New Wolfen((stein))) lads.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hitler killed 19 million

It's gonna bomb worse than battlefield. Bethesda is fucking themselves over.

The Jews he fought killed and continue to kill many, many more


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Here are the protagonists

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>You kill nazis in a wolfenstien game
Yeah, and?

Women BAD

I thought the last one flop, they come for a go again?

As if this game doesn't reek of SJW bullshit.

Hopefully they learnt their lesson and haven't been quite as over the top with the political pandering. It could be a fun game if they just stopped being faggots.

They went all or nothing into this.
>"kill nazis"
>"did I say you can kill nazis?"
>"you play as a tumblrina"
>"and you can kill nazis"
>"a game where you can kill nazis, pls clap guys"

That's been the theme of this game since it started you absolute faggot.

jews killed 100 million


The sad true (for them) is that what all love from wolfenstein are the nazi art in the game, armor, suits, guns.

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>Hopefully they learnt their lesson and haven't been quite as over the top with the political pandering.
h-... hahh-.. hahahahaahaahahahaha!

Yeah I will take a nu-Doom.

badguy uniforms all look cooler than the hexagon costumes of the protagonists.

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t.gucking fame

lad, fuck wolfenstein...
this is the year of SI6IL.
SI6IL is the fps you seek.
load it up with a gzdoom.
go run SI6IL.


Q: What’s the storyline for SIGIL since it takes place after episode 4 and before DOOM II®?

A: After killing the Spiderdemon at the end of E4M8 (Unto the Cruel), your next stop is Earth — you must save it from hellspawn that is causing unimaginable carnage. But Baphomet glitched the final teleporter with his hidden sigil whose eldritch power brings you to even darker shores of Hell. You fight through this stygian pocket of evil to confront the ultimate harbingers of Satan, then finally return to become Earth’s savior. In summary, rip and tear!

see.. doom is and has always been a christian game..
for the 6 gorllionth time..

>that nose


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What’s next three women? Or a minority? Hopefully one is a trap.

As if video games can't be used as propaganda.

But you've always killed Nazis in Wolfenstein. Why complain about it now? Ever played Wolfenstein 3D? The one where you kill Mecha Hitler?

Because they don’t want women in their video games

Why do the devs always make the NatSocs look like Jews, and then make the main Jewish protagonist look like a Nordic Aryan?
Do they understand on a subconscious level that Jews are ugly and Aryans are superior?

Because more people realize now that the Nazis were right.

Wrong, I've played all three of the new Tomb Raiders and thought they were great. Hell one of my favorite characters from RDR2 was Sadie. This game just reeks of SJWism and anti-white BS. Unfortunately whether you want to accept it or not, games are getting more and more politicized do to the nature of politics in this day and age.

Because now they call everyone a fucking Nazi you faggot.

Also the anti-Nazi brainwashing is wearing pretty thin these days.

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What is a foundation myth?


It fulfills three functions.

1) It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).

2) It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).

3) It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1) We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2) "Ultimate evil" is Nazis. "Ultimate good" is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3) The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the "personification of evil", holds the center point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

**Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned**

This is by jew design.

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2. Read through this thread, it's all there...


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Play the old Tomb Raider games, they're great

So? Do you think that anyone calling you a nazi has the balls to do anything other than that? They're all a bunch of spineless cucks.
And it's just a video game. Why're you getting your panties in a twist?

they doubled down on the evil nazis and strong woman thing


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The main two characters are white? You degenerates are so fragile to think that your “whiteness” is under attack by a video game. Your the lowest of the low. If you can’t stand the politics in a video game how do you expect to make our future.

>If you can’t stand the politics in a video game how do you expect to make our future
isn't that the whole point? to take a stand against this shit? to revolt against the SJW politics?

they are mutts

>you'll never get to press your face into her ass

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thats not the problem, the problem is that they emphasize on the "le ebil nazis" because of current politics, older wolfensteins never did this, and you wont see any other games emphasizing on "le ebil communists" or demons or whatever like they do

>Shut up and buy it goyim!
The fuck do you mean by "whiteness"? This game seems like a great conduit for propaganda. The last game definitely was, and do to that I'm not going support this one.

Granted, I haven't watched the new trailer, because I was about to go to bed, but you shoot a shitton of nazis in the older games and it's implied that they're evil and you're good

>kill whitey brainwashing isn't a problem you stupid goy!

