Hope not Hate Shill, Mark Collett, to be EXPOSED Tomorrow (10-6-19)

Caolan Robertson and Lauren Southern to confirm that Mark Adrian Collett is an employee of Hope not Hate.

This is not a larp, no bullshit, this info will be released tomorrow in the British MSM

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody gives a fuck. Zionist e-celebs need to be stabbed by those muslim grooming gangs desu.

why would they expose one (presumably) of their own?

wouldn't be surprised, he's a fucking retard

and you are what, a genius?

is he? unless you are martin sellner, i bet marc has done more for white well being than you

Lol. Imagine being this retarded.

.. maybe the H not H ers need people ever closer to the alt-right position, to be effective. I'm ok with that, it means our position is strong, you have to get right next to it to try to get anyone's attention.

Shill thread

Corlett is based

Jews will lose

White race will survive

Literal who and blonde bimbo say that literal who is a member of literal what.

Congrats losers.

Literally the opposite. Fuck this board and show flag

Sargon. You lost. Get over it already

He's been an employee of HnH since 2010. Unfortunately it's true. All will be revealed in tomorrows British media.

Ha, no I'm not Carl

proof now. will be released tomorrow, is subhuman tier larp shit.

Why is any of this meaningful?

Then post a thread tomorrow with some evidence, faggot.

>All will be revealed in tomorrows British media.
fake and gay, what a terrible larp.

Show flag then

ok joe owens you fucking loser

Is that the faggot with the hot nazi gf? Man, I want to see lewds of her! I bet she has a portrait of Hitler down there with her pubes trimmed as the moustache.

Every time he gets home she puts on her SS hat and spanks the living shit of this little manlet faggot ass. Calls him a filthy jew and rapes him while speaking dirty Kraut names!
She's so lewd and naughty!

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>so you can look it Hitler's eyes and imagine you're making out with him


>Caolan Robertson and Lauren Southern to confirm that Mark Adrian Collett is an employee of Hope not Hate.
That clomping sound you just heard was my ass landing on the floor, having laughed itself off

Why do extremists have to ruin everything?

Wasn't he supposed to release some extra dirt on Lauren by now?

We still don't know who her current bf is so we can make fun of finfag on shill threads.

>Wasn't he supposed to release some extra dirt on Lauren by now?
Everyone's work on YouTube is being delayed because of the Voxpocalypse.


Lucky guy

fair enough

Exactly what Carl would say

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All 3 are HnH. Collett has on his show and endorsed the faggot Greg Johnson from CounterCurrents. Therefore Collett endorses LGBT and has nothing to do with “WHITE WELL BEING.”


implying the media even knows or cares about mark lmao

absolute degenerate

>Caolan Robertson
lol. He's a degenerate faggot afraid that the right will rise and put him in a woodchipper. He guzzles jewish cum.

Johnson is a weird gay academic, but there is nothing else wrong with the guy besides being a catty poof. Met him a couple of times at a thing. Couldn't tell that he was gay if I hadn't already known.

Other way round

Caolan and George are about to be outed as HNH spies, not that that hasn't happened already, but the extent is going to be revealed tomorrow

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>Everyone's work on YouTube is being delayed because of the Voxpocalypse.
Any idea how long it will be until we know what he has to say about Lauren Southern, etc.?

>Collett has on his show and endorsed the faggot Greg Johnson from CounterCurrents. Therefore Collett endorses LGBT
But I noticed on a recent live stream that he called MGTOW men "Toxic." So faggots are okay, but men going their own way are toxic.

>Caolan and George are about to be outed as HNH spies, not that that hasn't happened already, but the extent is going to be revealed tomorrow
Collett released a video back in March about Lauren Southern and these two involved with Hope Not Hate during the "Tommy Robinson" short documentary about that BBC reporter.

Mark is that you? Keep up the good work, the obvious lies posted about you by marxist shills is proof your activities are a threat to them.

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Criminally underrated first post.

I dont know who any of these people are. Not politics related. Saged and the other thing

marc collette is a politician

>I dont know who any of these people are.
You'd have to be living under a fuckin' rock to not have heard of Mark Collett or Lauren Southern. How in the fuck did you end up on /pol and never hear of Lauren Southern?

I'm still not sure who Lauren Southern is. Some kind of infowars adjunct? I only know Mark Collett exists because he's a regular guest on one of the talk shows I sometimes have on in the background (pretty sharp guy btw, even if the topic matter is a bit narrow basically ongoing social commentary)

I do, you bluepilled bitch. theres more than just hitler and Jow Forums you fucking pyscho

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Thanks. That's all I really wanted.

Martin Sellner is a cop

keep telling yourself all of this is irrelevant as the future arrives.

This meme pretty much confirms you’re a Jewish satanic fuck and should die. Go lick that Jewish cunt’s Micro penis

She's sexy af

It's collapsing

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Found the Kike.

Marc is more redpilled than Martin, who now hides from the JQ after in his youth being a far more honest right winger

It's just shit journos fishing for extreme opinions to print. Ignore them, they'll all be in prison soon.

i bet she's got a nice cock.

He said the exact same thing about those two in one of his videos a little while ago.

Men going their own way are no help to anyone but kikes.

>in the British MSM
this is not newsworthy for the MSM though. it literally means nothing to them or their readers.

>woman who gets involved in politics
>woman who gets tattoos
Absolutely degenerate

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I like that phrase- white well being. It has a wholesome ring to it. It should be used more. Its not angry or anything.

I can't believe people are retarded enough to fall for these ecelebs from the start, it must be extremely emotional people who just go by how relatable someone is.

Based and redpilled.

Bluepilled and Scottish.

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So many disinfo and d&c shills lately, yikes. Remember to sage this crap.

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