She's got a point. If you're a boomer who requires Viagra, maybe you should be out of the gene pool

She's got a point. If you're a boomer who requires Viagra, maybe you should be out of the gene pool.

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I know it's a troll, but...

>Comparing Apples to Oranges.
>Ignoring this is mainly done through the DOD for retirees that put in their work as military servicemen, some suffering psychological and/or physical trauma cause of it: all men don't just get it.
>Lying by omission that the DOD doesn't help fund other female-focused birth control for female servicemen: Plan B, IUD, Diaphragms, and even surgical sterilization.

Funny that a satisfying smug look comes from a dishonest weasel.

>not realising viagra also helps to treat pulmonary hypertension and heart failure.
also ur a faggot and you should kill yourself

I want to wipe the smug look off her face with my limp dick

No she isn't. Viagra is prescribed to increase blood flow, particularly among diabetics and people with other cirulation problems that risk amputation without it.

pulmonary hypertension and heart failure are God's will, faggot

Viagra SHOULD be removed, along with abortion and condoms. Hedonistic degenerate ape retards who's existence is fixated on their genitals should be purged. All of this is garbage.

Meanwhile real countries are advancing in stem cell research.

I don't know what this bitch is on about. Your great grandparents were against fag marriage and abortion. Every person I've met 55> is a Liberal "Muh Freedomz" Cuck.

It's true. It should only be allowed for married men. Boomers have had their key parties, time to give up the sexing and focus your energy on making your community better. Be like the grandfather your grandkids always wanted before they abandoned you but do it this time for the unfortunate kids. American kids I mean, no foreign pets allowed

She obviously is not able to commit to that compromise, but if feminists were willing to accept the outlaw of abortion in exchange for the outlaw of Viagra, I'd say that's 100% worthwhile. Of course, they don't understand that deal wouldn't benefit them, but if the intention is for a man to say "Oh well geez I just HAVE to have Viagra, I guess we'll just go back to child sacrifice" then they have miserably failed yet again.

That face would give me a limp dick.

oh look a slut whore who can't even make a proper analogy let alone a fucking argument

gooky cunts are just sextoys

A lot of side effects of medications are sexual related. Imagine if you were in a position where you have to take a medication to stay alive bit your dick stops working. Thats going to really do damage on your marriage not to mention ego. If people took the time to read about who is actually taking viagra amd why they wouldnt look like retards. Comparing 2 things that are completely unrelated do not make them related even with a zinger.

Yes it is. Fuck paying for viagra and condoms

If women won’t get married in their 20s and still have tons of debt, they should just go into the military

The desire to create life and raise well adjusted children is gods will.
The desire to fuck a bunch of niggers while drunk at a rave is some thots will.
Keep your fucking pants on, whores, we are sick of paying for your drunken fuck fests.

She wants that as well.

>maybe you should be out of the gene pool.
Not like their trying to "breed" at this age.
They just want to fuck. And they pay for it

Agreed, neither should be government funded.

Take it from a fucking leaf, socialized medicine is a mistake.

"I am not an ape" says the monkey

Nobody argues this

lel Yeah I appreciate you faggots paying for my Viagra..No Joke, you do, I dont pay for it..You do. I appreciate it. guys, much love.

It's also used to treat hypertension, cancer, and more. Silly whore.

Do vaginal jews really want this ? Breast cancer/cervical cancer research and treatment is also govt. funded(breast cancer is actually the most funded). And the funny part is that it is actually gods will.

Statistics show that women as a whole do not even pay taxes. Where does this false sense of superiority and bravado comes from ?
Is female genocide not the true path ?

Kek.... I like the cut of your jib

>roasties chimp out because they want to have massive amounts of unprotected sex with strangers
>I-if you don't support abortion we won't have sex!

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What does sexual performance have to do with abortion?

Women should be allowed birth control. They should also be allowed to take medicine that makes their pussies wet.

This has nothing to do with abortion.

Piers Morgan
Which does prompt the obvious question if you feel that protective of the LGBT community, why did you feel the need to ban transgender people from serving in the U.S. military?
Donald Trump
Because they take massive amounts of drugs, they have to. And also -- and you're not allowed to take drugs. You're in the military you're not allowed to take any drugs, you take an aspirin. And they have to after the operation. They have to, they have no choice, they have to. And you would actually have to break rules and regulations in order to have that.
Piers Morgan
The cost of the medication is minuscule compared to the overall budget, right? But you said that.
Donald Trump
Yes. Yeah, but you also had the...
Piers Morgan
The U.S. military spends a lot more money, for example, on giving viagra to service men and women, or service men.
Donald Trump
I didn't know that they do.

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The look on her face makes me think she needs a good raping

>stopping all medical care is the same as not allowing sluts to have abortions

I swear, if it came down to gender lines, women are ill equipped for anything beyond sex. They are simply retarded if they think helping people with erectile dysfunction is the same as killing unborn children.

Also, what about the fact that there are soldiers and police officers that have suffered psychological trauma that renders them unable to get an erection?

Tell her they can't get get viagra, she can't get protection from police for the rest of her life and see how fast this chink cunt folds.

that look. i was going to comment on it. that smug look can only come from a petulant retard.

>that smug look can only come from a petulant retard.

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