Yeahp, no. Fuck off Moshe!

Oh we're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh we're not gonna take it anymore
We've got the right to choose it
There ain't no way we'll lost it
This is our life, this is our song
We'll fight the powers that be just
Don't pick our destiny 'cause
You don't know us, you don't belong
Oh we're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh we're not gonna take it anymore
Oh you're so condescending
Your gall is never ending
We don't want nothin', not a thing from you
Your life is trite and jaded
Boring and confiscated
If that's your best, your best won't do
Oh Oh
We're right (yeah)
We're free (yeah)
We'll fight (yeah)
You'll see (yeah)
Oh we're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh we're not gonna take it anymore
Oh we're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh we're not gonna take it anymore
No way
Oh Oh
We're right (yeah)
We're free (yeah)
We'll fight (yeah)
You'll see (yeah)
Oh we're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh we're not gonna take it anymore
Oh we're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh we're not gonna take it anymore
Just you try and make us
We're not gonna take it
Come on!
No, we ain't gonna take it
You're all worthless and weak
We're not gonna take it anymore
Now drop and give me twenty
We're not gonna take it
Oh pledge pin
No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh you and your uniform
We're not gonna take it anymore

As I've said before, you kill Nazis in every Wolfenstein game, even the old ones. But all of a sudden it's a problem.
Stop acting retarded for a moment, yeah?

It would be ok if the game was fun, but the previous ones were boring as fuck. Lame story, stupid nonsense characters... Afros... Breast feeding... Giant retards... Jewish lawyers... Didnt mean to make that list so long. Just hated the game.

Revolting against SJW politics... by complaining about a video game. The real world is happening and your fight is inconsequential. But of course you don’t understand your portugues.

This image debunks the entire game.

Attached: black-nazis-celebrate-diversity-meme-vk-clark.jpg (960x720, 150K)

Australian calling Poles mutts?

to hte modern left

nazis = all white people

fuck off, cuck

The reason why people hated it was because it had Jewish lies in it it portrayed the Nazis as anti-black anti-hispanic anti-asian. This game was a complete Jewish mockery of the National Socialist Party. The whole ideology of the National Socialist Party right here in this imageDebunks everything that that game stood for Hitler unfortunately like black people and so forth. This is a fact of reality that you need to cope with and understand that people are angry that they were trying to make the National Socialist Workers Party some kind of white supremacist organization they also refer to the United States as the Ku Klux Klan and real-life the Germans hated the Ku Klux Klan in fact they even made artwork posters making fun of them. We weren't mad we were shooting Germans we were mad that they made some kind of bastardized fucking version of the National Socialist Party by claiming they were a bunch of backward white supremacist Hicks

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Videogames serve as propaganda for politics, you said it yourself. No matter how much you disdain them, they are here and they influence people and most of all kids.

>Just shut up and buy it already!
By not buying it we are revolting, albeit in a small way. Not every single way of revolting has to be extreme. By exposing the bullshit and anti-white SJW undertones of the game is revolting.

Oy vey, you mean 20 million.

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cultural artifacts have cultural influence.

don't you find it memey that you are posting pics like that with your flag?

but the nazis never won a war.
the commies pushed back to Berlin and burned that shit down and the nazis all commited sepuku or were hanged
it's literally the losers side
you're gonna have to deal with it.

This is one is a degenerate, they will never build the future. They are blind. They think a video game is a threat.

You play as a white man in Wolfenstein.
And as I said earlier, the ones that call everyone nazis are all spineless betas who won't do jack shit other than name-calling

5 million for Japan? Yea no.

Yes. They systemically genocided 6 million jews, invaded and destroyed Polish lands and culture, murdered millions of Slavic people and stole as much of Europe's wealth as possible to fuel it's crackpot regime. What's your point, user?

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Oy vey, stop noticing things, goy

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They killed 800 million you dirty bigot. Just listen to the eyewitness testimony.


Get dunked on faggot. I hated the game because it made National Socialism out to be a operation of white supremacy.

Incorrect, all nazies are evil except the obese racemixing ones.

basically a jew

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They are the ones that made the game, or the last one at least. It was a total shitshow of thinly veiled "DRUMF IS A NAZI".

why tf is bj a half jew now? hasnt he suffered enough?

how long until someone rips the assets and mods an entire nazi side campaing where you fight the jewsistance

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Not an arguement to refute my point. Coming from the people who's country was directly working with uss in ww2. I'm very enraged at this game.

