Why did fascism fail every time?

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Why did liberal democracy fail every time?

They win every time. Beat the fascists too

living under liberal democracy sounds like a loss vro


Wew lad

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Look at Spain now, a total shithole

Because all communists and all capitalists joined together for the first time in history to attack it.
>almonds activated

Because Franco died

Because they did nothing useful with all the EU money that was poured in. Spain is barely producing anything of interest besides tourism and food export. They had a decent industry for a while, but they were totally outmatched by Italy, France and Germany. The mentality of businessmen over there is also atrocious. Why reinvest the profit into making the business more competitive if I can just spend all of it in a holiday with my family? The 2008 crisis also hit it very hard. Every random construction worker started his own building company because the demand was insane. Every other clothing shop clerk opened her own clothing shop because there was a demand for it and the bank was giving high risk loans like there was no tomorrow.

It had lots of very big enemies hell bent on its destruction.

We only won because of our manufacturing capabilities

This, Spain actually underwent a economic boom under Franco during the postwar years. The current problems didn't start until recently.

>being beaten in a war where you're fighting against literally 9/10 of the planet and almost succeeding means your socio-political system must've been a failure
or it was just a war you were bound to lose

franco wasnt a fascist

fascism didn't fail, it was defeated through war, now go watch cultured-thug, memeflag faggot.


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These things fail cause the leaders get overtly militaristic against other nations

(((They))) win too many wars in too many parts of the world.

Because God has different plans.

trabalhismo is a completely different ideology, brazilian fascism is mostly integralist.


and he was so good at government that as soon as he died spaniards decided to go full commie just to spite him

>franco wasnt a fascist

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he was a reactionary conservative he didn't want to build a new society and spain didn't have any fascist reforms.

Franco was the DNVP in Spain, josé antonio primo de rivera was a fascist he was the NSDAP in spain

welcome to the world.

what is that leonard cohen song?

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost

Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That's how it goes
Everybody knows

Good one

and Rivera got BTFO and failed like every fascist

This homo is right. Franco was a traditional conservative just like Salazar

Nop. Franco was not conservative in that sence, indeed he did a lot of social reforms like some commies do. The party FET de las JONS (Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalistas) was 50% fascist/strausserist nazi and 50% ultramontano catholic. Note the "national-sindicalist".