>New York Times: “The move illustrates Mr. Barr’s swift rise in the pantheon of President Trump’s most prominent and loyal allies — and in the eyes of Mr. Trump himself. In a cabinet stocked with government neophytes and placeholders, the deeply experienced Mr. Barr is quickly emerging as the most influential figure in the second half of Mr. Trump’s term.”

>“But his rising power over the intelligence community has been accompanied by swelling disillusionment with Mr. Barr among former national security officials and ideological moderates. When he agreed late last year to take the job, many of them had cast him as a Republican straight shooter, steeped in pre-Trump mores, who would restrain an impetuous president.”

>“Now they see in him someone who has glossed over Mr. Trump’s misdeeds, smeared his investigators and positioned himself to possibly declassify information for political gain — not the Bill Barr they thought they knew.”

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Hemmer: In the period between election day and the inauguration, did anyone in government take action to justify their decisions?

>Barr: “I think there were some very strange developments during that period – that’s one of the things we want to look into.
>Such as the handling of the meeting on January 6 between the intelligence chiefs and the President and the leaking of information subsequent to that meeting.”

Hemmer: Was that meeting in New York City? In Trump Tower?

>Barr: “Yes.”

Hemmer: What questions do you have about what happened that day?

>Barr: [smiling] “Again, I’m not gonna get into that. It’s one of the things we need to look at.”

Hemmer: Can you characterize how far advanced you are in looking into that meeting?

>Barr: “We’re still in the stage of gathering all the information.”

That was back in the middle of may too. Probably a lot of progress has been madee.

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The Connecticut U.S. attorney assigned by Attorney General Bill Barr to investigate the origins of the Russia probe is.
> “very dialed in” and “asking all the right questions.
according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.
>Separately, sources within the Justice Department confirmed to Fox News that Barr has met “on multiple occasions in recent weeks” with Durham, who was in Washington, D.C., this month.
Durham is specifically reviewing the FISA warrant obtained by the FBI to surveil former Trump aide Carter Page, as well as general issues relating to surveillance during the 2016 campaign and matters flowing from the FISA process. Durham will handle the prosecution of any criminal action he might uncover.

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this shit is beyond tiresome, holy fuck

It's the greatest happening in all of human history, user. This is going to cascade into something unbelievable.

>swelling disillusionment with Mr. Barr among former national security officials and ideological moderates
>"obama apointees"
Language matters.

BARR: I think the activities were undertaken by a small group at the top which is probably one of the mistakes that has been made instead of running this as a normal bureau investigation or counterintelligence investigation. It was done by the executives at the senior level.

BARR: I don't view it as a bureau wide issue. And I will say the same thing for other intelligence agencies. And they're being very cooperative in helping us.

CRAWFORD: They're being cooperative?

>BARR: Yes.

BARR: They don't realize that what they're doing is really antithetical to the democratic system that we have. They start viewing themselves as the guardians of the people that are more informed and insensitive than everybody else.

BARR: Well it's hard to read some of the texts with and not feel that there was gross bias at work and they're appalling. And if the shoe were on the other-

CRAWFORD: Appalling.

>BARR: Those were appalling. And on their face they were very damning..

BARR: It might be legit under certain circumstances but a lot of that has to do with how good the evidence was at that point. And you know Mueller has spent two and half years and the fact is there is no evidence of a conspiracy.

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All this spying was perfectly legal, but hopefully this puts pressure on the congress to change some rules

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I guess they never miss huh?

Shut the fuck up already

You're just angry because you're a Zionist kike and Israel is implicated in all of this. Central Banking is going to die and that cannot be stopped.

at this point, with all the fucking hype, if someone isn't literally fucking executed on live television it's going to be massively disappointing

I hope you're right.
Go back to /b/

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Trump is getting the media to pin the blame of the economy on the FED giving him the leverage he needs to SHUT. IT. DOWN.

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Mad Wood.jpg

nah this is bullshit and nothing is going to happen. Trump lost the house and that was his once chance to do shit. Now we ride out the Trump years listening to the bitch REE at all us leftists.

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The FED are private bankers, not much for him to shut down.

You guys are just as bad as the people waiting for Trump to be impeached. This is just a waiting game. The party does not have Trumps back so nothing he does will be lasting.

Barr? Dont you mean... ahem... BARRF!