Okay. The other games also showed the Nazis as white, so why are you only mad at this game?

please don't try and diminish the effects of violent leftist action
you are talking about a movement whose roots have been built almost entirely upon terrorism - I'm sure you don't intend to erase the proliferation of violence among leftist actors, but you should keep in mind that doing so harms the ability for us and others to keep vulnerable peoples and communities abreast of effective tactics for resisting leftism.

remember: the best defense against leftism is KNOWING

You ever notice how SJW and progressive types freak out over everything? And have you also noticed how right wing conservative types don't do anything at all when something actually significant happens?

The leftists flip shit immediately to back down their opponents, giving no ground and causing as much chaos as possible to shut their opposition down. So to beat them we have to flip shit on every little thing they do. So fuck this game and the nigger faggot cucks who buy it.

Because the majority of germans are white? Also false, return to castle wolfenstein had blacks and Egyptians fighting for the Germans in the early chapters. There were Asian SS men also throughout rtcw. Look at the facial models in X-labs.

Germany was mostly white. But portraying them as anti-black haters is a straight fallacy. Your arguement is beat and shattered. If this game had legit black nazis in it, dropped the white supremacy horse shit that WASN'T IN THE OTHER games. Than I'd of liked it. But no it was another crutch for Judaic new world order and Romero fired all executives that worked on the game.

Ah yes truly contributing by... doing absolutely nothing. Pathetic.

You've never heard of a boycott? Fuck's sake, if that's the case I doubt you even know what that flag you hide behind means either.

hitler worshipers sure get mad at videogames
you lost the war and your leader killed himself in shame
time to get over it

>ever notice how SJW and progressive types freak out over everything? now excuse me while I rage a blacks killing nazis in a videogame

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You know the singer of that song is jewishright?

>so why are you only mad at this game?
Who said he was? Why are you making that assumption? What do you want him to do, list every game he has a problem with? This thread is about this game, it's new, it's coming out soon I think, and it'll be used for propaganda. Lets play as two white women running around killing "evil" white men for the oppression of poor minorities. It's virtue signalling the game.

boycott doesn't do much, jews literally print money to fund these industries.

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Than get back to me. Thanks for baiting and you'll get coin dropped soon faggot.

So are we being replaced or not? Are you saying we're not being replaced then showing those pictures as a way of conveying that we actually are being replaced? What are you attempting? Do you even know?

>5 million
>starting in 1941
Also, Leopold wasn't a dictator, he was a King who ascended to the throne peacefully, and we have no idea how many died on rubber plantations. The figures range between 1 and 15 million, there were only a total of 175 administrators in charge of the rubber plantations, there was virtually no census, and Africa had and still has massive amounts of malaria and smallpox killing millions. It's like citing King George as the sole reason vast numbers of indians died to smallpox and other communicable diseases spread by air.

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>that pic
lol ok

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calling me a jew isn't going to make you win a war that happened 70+ years ago lmao

Flag look familiar? A boycott is only useful when it removes a significant segment of the market. Do you think we represent a significant segment of the market? No. Therefor it is a waste of time. Why no marketing campaign? Why no political rallies? It is degenerates fixating on a non issue that will achieve nothing.


>The main two characters are white?
What color are their eyes? If the answer is brown, their skin may as well be too.

That being all the people who didn't buy the last game either, causing it to flop.

Jew education on display. Hang out here a bit longer and learn, newfag.

can you blame him he was a homosexual trans half jewish drug addict who had sex with other gays with his supposed detached and deformed micropenis

So where's that communism you promised us? Seems to keep imploding.

You really think that your boycott caused that flop? What a fucking degenerate. Just admit your happy to pretend to take action because your too lazy or stupid to make a real difference.

You argue like a woman. Holy shit the Germans lost WW2, you're right! Doesn't mean they were wrong. You're literally sporting the flag of communists, whats the kill count of the communists again? From what I remember the communists are also losers, they lost in 1991.

friendly reminder that hitler did nothing wrong

I think that people ripping the shit game a new one put a lot of people off buying it.

that can perfectly be a german nose tho