Why Women Go Into Porn

Why do so many women enter the porn industry?

Why white girls determine to be part of the porn industry, Honestly is so disgusting see beautiful white girls doing that kind of stuffs, There are too many people in our society who think that porn is simply harmless entertainment, and they often believe porn performers really are the insatiable sex gods and goddesses they are marketed to be

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Shekels to further feed their drug addictions.

I think sexual openness of western society has made it easy for women to go into porn.

Many mainstream actresses have appeared fully naked on screen. Many of them have done/shown everything except actual penetration. You could just as well ask: Why do so many actresses do nude scenes? Again the answer would be the same, sexual openness.

Pornstars are just one step ahead of what many mainstream actresses already do, however, unfortunately, former are stigmatized and latter are celebrated.

Many pornstars are by nature extremely liberal in their sexuality. They grew up in a society where an 18 year-old virgin girl is an almost impossibility and half a dozen sex partners before getting married is norm. If pornstars have any inhibitions, money has incredible persuasive power in today’s uber-materialistic and consumeristic society.

They’re poor and they hate themselves. Prostitution has been around forever

Women and men go into pornography because they're 1) mentally disturbed at some deep, fundamental level, and 2) exhibitionistic (connected to #1.) I could also add that you’ll NEVER see the best and the brightest of ANY industry in a porn film. But you WILL see—in an endless, tiresome way—aggressive, stupid, illiterate men—criminals, cokeheads and WORSE….and genuinely mentally retarded women, sometimes so physically ugly (except for big, augmented breasts) that they (in the words of the late, great comedian Moms Mabely) hurt my feelings.

Because women are told there are no consequences

Ex professional cam girl here.
I started as soon as I turned 18 and I stopped at 24.
I was drawn by the need to exhibit myself and money of course.
I made lots of money because I was REALLY good at my job even though not perfect-looking, I fit a nice niche and men treated me nicely.
I make from 250 to 1500 euro per week based on how many hours I worked.
I think it was money and because I liked controlling men.

Maybe that woman...
likes sex with different partners
couldn't find a job that paid enough to meet her needs
didn't like stripping
wanted to explore her boundaries while getting a paycheck
found that getting paid to have sex was better than getting paid to type and answer phones
doesn't like the dating scene and how most men only want to use her for sex, and wants to maintain a level of control over her own sex life
has no qualms about sex or reputations, but really loves her husband... who happens to be a porn director/producer

Because the idea that entering the porn industry destroyed your personal and social life is a myth that is peddled to scare people (usually women) from doing porn. It has no basis in reality.

Most people in the adult entertainment industry are sex positive. As such, they tend to surround themselves with sex positive people and care a lot less about what people who are not sex positive think. So a friend who would judge them for being in porn is not someone they want as a friend. Same goes for the public.


Entering the porn industry is extremely rare - 2–300 professional performers tops (male and female) at any one time in the US out of a country of 300+ million people. This would be also be a fraction of the total number of prostitutes and other sex workers.

So the question makes a faulty assumption. Sometimes people confuse online visibility with commonality.

This, most of them are drug addicts.

Look at this (((flaming faggot)))

In reading the other peoples responses.. Which were similar to what I was going to say...it got me thinking.. Whats the "real" psychological reason... I mean sure the money's great, but..then wouldn't every woman want to do it? Most women strive to be successful financially , or to be a brilliantly amazing stay at home mom, or to be both a working mom.

I'm speaking from personal experience as I dabbled in this area a bit myself. Being a single mom and not being able I make ends meet, and to avoid myself and my children being homeless.. A quick few bucks in the bank account was infact the way I went. However.... After many years of therapy, self analyzing , self help books and so forth... I believe maybe.. Just maybe atleast for me, it stemmed from my childhood. From the way I was raised, the way my self esteem was molded, the way I felt and thought about who I was, and what my body represented or there for lack of.