Trump is going to end the FED and Bill Barr's declass will mean that the USA won't defend Israel against the muslims.

That's how Zionism dies Moshe.

>This is going to cascade into something unbelievable.
Go on.

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This desu

>USA won't defend Israel

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Stay arrogant. It'll make it so much more entertaining to watch that arrogance vanish when you begin to accept reality.

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Bill Barr needs to finally become a big guy and put the mask on

We can only hope.

Dude even leftist hate Israel. Donald Trump loves those guys.

Pride comes before the fall, kike.

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No. Die scum

Hopefully he doesnt wind up like that federal prosecutor nigger that suicided by beating himself over the head with a blunt object and then throwing himself in the ocean.

This PR campaign will go on until cucks start to overlook anything non-MAGA, and then everything will eventually be non-MAGA.

Obama got the UN to sanction Israel. BB went to our congress and slapped Obama with his dick. Trump pulled the US out of the human rights counsel because they insulted Israel.

Republicans Love Israel. Democrats love Jews. Very different groups.


To be fair MAGA only had a max shelf life of 8 years. You need to do lasting shit to make a lasting impact and Trump has not.

Let me get this right. You want to arm and train people who disagree with you and expect them to commit genocide because you yelled at them. Yea good luck with that plan buddy.

Obama didn't go full commie until his second term otherwise he wouldn't have had one.

Obamacare. Still the law of the land and the next democrat will put air into that starving program. Fuck Republican support is too high to repeal at this point.

I love the bar baby. Somebody cue some chopped n screwed bar baby. Danke and declassify it all. Lucifer would be blinded.

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If they had anything it would be out already.


Go back to fucking reddit already you retard.

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I wish you tds sub 80 iq mongrel boomers would stop ruining every single fucking thread


where's hillary?

You don't have to be in this thread. But since you're freaking out about this thread and the content inside trying to just use namecalling to delegitimize people it's obvious you're an Israeli retard.

Oh so you don't have any reading comprehension either? Just gonna walk around like that, admitting you're a retard?
I didn't say anything about the thread itself, nigger. I said you're fucking ruining it.
I can't goddamn wait for the day of the pillow.

Angry kikes put a smile on my face.

>New York Times
They also have a grudge against Jow Forums as "alt-right trolls".

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too many catchprases, trying hard to blend in, sad!

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Go suck some more cock in the /ptg/, kike lover

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thou doth do protest too much

They shouldn’t run all of our shit then. What kind of fucked up system is that?

Jews don’t have dicks though. Go somewhere quiet and die. Now please.

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You use buzzwords yet they don’t mean what you think they do. You’re a shitty shill.

Wow look at this seething kike.

Just give it up shill, you have been outed. Don't worry, ID's refresh in every thread...better luck next time.

Mad cus he's fucking right? Trump loves kike cock

Calling you boomers out does not make a shill, retard.
They mean exactly how I used them you downie kike loving fuck

Actually, do I need to spell out what each of those mean, you old fuck retard? I don't mind, really. It won't take long.

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Barr will lock up all the treasonous politicians. We just have to wait and Trust the Plan. It will surely be worth it.

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Blame? Economy is doing pretty well right now

You're new. Some of us have known about this since day one. That was over two years ago. It's very fucking tiresome and I almost don't give a fuck anymore. That's how over all this shit I am.

You're bad at being a demoralization shill. Your handlers should kill your family for your failures.

I don't trust Barr, he was anti-gun and had a hand in Waco IIRC




Just saying
I hope I'm wrong and Barr turns out to be based but I do worry desu

--William Barr


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fucking sauce me bro'
spicy asshole fire sauce

Newfags should notice this sudden swerve from observable evidence to the medias wet dream

The most common tactic to derailing conversations on Jow Forums is to escalate the discussion beyond common sense and then call everyone a kike

>reddit spacing
>calling people kikes is bad

One might also call it bait

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based and barrpilled

They just don't want to accept that there are no misdeeds. The whole argument from the left is based on false consensus, and social pressure.

In other words, a woman's argument.

I propose a new criterion for gender identity: Everyone on the left is a woman, and everyone on the right is a man.

drain the swamp

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>New York Times

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Hope is the one weed that can never be slain, and so long as there is Hope, there may yet be victory.

>amassing power
>corrupt as fuck people still collecting money, walking free