Now that the alt-right's gravy train has come to a halt, what will you fags do now? You've taken your "muh free speech" crusade as far as it can go. You abused you're right to spread bigotry and hate instead of honest discussion to better humanity. It's such a shame.
Now that the alt-right's gravy train has come to a halt, what will you fags do now...
Other urls found in this thread:
trump opened an anti-trust case on Google. They retaliated by attacking his supporters running up to 2020
Actually, youtube isn't our only platform you dumbass faggot. We still have Twitter available to shitpost against ANTIFA and the Lgbt community. Of course the whole internet is available for us. Cunt
We just need to contact Trump and convince him to say the n word and the liberalists will finally save the west
When will YouTube take down all the videos in support of Israel? Clearly they believe they're superior and discriminate based on that belief.
Crowder is racking in mug club sales and the backlash is fucking yt and vox. Go back your discord lispy
shill thread, your mother is a dumb whore with a fat arse
"We still have Twitter" lol
Keep posting with 2 likes a tweet. Shadowbans are all over twitter, and in general its a terrible platform.
shitpost irl
I have no idea who any of these YouTube celebrities are. I filter their threads and speak in real life the same as on here.
funny thing is, that wanting to remain an ethnically homogeneous nation is regarded as extreme
I started shitposting irl. I go out to gym at night and tear down any faggot/sjw signs I see. I'm considering buying some spray paint or taking a sharpie with me.
When will the left realize that everybody that disagrees with them is teaming up together to annihilate their evil empire?
We also have liveleak and best gore to spread cultural awareness and kiwifarms to watch the mosque shooting on.
Hmmm not really. I still fuck around with many libtards and many do. I dont see how its a terrible platform.
YT will actually use it to censor everything.
Imagine thinking censoring something doesn't make it more popular
>alt right
>a real thing
kill yourself shill
Electronic music that "extreme" people like is regarded as extreme, Xurious had his account banned.
based bogan.
>”muh free speech” campaign
Something tells me when the trannies aren’t allowed to spread propaganda to kids they’ll be claiming it’s a free speech issue
This is unironically a good thing.
Fuck those niggers.
You fags are here often, don't you find it odd that you're the only ones that talk about the "Alt-Right"? Check the catalog. You literally prop up the thing you say you aim to destroy. It's almost like you're useful idiots or something. . . .
Eceleb gatekeeper fags getting banned by YT is great news for the alt-right. Our enemy is clueless and does not understand us at all.
so now the left is the establishment? wow that wont cause tons of young kids to rebel to the right..
this will end well i'm sure
telling people to be nice to each other isn't propaganda sweaty its called being a decent human
use BitChute. It's that simple.
Hey don't you cunts have lots of guns?
And you also know where silicon valley is?
Just fucking saying my dudes.
The day would come soon when YouTube would ban us,
Time to move to bitchute.
Don't deface private property. Print out memes and hang them up in bathrooms and wherever. I do. I have a file cabinet with printed hard copy memes in triplicate.
2020 can't come soon enough.
That's when I'm creating my YouTube account.
Look for Juan Carlos Vilca Norièga and A Serious Contender.
It’s only beginning
Troll or serious, you should think about suicide.
Zeus and the Hollow Earth forces are going to liberate this planet and fuck you to death.
she is an useful idiot, you don't need education when told what to think.
not "alt right" but i am only linking to bitchute now. i suggest all of you do the same. do not use youtube anymore.
Pic related was me when gf found out
stop posting this we all have jobs its not a gotcha its not demoralizing
you need to hire better shills
You lecturing people about having an honest discussion. How rich.
so doesnt this make youtube responsible for all content posted?
I remember twitter or someone doing this recently and the subject came up
Kiwifarmers are a bunch of obese blue-haired leftist SJW fedora boomer trannies. They got doxxed years ago, here are their photos:
Show flag and kys
"Will be regulated as an utility"
How do you fucking retards not realize we had very little impact on the election, its your everyday person who voted Trump into office, we're tired of seeing this country being ran by child fucking, gay loving degenerates. The average worker sees you dumb motherfuckers pushing for tranny newborns, legalizing child murder and child fucking, taking away basic rights and shoving it down our fucking throats. You dumb motherfuckers already lost 2020 you just dont realize it yet. You couldve stopped it but you retards didn't realize it.