I think, it might be different for every woman ... But there's got to be something.. In the molding of a child's personality, genes, self awareness, self love... That somewhere... Takes a turn and leads them to be so...free with giving away their body and sharing it with essentially the world. I wonder if there are studies out there about what type of women do porn, and how they really got there.

because using their vaginas is easier than actually having to think for a woman.

Most are abused as children. Show flag

Because they prefer it to honest work.

Low self esteem that (((they))) can easily prey on.

changing your flag doesn't change your id newfag.

So for you all of them are addicted but not daddy issues

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Based desu

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Tits or GTFO

That girl is so beautiful and she takes negro dick for a living. Really heartbreaking to be honest.

You know there are statistics showing kids who were molested often grows up with sexual disorders ect?

>good money
>I make from 250 to 1500 euro per week

Hate to break it to you, moron, but this isn't good money.

Which establishes the fact that you're not only a whore, but also a complete idiot.

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2 > 5 > 4 > 6 > 1 > 3

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I think I just witnessed the biggest shameless faggot to ever exist.

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Fear not, user. She's a based magapede.

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Explains why she works for Jews and takes black dick

3 > 1 > all of the others

Why are you so retarded?

'Cause she likes $$$$

>manic depressive
they're jews, user. inbreeding makes them monsters.

Nigger...you got a good eye.

Because she's a magapede

>half a dozen sex partners before getting married
Pffft if only. That's pretty much the equivalent of being a virgin for girls these days

lol at the guy samefagging. First day at shareblue?

I refuse to believe they're Jews.

Demented and fucked up, definitely.

>Why do so many women enter the porn industry?
Daddy issues

1. too stupid to understand the consequences
2. revenge against daddy

every memeflag is a jew.
once you understand this, you stop coming into shit threads like this one.

All women are whores, don't you get that?

he'll never be white.

Shoe on your head or gtfo.

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women always take the easy path

Why wouldn't they? Imagine grabbing some wagecuck and telling him he can have a hundred dollars just to wank in front of a camera and can have more money by doing more things.

she was probably fucked by her step father

sophisticated troll or newfag? ill go with the latter

easy money for not a lot of money and no studying or intelligence need
just sell your soul and pride

them milkers though

What is or isn't good money heavily depends on the cost of living. Good majority of sex "workers" in the west come from countries where median salary is up to 10 times lower than in Switzerland. So making 4k a month would be akin to making 40k from your own perspective.

90% of the time it's literally money and not believing in having to stay somewhat celibate until they find a partner due to (((feminist))) reprogramming or being psychologically damaged as a child/teen, anyone who says otherwise is a fucking moron

if you live in a hopeless fucking society where you're forced to wageslave for boomers who pay you a couple thousand a month and then some dude comes around and offers you to fuck chads on camera for more than 10k per month, some of these girls end up taking the easy way out


>Why do so many women enter the porn industry?

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You ask this question in a world where women voluntarily walk half-naked in public in broad daylight with their beautiful ass cheeks peeking out for the world to see.

>Why do so many women enter the porn industry?
get paid to get laid

very few women enter the porn industry, get off the fucking internet




>Ex professional cam girl here.

I hate to bring this up, but do you have a plan in mind for how you will deal with it, when your kid comes home from school crying because the other kids are passing around a picture of mom with a dick in her mouth?

How can you have daddy issues if you've never met them?
Or they turn to it because jewmedia glamorized porn. On top of females just being soulless heaps that have no sense of self or accountability.

>Most people in the adult entertainment industry are sex positive.

Cool. But you're going to have a hard time having sex positive kids who only surround themselves with sex-positive friends and work in sex-positive environments after going to sex-positive schools, etc etc etc, etc.


women make bad terribly bad decisions that affect everyone around them because they are selfish twats that want attention. just ask anybody from sweden or germany

which is worse
a) doesn't know about ids
b) idiots asking a) to show tits
god help us

I'm getting sick of this stupid website. Jow Forums is cool but the people who use it are retards. You cant even have a conversation here every reply is just angry memes like "nigger" "kike" "leaf" etc. Is that how you idiots talk to people in real life? No wonder nobody here has a job or a girlfriend.

