Is she right Jow Forums?

Is she right Jow Forums?

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I think her detractor is confusing "conservatism" for "fascism" which is a regular thing for "educated" faggots on Twitter.

No, women are never right unless they are deciding whether to make pasta or steak for dinner.

Oh, did an e-celeb Chink balk at actually getting in the way of Weimar clown world? Weird.

I cant stand this bitch, shes a fucking progressive who wants to be a conservative so she tries to make these retarded arguments that her views are actually conservative. Being progressive isn't unique enough for her I guess. I'd rather listen to the trannys on here than listen to her whine endlessly. For all the hate other ethots get Chen is easily the worst of them

I hope we remove women's rights in my lifetime. Genuinely

>ever shitting sands
>ever shitting sands
>ever shitting sands

The fucking gall of these people when we as a society give an inch and demand a million miles.

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>giving a shit what women 'think'

Well she could be... or Johns Hopkins Medical University could be... we have to weigh the arguments.

What is conservatism without tradition?

Conservatism is retarded tho. They are slowly sliding to the left since they don't want to cancel the "progresses". How often do you hear them talking about how they want to remove gay marriage?

I hope we remove women in my lifetime. Genuinely.

>How often do you hear them talking about how they want to remove gay marriage?
Personally I don't think most people give a shit about that anymore.

>blue check mark

no, she's wrong

Funny how we used to hear in the 80s that accepting homos was just good and proper and the idea that it would lead to acceptance of pedophilia and trannys was muh slippery slope.
In 30 years we'll be having this same discussion regarding pedos.

No. It's a retarded twist to support liberalism. We say progressivism isn't progressive, it's regressive.

I think it’s to the point of apathy. People are just sick of crying lgbt activists

So conservatism doesn't conserve shit. They don't care about promiscuity or anything related, morals, race realism etc... Soon they will be saying that trannys fuckings kids is bad but trannys being in the army is really nice.

>30 years
>in a world of NPCs
It will be accepted as soon as media pushes it.

I agree but that doesnt make her stupid ass any less stupid lol

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We're not there yet. People float pedophilia now to push the Overton window to accept trannies. Once they're as accepted as gays, it's time to push necrophilia to get the NPCs to accept pedophilia.

Homosexuality is (usually) not a choice, she’s right about that. It’s a mental disorder usually caused by neglect and/or sexual abuse.
She’s wrong, however, that it should be permitted or socially acceptable. Homosexuality only hurts society. Just because people have impulses doesn’t mean they should act on them.

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Being gay is a choice, or it's an evolutionary defect. Primary purpose of life is to reproduce and and a genetic change that prevents reproduction should be eliminated for the survival of the species.

Yeah, my argument was that she IS a conservative. They will all be like her in ~5 years or something.

>Conservatism is about conserving the best parts of society
What a fucking brainlet take. Literally anyone could agree with that, including pedos and trannies.

>It's not a choice
Does she mean it's not a choice when fags are raped as children?

Why should a gook get any say in American politics?

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It depends which conservatives you are talking about.
In most western countries we have retards whose only policy is to lower taxes, and indeed they would keep any sort of social change the left enacted before them.

Yes but I would argue the conservatives you describe arent really conservatives. That might call themselves it and think they are but there is more to being a conservative than actually saying it. I feel the same about conservatives who support exploiting the environment, they arent really conserving anything.

get a load of this stupid bitch


Have sex

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Except conservatives don't preserve the best parts of society either. Divorce rates are sky-high, the nuclear family is being destroyed, illegals and legals have flooded the country to the point where social aspects of people's lives are suffering....conservatives are fucking garbage at conserving the best parts of society.

no lmao, conservativism is continueing the ideas from before the french revolution and the equevalent revolutions in other countries. thus by that meaning natural law. tradition is about continuation from generation to generation thus not gay because it doesnt procreate according to natural law.

Cure herpes

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Conservatives = Conserving what is at this moment.
Traditionalism = Conserving the tradition (What was in the past and lasted hundreds of years)

At least that's how I understand it.

She's a halfgook who of course wants white bf, and has retarded political ideas. Of fucking course.

Good example of Moldbug's criticisms of conservatism.

Turns out being anti gay is a net vote loss in most western countries now. Since trans has a lower societal acceptance rate conservative politicians go anti-trans to keep the anti-gay religious nuts in line while not actively losing votes.

>gay is a conservative value
>40 year old men pretending to be women who may or may not rape your 12 year old daughter in the bathroom is a conservative value
>drag queen story hour is a conservative value
>National Review: The Case For Forced Miscegenation

>what are you, a bigot

>*sucks a million cocks*
>"im conservative now so give me your're money"
sounds about right

Faggots are creepy incels.

Pretty much confirms that the "Conservative" party is no different than the progressives.
And what a fucking dumb, general and vague point to make. Literally everyone, from every political point of view can agree with "Conserving the best parts of society".
What a retarded bitch, and absolutely worthless, weakling party.

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the best part of society is deporting chinks back to the jungle

Also freedom destroys
Society needs standards

"Pedophilia is AKSHUALLY conservative!"

- Lauren Chen, 2029

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Conservatives are simply revolutionaries by means of complacency and conciliation.
I also created the 'conservatives have never conserved anything' and 'ziocon' memes.

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