These fuckers are trying to stop memetic missiles that have already hit their target. Too late.
the great change is coming
The left built all the technology you're using to organize.
When the last time Alex Jones or Milo has been in the news?
>its your everyday person who voted Trump into office
it was the Electoral College who voted Trump into office, but you're right. The whole "memeing Trump into office" narrative is silly. It was mostly boomers on Faceberg and they already knew who they were voting for. If anybody here seriously thinks frog memes are the reason for his presidency than 2015 was probably your first year on Jow Forums
and the left still can't defeat the truth with propaganda. what does that tell you
If the government cared about this censorship they would bring this up. But they don't, so they won't.
useful idiots helping them, too stupid to understand they are next
At which point they nudge further left to appease their masters. At the present time the right is happy the far right is censored, the far right threatens them with competition.
there is no left or right (both the same) elites. if all the races, genders, assholes and killing each other, no one is questioning the elites.
good luck getting 95% of this board to realize that. some people just really want politics to be sportsball
I think you mean
>the (((elites)))
>oh no lil mexi fag is sad
>oh no white people with different opinions than being fucked
Lol pleb
This board's pretty good about that, there's a lot of boomers/newfags but I wouldn't say it's 95%.
I see mostly children screaming about the perceived injustices of seeting liberals and the coping left now, and basically 0 political discourse, but they're all newfags. It's just sad how this board is becoming the common denominator, although it was inevitable. I just can't wait until /ptg/ fucks off and brings their zionist apologist horseshit with them. It's frustrating to be stuck here with so many NPCs.
maybe some day we'll get it back
there is a magic money tree of gibs waiting for us , if not for those haters over there...…….we must hate and kill them. their weakness are the weapons they use race and money. the Hispanic will realize "hey fuck old white dems, we just vote our own in" , FB sold out dems for ad dollars last election, twitter will never ban trump, they would be fucked over night.
People need to realize that the Democrats and similar parties are a symptom of a problem and not the cause of it. As long as we keep certain parasites around and continue to let them pull the strings under the guise of democracy, there will always be at least 2 opposing factions.
You are never, ever going to get rid of leftists until you deal with the root of the problem. Voting is never going to fix this
that day is coming, in my lifetime I think.
Hey look, you used "you're" correctly!
I had no idea the left was DARPA and the military industrial complex.
>Ha ha, racists! We've stripped you of your ability to speak and your ability to make a living! What are you gonna do now? It's over for you!
I would remind you that there is a reason the 2nd follows the 1st. You have made it so peace is no longer an option, and you have increased your oppression of others into intolerability. There is only one course of action left. Weep, that you have caused such sorrows as will inevitably come.
We shall shitpost on the counters and the bathroom walls.
They shall hear the sound of "silence"
Even though I fully agree--that doesn't make you not canadian.
>india and most of africa count because no one wants to move there; not because of any particular legislation lade the afore mentioned
Spread more bigamy and weight of course
you glow a little fren
Why 2020?
Ya but the kids on the left are going to wake up. And when they do we'll still be here. You guys are going to have a big problem when that happens.
>When you give Trump exactly what he wants for the next election
>When democrats who dare to talk about this will look like inconceivably massive assholes
Guess "2 terms" wasn't even meme as it feels more like divine intervention. (((Far-right))), Right-Wing, and even (((Centrists))) are being corralled away from the limelight. The leftists are SPERGING trying to make sure that NOBODY can influence elections save for NPC sycophants. Get ready for 4 more years of Zion-Don and John Bolton.
I just want SJW culture to fucking die
they deleted german folk songs too for some reason.
youtube just purge the shills. now only legit people remain
It's going to be cool when big social can be sued as publishers instead of platforms since they're making the censorship and content curation so obvious.
And, the market will provide.
They purged most of the legit people. You're a shill.
lol if you believe in "the market" after the level of interference that's already taken place in regards to financial deplatforming and anti-competitive practices with no government intervention
>the n word
They still have lots of the goyim know shut it down songs and memes
Wow you’re such a kind faggot. Kindly kill yourself cocksmoker.
>Oh no my favorite e-celeb needs a job now
Not everyone who makes content on YT has it as their sole source of income. There will always be someone to watch for us. As people get big they will fall in this environment, but this only means newblood can use that opportunity to make cash to fund other things.
You idiot the electoral college represents the people
I don't think this is going to play out the way you think it will, Chiam.
No time for degenerates