I don't get it though whats the point of this place if every body just says the same thing every time. I thought it would be funny cause you guys make all the memes but all you do is call each other names.

sauce dude who is this woman

Porn actress Mia Melano.

they're fucking different dudes every weekend anyway, why not get paid for it?

I know more about the lives of the common porn star then I should, but it's like watching a tragedy in slow motion. Look up Noelle Easton, find a picture of when she started porn and then look at what she is now. Obviously there are drug or psychological problems that go along with the lifestyle. I think in order to do porn and be truly unaffected by it, you'd have to be a real sociopath/psychopath.

you have been seduced and you think beauty = goodness. it doesn't where women are concerned. beautiful women are garbage who will use you at every available opportunity. the do porn because its easy money. they're going to suck dick anyway so they might as well get paid for it.
don't get sucked in.

>beautiful women are garbage who will use you at every available opportunity
beta detected

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At one point beauty would have been cherished. Now it's just disposable because in this day and age beauty doesn't mean the same thing as it used to. Neanderthals and pygmies wouldn't even have this degeneracy.

Dumb whore is a good description of you

Because a woman is only good for her holes and some learn that early on and some go their wholes lives thinking a man wants something other then that before turning into feminist dykes with pink dyed hair

Mk ultra techniques are used rampantly on young girls who come from broken homes.
Drugs and abuse along with fame and money create these beta kittens for you to crank your cock to.
If they try to break free and leave the "industry" they will likely be found dead of an overdose and everyone looks at it as just another fucked up slut who got what she deserved and the whole thing is forgotten.


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There's a few documentaries called After Porn Ends and even Hot Girls Wanted that show that unless you're as hot as Jenna Jameson, Nicki Benz or Lisa Ann, the porn industry is going to chew you up and you'll have no life afterwards. Whether they regret it or not, they're all stupid whores
>Bree Olsen
>Mia Khalifa
>Ashlynn Brooke
>Bibi Jones
>Jessie Rogers
>Jenna Presley
Paid the price that can't be unpaid

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Lack of self respect

Because they are already whores and they're just getting paid to do continue doing what they are doing.

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>t. Larping turbopoofter

they do it because -

Stanley cup is starting

come to /sp/ find the thread


lets go faggots

1. your opinion does not represent your flag
2. porn = easy money

who is she?

somebody needs to screencap that guy posting different meme flags

The planets top porn-thot Lana 'fish lips' Rhoades has made 15mill from porn ... yep 15million dollars and climbing.

She makes a little bit from the movies and the rest from sad beta American weirdos who pay her monthly fees to see her premium snapchat and other content she makes rinsing men.

Add to that endorsements, PA's, mechandise, letting rich fans fuck her for 50k a night and that is why girls do porn. If they can make it a few years without having their souls destroyed like Hannah Hays then they can be set for life

pic related, she will be this years fave pornstar the Juden porn moguls are already fighting over her

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why you talking to yourself bro
also come back when you understand how shit works you piece of shit

Humans are shit. You aren’t special. They aren’t special. Women would rather suck nigger or dog cock for $500 and have millions of people watch them than to spend one day with your pussyfied ass.

I....I....I rate them on their boots: 1 and 4 seem to be the best shoes, 2 looks ok and all other wear some kind of retarded sandals........ I did not even look at their pussier, only their shoes....Am I gay?

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wtf is this shit

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>15mill from porn
lol no she hasn't

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They want to make good money and have no other talents going for them at the time.

Also, not really a big deal, as it's not a large number. Every society has had whores and every one will. You just avoid those ones and find the good ones.

hahahahaha im gonna find the nastiest video this bree olson bitch has done and fap to it. Dumb roastie you'll never get the respect of a chaste women after getting plowed by thousands of miles of cock

fuck you man, I had to look her up. On Nofap day 8.

because muh jooz women can do no wrong


Based multiple personality cam whore.

New kike tactics: put hot white women to get visitors to white genocide website Blacked.

One day you'll pay, kike.

Write it down for your filthy Messiah to read.