I didn't care about gay people one way or the other 5 years ago. Now I want to make sodomy illegal...

I didn't care about gay people one way or the other 5 years ago. Now I want to make sodomy illegal. Do liberals and those pushing the globohomo agenda even realize they are causing this reaction on the general public?

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What is polarizing the population?

It's just corporations virtue signaling for whatever's popular at the moment. If Xbox existed in Nazi Germany they'd have a swastika logo.

Literally no one gives a shit if you are gay. It gets really annoying when its getting rammed down your throat everyday.

inb4 gay

It's a trend, all the SJW retardation is a trend that will age worse than A Flock of Seagulls haircuts.

But is it really that popular? It seems more coordinated and forced than anything

Of course it is coordinated.


Attached: homo.png (764x379, 117K)

Here, watch those short clips.

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Rumor has it the jews are doing it on purpose to gain control of internet censorship.

>Mother's day is one day
>A Day glorifying sodomy, a whole month

Attached: Soyn.webm (1280x720, 3M)

yes, and that's the point.

>Rawr u mak me h8 gays
So you're a tremendous faggot yourself, I see?

H___ S__

That’s not the plan. Their intent was to move the overton window. The fact that people have gone backwards from support to opposition is a huge error.

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When you act more faggy than the gays do, I don't give a shit what you want you whiny loser.

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It’s called normalization propaganda. Bombard the public with it until they apathetically just accept it.

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Even I hate them now
It's funny that even my most left wing friends are now havung doubts and no longer defend globohomo
Even my family have told me how fucked it is

Surprisingly when you call people names while preaching tolerance, the general population fights back
It's the same reason Trump won, and even why ScoMo won in Australia
Everyone is sick of the tolerant left attacking anyone who isn't a gay commie

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Please tell me that nose is photoshopped. I don’t remember the girl Ellie smooched being that obvious of a hook nose.

Attached: Fag.png (1276x1669, 157K)

The propagandists won't respond. THey're too ghey

“And then one day,for no reason at all,people elected hitler into power. “

>Do liberals and those pushing the globohomo agenda even realize they are causing this reaction on the general public?
On some base level of their roach brains probably. When this happens it merely legitimizes their nonsense in their tiny brains, so not have a self perpetuating philosophy?

>Please tell me that nose is photoshopped. I don’t remember the girl Ellie smooched being that obvious of a hook nose.
Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't change the fact that the shika faggot will revenge the death (((her))) chosenfriend.

Attached: globohomo.png (1138x170, 31K)

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All the sane faggots I know scoff at gay marriage. They fully acknowledge the nature of faggotry is promiscuity.

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Yup. Divide and conquer. That shit is just now starting to take root in Japan as well. They tried getting women to hate men at first since a long time ago, but the men just turned their frustration inward and isolated themselves. The women turned to white men.
Now they are giving nigger tier retards work visas so that japs will start to hate foreigners. There are not a lot of lines upon which to divide Japanese people, but (((they))) are trying.
Expect a lot of drama at the 2020 Olympics. Itll be another sacrifice.

>things happening to one twin but not the other
Jow Forums is always right

People were called bigots not long ago for saying that once homosexuality is accepted..that then people would push for pedophilia and beastie shit too. They stated it was an ignorant comparison. And Lo and behold they’re pushing for a “P” in the whole LGBTQ shit too. Weird they still label Christian white males and priests as the incestuous pedos..yet I’m certain a certain tribe sucks the blood from newly circumcised penises of infants and also intermarry to keep their bloodlines “pure”. It’s almost like they accuse their enemies of what they themselves are guilty of. Just as the Talmud says and loads of their followers parroted later.

No, they refuse to acknowledge reality. They've spent the last three years ree-ing at Trump and 5 years thinking Gamergate is a group of Ninja Incels causing all the death and destruction and evil in the world.

It's popular among the sort of people the guys running microsoft go to parties with. Within their bubble, everyone is full on prog, and with the media being the same way, they assume the world is and get freaked out by any opposition. This causes them to double down.

Always know that it isn't about making money though.

>The REAL face of the homosexual
Important watch to understand the problem.
But Their Minds Were Blinded

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"why did we have to wait until gay marriage was legalized to start supporting lgbt rights? silence faggot, buy our products"

This is why everyone should be absolutely against gay marriage. Gay marriage is the frontline that they should never have conquered and it needs to be made illegal again. These people will not stop until everything has been destroyed.

Hey one of my friends on Xbox has this as his profile pic. We didn’t even know he was gay, or even if he is but that’s his pic ...


leftards ruins everything they touch, i just want to go back to 2010

I hate fags and wish we could burn all gays and their flags, also kill lesbians and sexual deviants of any kinds, excluding foot fetishists.

Sodomy and homosexuality leads to cultural suicide and demographic suicide.

I hate all Canadians. Let’s torture and murder all of them.

Really? I think with everything going on right now in the world, that is the least of your worries.

what about of vore fetish?

Yes, see Florence...Most advanced city in the world, then became extremely degenerate, and now they became an open museum ever since.

The way to fight this (((degeneracy))) is to not buy their fucking "political" aimed games. Pick up a real hobby. Go fishing, go camping, get outside. Whatever you do, don't give them your money.


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>a flock of seagulls haircuts

Thats a new one for me, ha


>both the label and an obsession with it were specific to the Marxism practiced by communists in the Soviet Union


>Now I want to make sodomy illegal
Based. Death for sodomy used to be the law of the land. It wouldn't take many executions either. Just a few and the parades would disappear.
>7. If any man lyeth with mankind as hee lyeth with w^oman, both of them have committed abomi- nation, they both shall surely be put to death. Levit.' 20. "13.

The Code of 1650: Being a Compilation of the Earliest Laws and Orders of the General Court of Connecticut

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Luckily no one cares what you think.

Based and akria pilled friend, stay safe

same. I mean it all about the NAP really - if gays do not do me no harm, I do not give a flying fuck what they do in their bedrooms. But....... If gays decide that my game are bad and want to put more gays in them, gays decide to make gay parades, gay decide to show news about them 24/7, it comes to a point where I wish for Sharia laws, and gays flying from roofs. Gays are so annoying that perhaps they deserve all the violence they get and even more.

This picture is hysterical


...in minecraft :^)

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