Saeb Erakat, the Palestinians' chief negotiator, wrote that the Trump administration's blessing of Israeli's plan to commit a "war crime" represents "the road to an endless conflict."

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You know what....I'm fine with this.
Set it all on fire. I'm here to watch the flames.

Why the fuck is it the US's problem? Let the heebs hang themselves.

Goto go fast.

>Waits month until Mexico has to "protect" border
>Does shit instantly for Israel


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some men just want to watch burn the world

Literaly this, Trump is helping set the fire. Let Iran get nukes while we are at it.

At this point I just say fuck it.

Kikes getting what they want yet again and lapdog america woofs in approvement

I was on the fence about this whole thing. Then it turns out that the west bank settlements built tunnels into Israel using concrete meant for humanitarian efforts like schools.

If they want the west bank to be in Israel so bad then so be it. After Israel pulled out of the West bank it was all theirs, all they had to do was stop being shitlords about it and everything would have been fine.

why does trump/america have a say in what is taking place in the Palestinian/Isreal region? Can somebody remind me why neckbeard fattty's care? have sex.

Maybe we should send Israel more financial aid ?


Kill yourself boomer.

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I agree, with the West Bank they will need more money than before because of the logistics.
Hope Trump can do the right thing and help with this.

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Literally don't care anymore. Hopefully the Muslims declare war on the Jews again and they end up killing each other.

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>oh no the poor innocent muslims

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All non-christian arabs should be annihilated.

personally don't care if an arab is a muslim, a christian, or a fucking scientologist. i want to kill them all

>many of them Christians
>Israel is explicitly anti-Christian, funds ISIS
>but dey da muslums so MIGA

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>Israel client state says Israel can annex the West Bank.


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hi rabbi

fuck christians i want all arabs to be killed

We can definitely agree in this, just let it a burn

>fuck christians
You want Jews to thrive though, right?

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Get the fuck out of Europe, Mohammed. Don't fucking cry about jews invading foreign land when you are doing the same

The Muslims won't do shit if the Jews kick them out of the West Bank. Or Gaza.

>muh Christians

Youre a jew worshipping faggot semite just like the jew sucking donald faggots

All semitic filth needs to die

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War crimes? Joos do them all the time and nothing happens:

Now this is why we elected Trump

thats not how that works

show your flag kike

Fuck Palestine, and fuck Iran. Nuke Mecca!

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>nothing against Israel
>probably worships a jew

Cringe and frogfag pilled

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This shit has been at a stalemate for decades and I am sick of it. Let the Israelis slaughter all the mudslimes in their border and then they won't be able to play the victim anymore.

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God you are retarded

Finally Trump does something for Israel.

Shills gonna shill

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t. Varg

Not an argument

Israel is run by Commies

>Modern "jews"

Fucking stupid low IQ inferior scum, read more, the Khazarians arent semites, pinches gringos pendejos.

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Fire will cleanse all

Yes they are you dumb fucking nigger. I wish I could personally run through every retard spewing this khazar meme shit with a fucking sword. You fucking dumb niggers.

I wish the romans wiped out you dumb semitic filth

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Why so angry, faggot?

>Truth hurts shit-cunt

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>Jews becoming a minority in their own "state" after annexing the west bank
They will try to turn the west bank into an isreali Bantustan, but they better worry about the future international pressure to let palestines have the same citizen rights as the isreaelis especially voting.
Isreali Mandela coming.
Your commie in chief belong to us now, a lopez has sold your country for the third time.

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>muh pointless distinctions

Jews have been the same since BC you fucking jew worshipping philosemite. You faggots deserve to be wiped out.

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You're a dumb fuck, figure it out.

All jews. You dumb fucking nigger. Go rot.


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Angry faggot says what?

whatever leads to an all out war between muslims and jews we need ww3

fact is, trump knows jews run our country, which is why he sucks up to them so much. fuck him.

fuck you racist

Reminder that this will end with Israel getting wiped off the map by their neighbors.

Kikes have to pretend to be boomers now?

There can only be a one state solution: Palestine or Israel.

google says "girl", but i'm not entirely convinced.

It is boy

Yandex is better than google also

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>the 4d chess tactic doesn't work anymore?
>np lol just convince them that Israel doubling in size was our desire all along

This. Lmao ptg kikes are a fucking plague.

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>Saeb Erakat, the Palestinians' chief negotiator
No such thing as a Palestinian or Palestine. They are just arabs

No such thing as khazar, Sephardic or Ashkenazi. Theyre all just jews.

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Trump is a genocidal land thievig jew

Sue lightning

it says Palestine in the old testament in the king James this kills the christian Zionist

There is ALREADY endless conflict.

The mud-niggers are incapable of every having peace with anyone, even themselves.
Build a wall to keep them out.

Israelis are mudniggers too.

Everyone should just completely retract from the shithole and all its people and let what may happen happen.

Also send Jewish "Americans" to their homeland since they love their people so much.

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bump because fuck drumbpft