How you dumb fucks can be so stupid?

How you dumb fucks can be so stupid?

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Part and parcel

we know their instas yet? need to fap

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They had it coming. Dykes pretentiously flaunt their affection towards each other at other people. The dykes wanted attention, then when they get confronted about their affection, they suddenly don't want to kiss each other anymore. I bet they wont flaunt their affection in front of arabs.

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delet image

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>no mention of the race of the attackers
They were black or Pakistani
>"suddenly Chris was in the middle of the bus being beaten up"
Chris thought she had woman armor but didn't account for the +10 on dykebashing that all ethnics have on their stat sheet
>Chris's last name has never been revealed where her girlfriend's last name is everywhere
Chris is related to or works with an MP which is why this became front page news

please source

need to fap with their bloodied faces

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>Hey guys, I saw you were just brutally attacked. Say cheese! Need a good pic for the viral story.

Wait, i heard about this on TV, those 2 are lesbians, aren't they?
Who did that?

YOU did, you incel nazi Drumpflet


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>They were black or Pakistani

Most Anglos are on the same level as black men or Pakistani minus the child grooming.


>minus the child grooming

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>YOU did
Umh.. To be honest, we are too much cucked in the west.
You sure the muslims didn't do that?
They are based.
i mean, not saying that i fully agree.. But same sex is wrong imo.
We have a duty to have kids, and give them future.

>You sure the muslims didn't do that?

They were forced into action by your nazi ways and bigotry

you are the real terrorist

somebody post that article where some whamen journo got harassed by niggers on the london tube and wrote an article blaming white men for not stepping in to protect her

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> a bunch of Muslim thugs attack dykes in Londonistan
> somehow our fault
Nice one, brainlet.

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>They were forced into action by your nazi ways and bigotry
>you are the real terrorist
Hum.. Pretty sure their religion commands them to DO that..

You just don't know how to deal with a real woman

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Stupid about what? This was a lovely cultural exchange, diversity is our greatest strength

sauce on races ?


Basic logic based on location and reality

That pic is hot

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Because the news hasn't mentioned it. If they were white Brits you'd have heard about it and you know it.

She almost looks like she got off on this. Imagine being beaten and then posing for a picture like "yeah, look at me... I just got ruffed up"

Die Gluecksbaerchies.. ja wer erinnert sich nicht? I miss the 80s.

It's powerful

Speak English nigger

You’re only saying that because we killed your infeiror kin during world war 2, which they deserved. I’m glad we firebombed Dresden with all the seething German cucks attacking Anglos

He was a crazy East Asian I believe

blacks don't fuck kids, mate. that's the whites, indians and muslims

The media will avoid mentioning race when it goes against the narrative. Which means they will onky mention race when the person is a white male.

The black community is big into it, its just they never ever go to the cops/cps/etc. They don't snitch. Get it? It doesn't matter if a black family member or neighbor walks in, they aint snitchin on other blacks.

>blacks don't fuck kids, mate
That's not true, at least in America where young/teenage girls (and boys) are commonly molested and raped by the thug boyfriends their single mother brings into the home. The sad thing is many mothers look the other way when it happens, so it's not as reported as often as it should

This bitch is so hot

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>Chris thought she had woman armor but didn't account for the +10 on dykebashing that all ethnics have on their stat sheet
This. She probably assumed they would respond like White people - i.e they might push her off when she attacked, but wouldn't punch her and her gf in the face.

Depends if you consider our Abos black.

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Blacks and abos are very close, both sort of have a lawless community where shit just goes unreported because it is standard. You see a black rob a gas station and the entire neighborhood will say the gas station is in the wrong for calling the cops. The shock isn't the robbery, the shock to the neighborhood is getting the authorities involved.

so the media is pretty much racist

it's the entire reason they faked it

women start shit with men without contemplating the possibility he might actually finish what she started

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This is true, but
>most pedo apologists are white
>most grooming gangs are muslim

It's understandable. Men and women have been conditioned since birth that men should never attack a woman, under any situation. So women believe that they can hit on a man twice her size and not face any consequences for it.

the white race is also reponsible for the spread of LGBT degeneracy across the world. you travel to impoverished countries and export your filth there. and most jews are white, before you blame them.

thats funny. she wouldn‘t have made that pic with that caption if she wasn‘t lowkey knowing that she was doing something wrong. Therefore she used online validation to calm herself

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It's just the cultural enrichment they've always wanted.

Londonistan sandniggers beat up dykes. Quelle surprise!

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They look like hockey players.

I actually didn't pay attention - what's this about?

you notice how fast it faded out of msm once it turned out white folk weren't involved....

>How you dumb fucks can be so stupid?
Speak English you flavela coon

hockey players have bruises

Fucking pakis beating our dykes

Is that a pit?

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Boring, boring, boring, faggot shit.

Like most hate crimes she probably faked it for attention. Dykes beat each other up all the time. Easy to claim some evil straight male did it.

You stupid fucking larder. They have it on cctv and they already arrested some shitskin.

if they were white their names would've been released, their parents fired from their jobs and Megan Markle would've held a summit with Kahn on toxic masculinity and white privilege