Government slowly taking away our freedoms one by one aren't we slaves at this point

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In the USA your enslavement is self created. If you weren't a total pussy you could be free.

Did slaves have the freedom to leave their job and freeload on the society?
Did slaves have the freedom to choose their particular slave owner?
>Did slaves have enough disposable income so they could travel across the world?
Go back to your commune to eat cabbage soup, comrade.

Meanwhile wages have staged for generations and our buying power is decreasing faster and faster
Im sure youre just a millionaire in the making though

Money was created to enslave of without even knowing it. Were all dumb hamster running on the wheel and can't do anything about it lol. It's sad but it's true no one is powerful enough to stop it from happening just have to die and move on bro.

Money was made to make trading easier.
You try to sell a fish to a man living deep inland while having no refridgeration tech.

there was gold and silver before paper money. But now it's just paper alone which has no value on it's own.

What are you posting on here for, then? Smash the windows and leap to freedom.

As long as the latest iFag product is the top seller, you're entire argument goes out the window.
Stop spending money on shit you don't need, and things get better.
Amazing I know, but true.

I have employees.

Exactly. I only hire people with a degree from a university, not because they have the degree, but because they have the debt.

Black people are still working in the fields huh?
Sure sure

Black people

Attached: life of a libshit.png (1188x3067, 3.92M)

They have better colour. Wtf are they still complaining about!?!

Where's is expensive shoes?
Where's his iphone?
This lacks an understanding of the social issues.

the libtards are taking away your freedoms but wont tell you.

>be me
>be able to use the internet, get a job, move, say anything, finger my boyfriend, suck tyrones cock, be a FUCKING entitled retard who should be euthanized

aReNT' wE SlAvEs aT ThIS pONt?!?

top tier bootlicking, good job

the origins aren't money aren't sinister, but like any system it can be used to sinister ends

if our society weren't so utterly bound to capitalism money would have much less power

but y'know whatever

Bootlicking? I hope you're not referring to me.

Go out somewhere away from people. Learn how to stop every single disease, build everything yourself, cultivate all your own food.

Nothing is forcing you to stay here in the first world.

Why doesn't it show him building the pyramids in the left side?

Any time someone points out that most, if not all of the problems plaguing young folks these days are self imposed, you get accused of boot licking.
God forbid we try to open some of their eyes.
Maybe we should just open their throats out of mercy for the dumb animals.

Well, I was going to remind this trash that my family left England hundreds of years ago to get away from genetic waste like him, but he's not responding so I'm guessing he's currently being butfucked by his Mudslime master, or he's been arrested for owning a butter knife.

Gods bless the USA.

Can someone who is educated on history tell me what is the point of the spiky neck thing in the first picture?

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