put all manufacturing under government control
>nationalized the industry
Like Venezuela?
>Tell me again why capitalism is so good?
Itas about the gas used in the refrigerator. The old ones use freon which requires far less compression and has a wide thermal window. Thus les strain on the compressor. They last forever
We honestly have a deep freezer we have used for our hunting meats for over 30 years. Parents bought it in 1987. Still runs, and I’m still amazed
I work for a certain home improvement store dealing with major appliances. You're lucky if you're appliance will last you over 5 years. They manufacture them with built in problems, Samsung in particular. The front load washers are built so the drum goes out over time, the fridges defrost cycle cause multiple problems. Samsung knows it. its a Jewish trick. If you're in the market for new appliances keep them simple and cheap. Buy a warranty
Why would anyone buy a bottom freezer fridge?
Buy a warranty, you fucking pleb. Quite working for the capitalist pigs of orange. And do something meaningful with your life. You PRO LOADER
This is a volksempfanger. It fangers volksemps
I have an older '90s era Kenmore full size fridge (no built in freezer) and a chest freezer in the basement. It's much better, I can store all kinds of home fermented goods and other stuff in there without running out of space. I have another small dorm-room mini fridge in my basement which I use to store whole wheels of cheese, both home made and purchased.
>buy wheel of PDO Parmesan Reggiano for $5 a pound
>eat off it for 2-3 years
>save literally $1500 while the cheese ages and improves
Anybody else here make cheese? If not check out Dr. Funkhauser's page on cheese making, it'll take you from farmer's cheese (the easiest to make) all the way to fine hard cheeses. He also has a page on how he butchered a deer he saw get hit on the highway but you can tell he's no butcher, he's a physicist working from first principles spherical-cow-in-a vacuum style.
Pleb, Miele is the way.
Balancing a drum horizontally instead of vertically is retarded, anybody can tell you this. More strain on the bearings or bushings. Also balance problems are less likely to sort themselves out leading to more strain on the moving parts.
>communism = poor quality
bro they're still using soviet-built engines from the 60's to deliver payloads into space
>my fridge sucks
>therefore capitalism bad
lmao what a retard. at least pick a good critique of capitalism if you're going to be anti-capitalist.
there are many to pick from, faggot
>t. boomer
>american refrigerator from 1985 runs fine
>chinese refrigerator dies after 5 years
that's the fault of globalism, not capitalism
if you're buying stereo equipment, it's always recommended to try to find a receiver built before the 80's because the parts are just plain higher quality
Globalism is an aspect of late stage capitalism.
There is a package of hot dogs visible in the bottom drawer.
Odd thing my 1983 Simson is still running fine, only got the 1st overbore recently and runs as good as new.
I certainly understand just using those sites for that purpose and it is definitely better to get something and have things moved out to clear clutter and free up space. I would not use those sites to make a profit from flipping items; Amazon or Ebay are better for that, though it can be done. I'm talking more about the need to sell things to be able to pay the bills and eat. For example, say you're selling a car that is KBB of $8000, but you list it for $4-5000 to price it sell. The offers you tend to get are usually in the $1-2000 and often even worse than that. It's obvious to both parties that the listing is a good deal, but that isn't good enough for the buyers. They act like they are the jews from Pawn Stars that act like they are doing you a favor by "taking it off your hands" for 25% of its real value. Unless you are prepard to wait a very long time, you are going to have to accept getting swindled if you're desparate for cash. This is the norm nowadays with average people and it is a disgrace. Mammon is their god.
Why people buy new shit is beyond me. Mid century furniture/appliances look better, are built with real material and last forever. I have zero respect when I walk into someones houses that's basically an Ikea showroom
The energy savings on new appliances make it worthwhile even if doesnt last as long.
I've got a Zenit E with the Helios 44 (58 mm F/2) and Pentacon 135 mm F/2.8.
They still work fine and I adapted the lenses to my DSLR, they are more sharp than the kit-lense it came with.
Hell, they outresolve my 24 MP crop sensor...
I had to buy a hot water heater about six months ago that broke the day after the warranty expired. I've been told by many people that this is commonplace. These fucks know exactly what they are doing and it bothers me deeply.
i gave away my 3 years old fridge and took a 20 years old fridge from my mom, probably a good decision
I don't know about that but it may be right. It's the new normal for us, but has this happened before in past civilizations? There aren't many examples to compare it to, maybe the Silk Road and the spice trade.
the energy to replace those is probably far superior to your energy savings
You bought a $200 refrigerator. They bought a refrigerator that cost $1100 in 2019 dollars
Also, replacing a drum bearing on a front load washer costs just a little less than a brand new washer, if you do it yourself. Why is a drum bearing $400 and an entire washer $600?
Don't even get me started on the door gaskets. If you live with a woman who uses bobby pins to hold her hair when she washes her face, one of them WILL eventually murder the door gasket on your washer.
are you claiming a 2019 1100 dollars fridge would last 20 years?
I still have an Oster blender I bought in the early eighties, that still works like new. In all these years I replaced the rubber seal and blades once.
my utility company over pressurized the water lines and blew out my entire neighborhood's hot water heaters. they apologized.
Honestly, I don't know and that may be true. I'll have to test that out to know for sure.
My fridge is at least 10 years old and ain't even that nice. Sounds like OP did either buy a really cheap one or just got unlucky.
I'm sorry that happened to you. I can't even get into how much our utility companies suck where I live because I don't want to derail the thread too much. I'll just say that we have a lot of problems right now that can all essentially be reduced to the same cause, the love of money.
My last living grandparent passed away last September. Her house still had all of the original appliances from the early 70’s. The dishwasher and refrigerator were loud as hell but they worked.
Meanwhile, my house was built in 2006. Custom built, and built well. Every appliance/mechanical broke last year. Everything. Garage door openers, springs, refrigerator, HVAC, everything.
What tends to break in most electronic devices are:
>electrolyte capaciators
Most of the time you can fix them by replacing old capaciators with new ones.
It's a rather simple job:
>take out PCB
>look for damaged capaciators
>remove damaged capaciators
>clean up PCB
>solder in new capaciators
If your fridge has lost its refrigerant, I recomend replacing it with propane/butane gas.
It is safe and works as a replacement for most refrigerants.
There's hot sauce in the fridge, those are obviously onions dogs.
>best place to be
kill yourself, nigger
>apple garbage
kill yourself
repair, not replace, you useless tard
diagnose that shit and change out the broken component, it isnt hard, unless you have a room temperature iq like i suspect you do
Stop buying gook products you cheap kike. Your parents probably have a made in USA fridge.
Muh capital izmz
Kys you retarded cuck