There is no god

there is no god

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If God can exist, he has to

>actually believing this

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I just talk to him not that long ago.

There is a God or we would have eradicated the nigs long long ago.

god exists and hes a cute black guy

repent sinner

Yes there is. Come talk to me

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Thanks for clearing that up user now I don't have to worry about killing anyone or doing anything "bad" since nothing will happen to me.

There is; know God.

Not the human understanding of a god but you'd have to be awfully fucking stupid not to recognize the nearly impossibility of this environment not being in some way artificially designed.

But there is.

the big bang is magic

Comments are incredible too

yeah nigga, I'm sure you can just go rape and kill and no one will torture you to death. sure thing, buddy, nothing bad at all.


Yes he does

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There are many Gods. But the single source through which everything is made manifest is so far beyond our understanding that to call it "God" is kind of ridiculous

no but closest thing to it. you're all gonna be sorely mistaken. theres no rest in peace. no rest at all. just business as usual

t. french-kissed the after life and the one after that

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Gud is dead.

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prove it

prove Gud is real. show me one scrap of evidence. you can't because we don't live in a supernatural, fairy tale world

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tH@t 0fFenDs mI 0nnnn A p3rs0NelE LEveEL

I never claimed God was real. If you're claiming he doesn't exist then you have to provide some sort of proof to support that claim. If you simply don't believe in God rather than claiming he doesn't exist, only then can you be excused from the burden of proof.

and hell is waiting for you, you will remember this moment on your dying moment when the angel of death comes for your soul.

yeah, probably not

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Well, if you see evidence to the contrary, you might shift your opinion, but for what is known at present, you’re right OP.

> Prove God is real
God doesnt need recognition of autistics.

What is known that supports the claim "there is no God"?

A1a: we live in a causal universe
A1b: every effect has a cause
A2a: if we follow that chain back far enough we reach “the beginning of our universe”
A2b: If an in-universe cause preceded this, it is not “the beginning of our universe”
Therefore our universe began with an external cause;

B1: premise A1 is foundational to discerning truth through science
B2: premise A2 is a tautology.
Therefore arguing against A requires you to argue against the validity of the foundation of using science to discern knowledge.

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Better: God does not exist, but has to. Brainlets need him/her/it/xir.

I didn't say I was a gnostic atheist, I'm agnostic. I live my life assuming there is no Gud, but I can't say for certain there isn't, as I can't say for certain that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist. But the judeo-christian god? If it turns out he is real, welcome to clown universe

Yes, there is only a demiurge and a monad. The demiurge created this dimensional plane don't let NASA joos fool you with their CGI, space isn't real. The demiurge was defeated by christos' coming, which is why we don't see him anymore, the joos serve his archons and horde precious metals (materials still pure the way he made them) to rebuild his titanic body. His old body collapsed and became the moon, his soul shattered into the gems that are the stars, everday the Archons attempt to piece him back together, thus the sun is made and unmade.

he does if you want to me to believe Cuckinsanity

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Arrepiéntete de tus pecados mijo!

So you merely believe in the nonexistence of God without having any good reason for believing in the nonexistence of God? That's cool.

Things don't create themselves Shlomo. Energy can and is often destroyed, it's not circular, it's linear.

Yes there is. It might not be what you or everyone would like it to be, but there is. Faith simply means trust. You don’t have to “believe” in god, you just need to trust that god is there.

Athiest think all this comes from nothing. I say, DEUS VULT.

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occams razor, there are more assumptions to be made in believing in the existance of Gud than not

>good reason for believing in the nonexistence of God

Lack of evidence, a world void of the supernatural? Yet I'm supposed to believe a 3000 year old scrapbook written by schizophrenic sand niggers? plz

no punctuation

>what is conservation of energy

how do you know the universe isn't infinite? why assume it had a beginning and a creator?

>there is only one fake god

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>he thinks god wouldn't also be part of the universe
The universe is everything, user.

>This is how dumb atheists are

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I'm agnostic, it's possible there is a god, but in my opinion unlikely, I would need more proof that the universe requires creation. But a personal god as described by ancients is comical


the universe is infinite in space, why not also time?

This honestly, I'm comfortable with the lie that there is a God when there probably isn't. You need a God to establish objective morality and with objective morality a civilization will degrade. So fuck it, bring on the lie, it's above being "good" it's necessary.

>there probably isn't.
provide some proof to support this please

*without objective morality

Because that flies in the face of all observational science. For example entropy.
To make the argument the universe is eternal would be to deny science and believe in something evidenceless based on faith.

Certainly you wouldn’t do something that silly, right?

That doesn’t make sense, if the “god” you believe in is fake that means the morality isn’t objective.

Gibs proof he does exist, you can't, and I can't disprove him, I don't care. If you're so autistic you need people to believe your bullshit and not just go along with it, you will lose to more pragmatic people who know it doesn't matter.

No, Hernandez, you provide the proof of god because you're claiming he exists in the first place.

The tao that can be named is not the tao.

>That doesn’t make sense, if the “god” you believe in is fake that means the morality isn’t objective.
It's not about the individual, it's about the majority, if almost everyone believes there is a god, you can have objective morality because the majority agrees even if he doesn't exist because them believing he does is enough to make it work.

That would be collective morality, not objective morality; and god isn’t necessary.

Are you delusional? I haven't claimed God exists? If you're saying something does not exist you are obliged to provide proof in support of this claim, period. Otherwise, anyone can just claim the nonexistence of anything whatsoever and not have to support their position with any proof.

were talking about the origins of the universe, nothing is off limits and we can't base everything on our surface level experience of the universe.

>deny science
>based on faith

I'm not preaching certainty of anything, you are

Well, I was talking about the origins of the universe, you were talking about an infinity later which is actually a bit of a dodge; whether or not the universe could last for eternity actually doesn’t address nor negate an origin

I’d be happy to get back to the origins of the universe.

Imagine anti-christians asking pathetic questions in the 21st century that have already been answered by Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century in various works just to have today anti-Christian autistics demanding those answers in Jow Forums.

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Entropy doesn't imply time isn't endless, only that it would have to be cyclical. Nietzsche vindicated once again.

If the universe is infinitely old it didn't have a beginning

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic.
First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid.
If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again.
But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day.
The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.
I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.
Gradually I began to hate them.

And a lack of an end doesn’t negate the necessity of a beginning.

and yet you use words
and words have fixed meaning because of god

even christian philosophers have said Aquinas' logic was full of fallacies

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The problem is that our best model of cosmology says that the universe had a definite beginning. (Big Bang Model)

Again, this goes against our observations of cosmology and of common sense. If you want to deny science and embrace this on evidenceless faith, so be it.

the first big bang of an infinite number of big bangs, possibly

true, but there's no reason to believe a beginning exists by default.

I want you to be self aware you have devolved into making a bunch of shit up because you are repulsed by the concept of being in a created universe that much.

Actually there is, causality. There is a chain that would reach multiple infinities were they to exist that is unbroken all the way to that beginning.

To deny that you would have to deny causality, at which point science goes out the window and you are just telling yourself fairy tales in an absurd universe.

no, I'm just not limiting myself and assuming humans have it all figured out

Time is a flat circle. Whatever beginning you pick, it will be reached again eventually. Causality doesn't contradict this.

user, your last point was that maybe there was a “first” of “an infinite number” of something. Ignoring that contradiction between your earlier denials, I’ll point you back to premise A2:

Yes it does. That’s called being your own grandpa and it’s absurd, evidenceless, and goes against what we have learned by studying our universe.

The assumption that there is an infinite number of big bangs that simply exists for no reason whatsoever would appear to require more faith than believing in God. plus .

no, I'm not assuming anything, I'm just saying it's possible

It's not absurd at all. You're saying there's no possible way the universe could be exactly the same at two different times?

They always end up throwing science into the dustbin out of revulsion at the thought of a creator.

If you're not willing to defend anything you say then what's the point of this conversation?

I am absolutely saying that. To argue otherwise is the literal definition of absurd. You are arguing that the events that are happening right now are what lead to you being born.

You can’t possiby be this disingenuous

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You STUPID IDIOT..................grrr. .....IDIOT............

Also God is more she than he, also God must not be thought of as anthropomorphic everyone with a right mind knows that's fucking retarded. IDIOTS. IDIOTS EVERYWHERE. Grrrrrah!!

Certain things are aptly given the "she" pronoun, like the sea, a ship, or guitar. Ok? Got that? Faggots? God is an intelligence beyond comprehension for your puny fucked up minds. Ok? So listen here. You just keep eating meats, drinking alcohol and watching television and wonder why at the end of the day "God" doesn't come to you. Ok? You made your bed now lie in it cause God is WITH THE RIGHTEOUS CHILDREN FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Not on such a short time scale. I'm saying that eventually the universe will collapse into a state that leads to the big bang exactly as it happened before.

that is my point. there's no point defending either side because there will always be plausible deniability. To be certain of anything about the origins of the universe is to be close minded

And I’m saying this is a fairy tale you believe based on evidenceless faith. All observations show not only did we originate from a single point, but that we are actually ACCELERATING away from that point faster and faster.

That is correct, sir.


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we currently are, but there's no way to know for sure what could happen on a long enough timescale. We can only work with the evidence provided to us. It also makes sense to me that if the universe is endless, it will eventually end up in the same state, just by the pigeon-hole principle.

Also I must refer you back to premise A2 again.
Read it a few times


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We all know that, but if normies don't believe in god they act like complete degenerates so we tell lie to them.

Well then you still have a burden of proof, don't you? You believe that "there's no point defending either side". You need to prove (or at least confirm) that there is no good evidence for, or against the existence of God.

A2a doesn't follow from A1.